Rebirth and Expansion The death of ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky, followed by the election of Jerome Winson of Clan Wolf as ilKhan, marked the first time that the Clans were not led by a Kerensky. Instead of marking the beginning of an age of indecision and uncertainty, the next century came to be known as "The Golden Century." All facets of Clan society experienced a period of intense development and growth during this time. The worlds of the Pentagon were reconstructed, erasing the final scars of the Civil War. Nicholas Kerensky, like his father before him, was elevated to the level of a demi-god, and both his writings and recorded speeches became objects of reverence.
重生与扩张 狼氏族的Jerome Winson被选举为ilKhan后,随之而来的ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky的死亡标志了氏族第一次不由一个Kerensky所领导。这并非是一个优柔寡断和多变的年代的开端,相反,随之而来的下一个世纪被称之为 “The Golden Century”。在这期间,氏族社会的所有层面都经历了一段高速发展的时期。Pentagon这个词被重新定义,抹去了Civil War留下的最后一点伤痕。就像之前他的父亲那样,Nicholas Kerensky被抬到了接近半神的高度,他的著作和演讲录音都成为人们崇敬的对象。
Exploration continued in the Kerensky Cluster, but exploitation of its worlds lagged for two reasons. One was the sheer lack of people trained to take advantage of any discoveries, and the other was the Grand Council's desire to keep Clan society on a short rein. This did not prevent the Clans from bidding for newly discovered worlds. Although most Clans established only small outposts on new worlds, Clan Wolf seems to have taken fuller advantage of what they owned. They established major industrial complexes on the cluster worlds of Paxon and Tiber, despite rumblings within the Grand Council against such extensive colonization.
在Kerensky Cluster内的扩张继续着,但是对其各个世界的开发却被两个原因所阻碍,一是缺乏训练有素的人力来有效利用新的发现,另一个是the Grand Council对氏族社会的严密控制。但这并没有妨碍各个氏族对新发现的世界的热情。大部分的氏族在新世界上仅仅建立了小型前哨站,但是狼氏族却似乎能够很好的利用它们所拥有的资源:尽管the Grand Conuncil里有不少反对这种大规模殖民行为的声音,他们仍在Paxon和Tiber的cluster worlds中建立了很多大型工业设施。
The scientist and technician castes reached new heights of excellence during the Golden Century. They perfected artificial womb technology, rebuilt the Clans' industrial base, and made advances in virtually every field of endeavor. Not surprisingly, it was in military technology that they made the greatest, and ultimately the most devastating, advances.
科学家和技术人员阶级在the Golden Century里获得了前所未有的成就。他们完善了人工子宫技术,重建了氏族的工业基地,并在几乎所有的领域内都获得了突破。理所当然的,他们在军事技术上得到了最大,也是最具有毁灭性的进展。
In 2854, scientists from Clan Coyote carried the concept of the Mercury BattleMech to its logical extreme by developing a 'Mech with a completely modular weapons system. The result was an "OmniMech," a machine whose weaponry could be completely reconfigured or replaced by a few technicians to suit the situation in just a few hours. This was the first significant improvement of the BattleMech since its development by the Star League, and it gave the Clans tremendous flexibility, which they have used against us to great advantage. Because of the OmniMechs, Clan Coyote enjoyed a considerable advantage until the other Clans could create their own versions. This took several years.
2854年,森林狼氏族的科学家开始研究一种基于Mercury BattleMech概念的,拥有完全可塑的武器系统的机甲。其成果被称为“OmniMech”,这种机甲的武器系统能被数名技术人员在仅仅几个小时内彻底重新调配和撤换来适应各种情况。这是自Star League研制出战斗机甲以来的第一个重大进展,森林狼氏族由此获得了巨大的机动性和适应力,并借此取得了对我们的巨大优势。同样,该氏族的优势持续了几年,直到其他氏族也能够制造类似的机甲为止。
At about the same time the OmniMechs were being developed, Clan Wolf scientists were working on an armored infantry suit. It protected a soldier, allowed him to keep up with 'Mechs, and enabled him to carry weaponry that could threaten 'Mechs. The Wolf Clan used the first of these powered armor suits in 2868, when two Stars of Clan Wolf infantry defeated a light Star of Clan Nova Cat OmniMechs during a Trial of Possession.
Both the battle armor and those wearing it were called "Elementals" because they could fight in any element: air, water, fire, earth, or even space. It is interesting to note that some passages of The Remembrance mention specific elements when referring to the battle armor, which suggests that early versions of the units functioned in specific environments. The scientist caste began breeding larger and physically stronger warriors who could better cope with the strain of wearing the armor. Other technological and biological advances resulted in the Clans boasting troops of genetically superior Elementals before 25 years had passed.
这些战斗套装和穿着他们的士兵被统称为“Elementals”,因为他们可以在任何环境中作战--空中、水中、火里、地面甚至太空中。有意思的是,The Rememberance中的某些关于这些装备的段落特别提到了其中的几种,这暗示了这些套装的早期版本在特定的环境中工作。科学家阶级开始培养体型更大、更健壮的战士来配合穿起这些套装的压力。其他技术和生物领域的成果使得氏族拥有年龄低于25岁的极佳的Elmemtal队伍。
During the Golden Century, the Clans matured into a society totally unlike anything with which we are familiar. Discussions with various Loremasters indicate that it was during this era that the Clans began to foster a hatred for the peoples of the Inner Sphere. Though The Remembrance couches the Clan's sentiments in quasi-religious tones, their view of us is made clear. We are considered unenlightened savages living in luxury, while a far more civilized people is forced to live on hostile worlds far from Terra. In particular, they developed a strong contempt for the five major Houses, whom they consider responsible for the Star League's fall. Clan warriors see the worlds of the Inner Sphere, especially those of the former Terran Hegemony, as virtual paradises, but their view is distorted by both bitterness and idealization.
在the Golden Century期间,氏族逐渐发展出一种成熟的、不与任何我们熟悉的种类相似的社会形态。与多个Loremaster讨论的结果表明,氏族就是在这一时期开始培养一种对内天体世界的仇恨的。虽然The Rememberance中仅用了类似宗教的文风来表达氏族的情感,但他们的观点已被我们所了解。我们被描述成一些在富庶的地区生活的无知的未开化群落,而远要文明得多的他们却被迫居住在远离Terra的敌对的世界里。对于其认为的致使Star League崩溃的五个家族,他们形成了一种强烈的蔑视。氏族的战士将内天体的世界,特别是那些以往属于Terran Hegemony的世界视为天堂,虽然这种眼光往往被怨恨和理想所扭曲。
Crusaders' Call By 2980 many in the Clans were ready to return to the Inner Sphere. Citing The Remembrance, warriors noted that three generations had passed many times over, and that it was time to reestablish the Star League and end their self-imposed exile. This zealous faction called itself the "Crusaders." Other warriors embraced the Crusaders' views, not because they believed in the faction's interpretation of The Remembrance, but because they saw the Inner Sphere as an opportunity to prove themselves. Even the lower castes, particularly the merchants, who were always eager for new markets, began to agree that the Hidden Hope would be resolved by the Clans' return to the Inner Sphere.
Crusader' Call 到了2980年,许多氏族已经准备好重返内天体。Citing The Remembrance, warriors noted that three generations had passed many times over, 而重建Star League,结束他们自愿的流亡的时机已到。这群狂热的人自称为“Crusaders”。其他的战士拥护Crusaders的观点,但却不是因为他们同意Crusaders对The Rememberance的解释,而是因为他们意识到这是证明自己的好机会。甚至一些底层阶级,如热衷于新市场的商人,也开始同意氏族回归内天体将完成The Hidden Hope。
The Grand Council had strong reservations about returning, mainly because of an almost total lack of information about events in the Inner Sphere since the Exodus. They expressed the fear that the Inner Sphere had not gone up in flames as predicted, but was united, as strong as or stronger than the Clans.
The Grand Council对回归持了强烈的保留意见,这主要是因为氏族对于自他们流亡以来,内天体系统的各种资料和发生的事件几乎一无所知。他们惧怕内天体没有像预测的那样陷于内乱,却统一了起来,像氏族一样强大,甚至超越后者。
The council decided to form Intelser, an intelligence service whose operatives would move cautiously toward the Inner Sphere to gather information. Operatives traveling as independent traders made contact with and infiltrated the Periphery states, relaying what they learned to the Clans. By 2984, a somewhat confused picture of the Inner Sphere had begun to emerge.
议会决定组建Intelser,一个谍报机构。其成员伪装成独立贸易商,谨慎地向Periphery states渗透,并将所得到的信息传回氏族。到了2984年,一个仍然有些许迷惑人的关于内天体情况的图像已经开始成形。
The Clans learned that there had, indeed, been a holocaust, called the Succession Wars, as predicted by Aleksandr Kerensky. However, they mistakenly believed that the technological level of the Periphery domains was typical of the entire Inner Sphere. The Grand Council decided that the Inner Sphere was not a military threat. Those who wanted to return claimed that the conditions laid out by General Order 137 proved that the time was ripe: "When the time is right, when the strength of our will and our honor is humanity's only hope to struggle up from the ashes, only then can our strong descendants make the long journey to the home that is rightfully ours." The Crusaders felt these conditions had been fulfilled. The Grand Council agreed to discuss the Crusaders' call to arms, and thus began what would become known as the Great Debate.
氏族已明白内天体确实有过一场被称为the Succession Wars的血腥屠杀,正如Aleksandr Kerensky预料的那样。但是,他们错误地认为整个内天体的技术实力与Perphery domains相当,而the Grand Council由此认定内天体不是一个军事威胁。渴望回归的人宣称General Order 137定下的条件证明了时机已成熟:“当时机到来,当我们的力量和荣誉已成为人类从废墟中崛起的唯一希望时,我们强大的后代才能度过漫长的旅程,返回本应属于我们的家园。”The Crusaders认为这些条件已经被满足。the Grand Council同意开始讨论the Crusaders的动员令,the Greate debate由此开始。
The Clans eventually formed two camps, the Crusaders and the Wardens. The Crusaders were those who favored an immediate return to the Inner Sphere to reestablish the Star League according to the writings of the Kerenskys. The Wardens, on the other hand, believed that the Kerenskys had never meant their words to be read so literally. They asserted that the words were meant not as a command to future generations, but to stir courage. They believed the Clans' destiny was to develop their own culture, separate from the tainted ways of the Inner Sphere, but willing and able to come to the Inner Sphere's aid if menaced by any outside threat.
各个氏族最后分成了两个阵营:the Crusaders和the Wardens。the Crusaders认为根据the Kerenskys的文字,应当立即返回内天体并重建the Star League;而在另一方面,the Wardens认为Kerenskys所写的东西不应该被看得如此表面。他们坚持认为这些话并不是对后世的一种命令,而是将信念传播了下去;他们相信氏族的命运是发展出他们自己的,独立于那被玷污的内天体的文化,但当内天体受到外来的威胁的时候,愿意帮助他们。
Though challenged to do so, the Wardens never clearly articulated what they meant by "outside threat." Some suggested intelligent life forms from beyond human-conquered space. Others made reference to the possibility of a despotic domain in the Inner Sphere whose principles ran so contrary to human decency that the Wardens would feel compelled to intervene.
虽然被要求这么做,但是the Wardens却从未说清楚“外来的威胁”是什么。一些人说是处于人类探索过的太空之外的生命形式,另一些说是内天体中产生的暴政,其手段之暴虐使得他们感到有必要干预。
At most, said the Wardens, the Clans should establish only the coolest of relations with the domains of the Inner Sphere, returning only if invited or if the Successor States collapsed through their own folly. Both sides supported their arguments with the writings of the Kerenskys, but neither side could claim a majority and force the issue. Individual Clans were divided over the issue, most being split almost evenly between the two suggested courses of action. This is the most divisive issue that the Clans have ever faced.
The Wardens说,氏族最多只应该与内天体建立最冷淡的关系,而仅在被邀请,又或者the Successor States被自己干的蠢事搞崩溃了的时候返回。争论的双方都用Kerenskys的文字作为自己观点的论据,但谁也没能占上风。单个的氏族内部亦对此有两种意见,大部分都平分为两股几乎同等的势力,这是氏族曾面对的最分裂的局面。
The debate lasted months, then years, during which the Crusaders slowly mustered a majority. Though Clan Wolf remained primarily Warden, even their influence could not stem the tide of support for the Crusaders.
争论持续了数个月,在这期间,the Crusaders慢慢聚集了足够的力量而占了上风。虽然狼氏族仍然是the Wardens的代表,但即使是他们的影响力亦无法阻止局面倒向the Crusaders。
Dragoon Compromise In 3000, Khan Nadia Winson of Clan Ghost Bear, sensing that the Crusaders had finally gained the upper hand, attempted to force the issue with a vote. She was stymied when Khan Kerlin Ward of Clan Wolf suggested a clever compromise. Khan Kerlin Ward contended that not enough information was yet available to make such an important decision. He proposed sending a sizable Clan force, under the guise of a mercenary unit, into the Inner Sphere to judge its military, economic, and political might, providing the Grand Council with a detailed report of the strengths and weaknesses of their future opponents.
骑兵的妥协 3000年,鬼熊氏族的首领Khan Nadia Winson觉察到了the Crusaders最终取得了优势,并尝试以一次投票来决定结果。但这一举动被狼氏族的Khan Kerlin Ward所阻止,后者提出一个漂亮的解决方案:既然目前没有足够的资料来作出如此重要的决定,那么就派出一股相当规模的氏族部队伪装成贸易单位进入内天体来测试其军事、经济和政治力量,最终提交给the Grand Council一份关于其未来的对手的力量和弱点的详细报告。
The Grand Council agreed the plan had merit, and Clan Wolf was awarded the honor of mustering the force. Rather than risk their best fighters, they planned to use freebirths and other low-regarded warriors. If these warriors performed well, they would be rewarded by having their genes added to the gene pool.
The Grand Council认可了这个计划,而狼氏族获得了组织这支部队的荣誉。考虑了损失的风险,他们计划使用freebirths和低层战士而不是他们最好的战士来进行这次行动。如果这些人表现很好,他们的基因将被加入gene pool作为奖励。
The unit was dubbed "Wolf's Dragoons." Commanding the multi-regiment unit were Jaime and Joshua Wolf, controversial choices because both were freebirth. Many of the Clans balked at this choice, but the Grand Council finally decided that Clan Wolf had the right to outfit and staff the Dragoons as they saw fit. The roster of the Dragoons included several Bloodnamed warriors who volunteered for the mission, among them a young and feisty Natasha Kerensky.
这支部队被称为"Wolf's Dragoons"。指挥这些来自不同团体的单位的是两位由于出身freebirth而备受争议的长官Jaime and Joshua Wolf。许多氏族不接受这个选择,但是the Grand Council最终裁决狼氏族有权决定按照他们的最佳方案配置这支部队。队伍中包括了一些自愿报名的Bloodnamed的战士,其中有一位是年轻而活跃的Natasha Kerensky。
The Dragoons left for the Inner Sphere in 3004, outfitted with pre-Exodus BattleMechs from some of the oldest Brian Caches. Other vehicles and equipment were retro-fitted with pre-Exodus parts to prevent advanced technology from accidentally falling into the hands of the Inner Sphere. Young freebirth "dependents" rounded out the appearance of a nomadic mercenary company.
The Dragoons在3004年开始向内天体进发。他们的装备是一些最古老的Brian Caches中的、大逃亡前的机甲,而其他的车辆和设施亦被调整至逃亡前的技术水准来防止氏族的先进科技偶然落到内天体手中的可能性。年轻的 freebirth“随从人员”打扮成一种流浪的贸易商人的外表。
The Dragoons made contact with the Inner Sphere a year later, after making a long, circuitous journey to prevent the curious from discovering their point of origin. They went on to make their historic circuit of service through the Inner Sphere, gathering detailed information on each of the governments and militaries they served. In 3009, the unit returned to the Clans for refitting. They also filed their first-hand reports on the Inner Sphere.
The Dragoons' reports contrasted significantly with the previous Clan perception of the Inner Sphere. The Dragoons reported that the Inner Sphere was not on the verge of collapse, but on the road to recovery. This revelation further divided the Grand Council. The Dragoons were ordered to return to the Inner Sphere and continue their mission, while the Clans considered the implications of their new information. Dragoons的报告与氏族先前对内天体的理解形成了强烈的对比。报告指出内天体并非处于崩溃的边缘,而是走在逐渐恢复的道路上,这个发现使得the Grand Council内部进一步分裂。Dragoons被命令返回内天体去继续他们的任务,而氏族则开始考虑新资料的冲击。
The Dragoons returned, but near the end of the Third Succession War, their intelligence reports to the Grand Council began to slow, for no known reason. It is possible the Dragoons found the freedom of the Inner Sphere, where there were no real castes and where growing old as an active warrior was accepted, to their liking. On the other hand, the death of Joshua Wolf may have played a key role in turning Jaime and the rest of the Dragoons away from the Clans' grand scheme. The Grand Council was unprepared for the Dragoons' sudden reticence, and could not agree on how to react or how to supplement their intelligence-gathering efforts.
Dragoons返回了内天体,但是在接近the Third Succession War的末尾时,他们对the Grand Council所作的谍报开始缓慢下来,原因不明。一种可能性是Dragoons在内天体找到了自由,这里没有真正的阶级,and where growing old as an active warrior was accepted, to their liking. 另一方面,Joshua Wolf的死亡可能是Jaime和其他Dragoons成员疏离氏族的计划的一个重要原因。The Grand Council没有预料到Dragoons的突然而至的沉默,而对于如何对应,以及如何继续他们的情报收集活动意见不一。
The Wardens and Crusaders squared off for a new, more hotly contested debate in late 3029 when rumors from the Periphery suggested a possible union between the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth. The Crusaders claimed that if the rumors were true, such a union would represent a major obstacle to any attempt by the Clans to restore the Star League.
The Wardens和Crusaders在3029年晚些时候展开了新一轮的更加激烈的争论。来自the Periphery的传言说Federated Suns和the Lyran Commonwealth可能结为联盟,而the Crusaders宣称一个这样的联盟将是氏族重建Star League的重大阻碍。
Khan Ulric Kerensky, successor to Khan Kerlin Ward in Clan Wolf, stalled a decisive vote in the Grand Council long enough for news of the Fourth Succession War to reach the Clans. This new war took much of the steam out of the Crusaders' argument that the Inner Sphere was on the verge of reunification. Khan Ulric took advantage of the situation by sponsoring a proposal to postpone the Great Debate until the end of the Fourth Succession War. The proposal was narrowly accepted, but Khan Ulric Kerensky had antagonized the leaders of Clan Jade Falcon, the most radical of the Crusader Clans.
Khan Ulric Kerensky, 狼氏族首领Khan Kerlin Ward的继承者,成功地阻挠了the Grand Council内部的决定性投票,直到the Fourth Succession Wars的消息传进氏族。这条消息推翻了the Crusader的主要论据--内天体正要重新统一。Khan Ulric利用这个机会,提出将讨论押后到这次战争结束,这条提议被勉强同意了。但是Khan Ulric Kerensky从此与碧玉鹰氏族的首领交恶。该氏族是the Crusader中最激进的一份子。
Invasion I was stunned to discover that the incident that eventually tipped the scales in favor of invasion was triggered by our own Blessed Order. One day a ROM exploration vessel, "Outbound Light," appeared at a jump point near Huntress, a world dominated by Clan Smoke Jaguar. Sensing an opportunity but fearing that the Inner Sphere might be on the verge of discovering the location of the Clan worlds, Khan Leo Showers ordered that the vessel be taken intact, with the crew unharmed. Instead of instantly informing the Grand Council of the capture, as might be expected, Khan Leo first interrogated the crew of the explorer ship for several days.
入侵 我震惊地发现,最终导致了争论的天平向着入侵一方倾斜的,是我们自己的Blessed Order。一天,一艘ROM探索船“Outbound Light”,出现在在Huntress(烟虎氏族掌管的一个世界)附近的一个跳跃点。抱着一线希望以及害怕内天体掌握氏族世界的位置,Khan Leo Showers下令扣押这艘船但是不许伤害船员。但在马上通报the Grand Council前,Khan Leo先行审问了这些船员几天。
When Khan Leo finally notified the other Clans of his discovery, he did so with superior knowledge of the Inner Sphere situation and of how ComStar, a force previously unknown to the Clans, fit into the picture. By manipulating what he had learned, Khan Leo Showers forced the Clans to reopen the Great Debate and consider several new issues. Most convincing was his argument that our Blessed Order might soon uncover the location of the Clans, thus exposing them to the entire Inner Sphere. The thought of Inner Sphere forces invading the worlds of the Clan, instead of the converse, was unthinkable to most Grand Council members. Khan Leo Showers laid out the facts of what was happening in the Inner Sphere. The Federated Commonwealth was now a battle-proven, undeniable fact. Also, there had been a sudden recovery of lostech, and the Inner Sphere was far from falling into shambles. The Khan extrapolated that the Federated Commonwealth might well subdue the rest of the Inner Sphere and declare itself the Star League reborn. This was a travesty every Clansman would be willing to give his life to prevent. It was an extremely persuasive argument.
当Khan Leo最终告诉其他氏族他的发现的时候,他已经掌握了更进一步的关于内天体,以及ComStar,这股之前不为氏族所知的势力的资料。通过控制他所传达给其他氏族的消息,Khan Leo Showers迫使the Grand Council重新开始the Greate Debate并考虑几个新的事件。他最有说服力的论点是我们的Blessed Order将很快察觉氏族的位置并将他们暴露给整个内天体世界。内天体部队入侵氏族世界而不是反过来的这种想法,对于大部分Grand Council成员来说是不可想象的。Khan Leo Showers勾勒出了内天体正在发生的情况: The Federated Commonwealth已经被证明为一个不可否认的存在;另外,lostech突然重现,整个内天体世界远非处于混乱中。他推断The Federated Commonwealth很可能在统一内天体后宣称自己复兴了Star League,而这是每一个氏族人都将愿意付出生命来阻止的事情。这个推论的说服力极强。
The result was a Grand Council vote in favor of invasion. Only Clan Wolf voted against. Khan Ulric Kerensky demanded a Trial of Refusal for Clan Wolf. The odds began at sixteen to one, but the bidding reduced the odds to four to one. The warriors of Clan Wolf fought bravely, particularly those of the Third Battle Cluster, who bore the brunt of the action. They nearly seized victory from Khan Leo Showers and his forces, but sheer numbers prevailed, leaving the Wolf force devastated. Khan Leo Showers took advantage of pro-Crusader sentiment, and was elected ilKhan of the Grand Council. Preparations to invade the Inner Sphere began immediately. Their plan was named Operation Revival.
The Grand Council的投票倒向了入侵,只有狼氏族投了反对票。Khan Ulric Kerensky遂要求对狼氏族的态度进行审判。冲突开始时双方的力量对比是16比1,但是(Grand Council的命令)使得对比降为4:1。狼氏族的战士们英勇作战,特别是the Third Battle Cluster的那些人,他们顶住了对方的冲击,并差点将胜利从Khan Leo Showers手中夺走。但是优势数量最终占了上风,狼氏族的力量被全盘毁掉,而Khan Leo Showers抓住征战情绪,被选举为 ilKhan of the Grand Council。入侵的准备工作马上开始了,这个计划被称命名为Operation Revival.
IlKhan Leo Showers, satisfied that he would soon see his life's ambition fulfilled, issued a formal recall order to Wolf's Dragoons, calling upon "our valiant warriors in the barbarian hinterlands to return home," despite his long-standing disdain for the unit. The recall was actually an effort to prove once and for all that Wolf's Dragoons had turned their back on the Clans and could no longer be trusted. He hoped to imply by this that Clan Wolf was also suspect. Natasha Kerensky, the only living Bloodnamed warrior of the Dragoons, was the only Dragoon to return to the Clans when called, which seemed to prove the ilKhan's contention.
IlKhan Leo Showers在他即将达成自己一生的野心时,向Wolf's Dragoons发出了一道正式的命令号召“我们英勇的战士从野蛮人的腹地返回家园”。这道命令实际上是要确认Wolf's Dragoons已经彻底叛离氏族,而他希望借此暗示狼氏族亦值得被怀疑。在所有的Wolf's Dragoons成员中只有Natasha Kerensky,这唯一一个仍活着的Bloodnamed warrior,返回了氏族。这似乎证明了 ilKhan的猜测。
The invasion was halted when ComStar negotiated the use of Tukayyid as a proxy battlefield for Terra. If the Clans won, Terra would be theirs, while if they lost, the Clans would cease hostilities for a period of fifteen years, ending in 3067.