And the IlKhan gave us his final words, Charging us to protect those with whom we found refuge in our time of need. In this, our final duty, we shall not fail.
The Remembrance (Clan Wolf in Exile)
Passage 411, Verse 16, Lines 1-4
于是大可汗向我们下达了他最后的指令:保护那些在我们危难时给予帮助的人们. 这,也将是我们最终的使命,而我们决不能失败”
The exiled Wolves arrived in Lyran Alliance space on 20 November 3057, in the Morges system. The planetary defense had been turned over to the Kell Hounds, which saved the forces the necessity of fighting our way in. The Wolves defeated the pursuing Jade Falcons with help from the Kell Hounds, and in late December joined the strength to theirs when Morgan Kell formed the ARDC. The ARDC has become our home, and everyone of us will fight to the death to defend it.
3057年11月20日,我们(被放逐的狼族)来到了位于Lyran 同盟的Morges星系,这里的行星防卫任务已被移交给凯而猎狐犬佣兵团负责,因此我们也省去了使用武力进入该星系的麻烦.我们在凯尔佣兵团的帮助下击退了紧追在后的碧玉鹰氏族部队,并在接下来的12月里把部队与Morgan Kell的佣兵团联结在一起共同组建了ARC-ROYAL防卫线(ARDC).从此,ARDC就是我们新的家了,而我们中的每个人都愿意为了保卫她而死斗到底.
Wardens of the Inner Sphere
The Wolves (in exile) spent most of 3058 recovering from the Refusal War and beginning to put down roots on Arc-Royal. In his capacity as Arc-Royal's Grand Duke, he grated the Wolves a virtually uninhabited continent on the planet, where the civilian castes immediately set about building a Clan Society.
3058年是被放逐的狼氏族在ARDC扎根并开始从Refusal War(这个请参考众强翻译的狼族历史)的损失中恢复的一年.Kell以ARC-ROYAL大公爵的权限把行星上的一片无人大陆分配给被放逐的狼氏族居住,很快,狼氏族的平民阶级开始在那里建立起一个氏族性质的社会.
In mid-3058, Star Captain Ragnar (formerly Prince Ragnar Magunsson of the Free Rasalhague Republic) was our Clan's contribution to Prince Victor Steiner-Davion's Coventry attack force. Ragnar's understanding of Clan ways provided the crucial information that allowed the Falcons to accept hegira from Prince Victor and withdraw from Coventry without loss of honor. Meanwhile Khan Kell and his wolves accompanied Kell Hound units on tours of the ARDC, sometimes clashing with Jade Falcon units that had slipped out of the occupation zone. What they lacked in numbers, the Wolves (in exile) made up for ferocious combat, proving that they had lost none of their fighting edge.
3058年年中, Star Captain Ragnar(前Free Rasalhague共和国的王子,Star Captian:氏族军队编制及军官设置也请参考诸强的文章)作为我们氏族中的一员,对Victory王子的Coventry攻击部队做出了巨大贡献. Ragnar对于氏族行事方式的深刻理解使得碧玉鹰氏族能够体面而不失荣誉的离开Coventry星系并撤出他们的部队,从而省去了许多不必要的损失.与此同时,可汗Kell和他的狼族勇士们陪同凯尔猎狐犬佣兵团的部队环游了ARC-ROYAL防线,并不时与越过占领区边境线的碧玉鹰氏族的部队发生冲突. 尽管在数量上处于劣势,狼氏族的勇士们用犀利的战斗回答了所有关于他们战斗能力的疑问.
Later that same year, Khan Kell participated in the military planning sessions against Clan Smoke Jaguar at the first Whitting Conference, and in 3059 led three Clusters against the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons on Labrea as part of Operation Bulldog. Fighting under the banner of the Star League, the Fourth Wolf Guards, First Wolf Legion and the First Wolf Strike Grenadiers defeated the Dragoons and took the survivors as bondsman. Two additional Wolf Clusters also participated in the assault on the Smoke Jaguar OZ, defeating Jaguar forces on six other worlds and playing an instrumental role in clean-up operations.
在接下来的半年里,可汗KELL出席了筹划进攻烟虎氏族的first Whitting 会议,并在紧接着的3059年带领三个Clusters规模的部队(还是老话,不知道是多少的参考一下众强的文章)在Labrea星系与烟虎第六龙骑兵团进行了激烈的战斗.在星际联盟的大旗下,第四狼族近卫军,第一狼族军团与第一狼族突击掷弹兵团奋勇作战,击败了烟虎的军队并把生还者编为bondsman (老话,参考氏族习俗部分吧).其他两个狼族Clusters也参与了对烟虎氏族占领区的突击行动,击败了另六个星系上的烟虎部队并在清场行动中扮演了十分重要的角色.
Our clear willingness to shed Wolf blood in the Inner Sphere's defense went a long way toward earning us acceptance from our neighbors, though a few conflicts with Inner Sphere extremists continue to plague the Wolves. Most of these have so far been attributed to Ragnarok terrorists opposed to the Wolf capture of Prince Ragnar Magnusson, though suspicion of the Wolves (in exile) likely still lingers among some populations in or near the ARDC. The people of Arc-Royal, following their Grand Duke's example, seem largely content to live and let live.
我们为内天体的防御事务情愿付出狼族宝贵的鲜血,而这一高贵的行为也使我们慢慢被这些内天体邻居所接受------即使一些与内天体极端分子的冲突还在不时的困饶着狼氏族,而这些冲突大多数是由那些反对狼氏族带走Ragnar Magnusson王子的Ragnarok恐怖分子所引起的.虽然ARDC附近的一些人始终对狼氏族在ARDC的逗留目的表示怀疑,ARC-ROYAL的大多数民众还是学着他们的大公爵的样子,尽量满足于目前的现状.
Military Assets
The Sixth Jaguar Dragoons, capture nearly intact, have added significantly to the still under strength Wolf (in exile) Touman. With the addition of the Sixth, Alpha Galaxy is close to full strength. Epsilon Garrison Galaxy is the most under strengthed, containing only three trinaries per Cluster, as opposed to the five per Cluster deployed prior to the Battle of Tukayyid. The oldest of the sibko cadets who accompanied us into exile have recently come of age, and stand to make promising warriors. Two of Omega Galaxy's Clusters are permanently stationed on Arc-Royal to protect the Wolf (in exile) stronghold against attack by other Clans, especially those with forces in Inner Sphere occupation zones. Given that most other Clans regard the Wolves (in exile) as abomination, cadets placed in Omega are likely to receive more combat experience than they might wish for. In the meantime, their own superiors and the Kell Hounds are providing excellent training, and Khan Kell is confident that his Clan will be able to fulfill its obligations to the Inner Sphere.
烟虎氏的第六龙骑兵团,由于未经太大损失就被整体俘获了,大大加强了力量仍显不足的狼族部队的实力。有了这只部队,Alpha Galaxy(老话,看编制说明)已经接近满编状态了。相比之下,Epsilon Garrison Galaxy却是力量最薄弱的一只部队,其辖下的每个Cluster下只编入了三个trinaries,相比于先前在Tukayyid之战时每个 Cluster下编的五个而言,实在是显的少了些。与此同时,随同这些被放逐的狼族战士们一起来到内天体的许多军校学生们也到了毕业的年龄,值得庆幸的是,他们看起来将会是很有前途的一批战士,这对目前缺乏人手的狼族战士们来说无疑是一个不小的帮助。Omega Galaxy中的两只Clusters(这个...我想可以翻译成战斗群吧)被永久性的部署在Arc-Royal星系上保护狼族堡垒以对抗来自其他氏族部队的攻击,尤其是那些在内天体内有占领区的氏族。由于其他大部分的氏族把这些被放逐的狼族当作背叛者,所以对其的攻击想必也将是必不可少的。因此那些被分配在Omega Galaxy部队中的军校学生们也将会享有更多的获得实战经验的机会----无论他们想或不想 ----不过好在他们所受到的训练也是一流的。可汗Kell对他的氏族充满信心----保卫内天体的任务将决不会失败!
With regard to equipment, the first of the exiled Wolves' new 'Mech designs entered service in 3060, and the trade agreements with the Kell Hounds have netted the Wolves (in exile) much needed machines and supplies. In addition, Wolf scientists and technicians working in tandem with the Kell Hounds recently produced a new OmniMech based on Inner Sphere technology. So versatile is this 'Mech that some Wolf garrison warriors have traded their Clan BattleMechs for it.
至于武器装备方面,被放逐的狼族所研制的最新式机甲也于3060年开始服役,而与凯尔佣兵团所订立的贸易协议则为狼族带来了许多目前所急需的设备与补给。除此之外,狼族与凯尔佣兵团的科学家和机械师们共同研制出了一种新式的全能机甲,这种基于内天体科技的新式机甲是如此的多才多艺以致于很多的狼族战士甚至愿意用自己的氏族机甲来与之交换(不会吧 汗一个) 。
The Wolves (in exile) action against Clan Ghost Bear on Utrecht in late 3060 gained for them badly needed material and resources with which to continue rebuilding, while costing them few casualties. The First Wolf Guards challenged the Bears for the contents of a newly arrived 'ark' ship, a new Leviathan-Class WarShip, among those contents prefab buildings and equipment for building factory complexes. The Ghost Bears accepted the challenge and allowed the Wolves (in exile) safcon, which contributed greatly to the low casualty rate. On significant loss, however, was the capture of Star Captain Ragnar by the Third Bear Guard. His skill and insight will be sorely missed among the exiled Wolf Clan.
3060底年与鬼熊氏族的那场战争为当时的狼氏族赢得了氏族重建所急需的资源与原料,所幸的是,这场战斗的伤亡人员并不多。第一狼族近卫军向鬼熊氏族的部队发起挑战,要求进行一场占有试炼。双方的赌注是一艘Leviathan级战舰和一些建设工厂用的设施。鬼熊氏族的部队接受了狼族的挑战,这对减少双方的伤亡程度有着巨大的意义。狼族在付出了巨大的代价后获得了胜利---- Star Captain Ragnar被第三鬼熊近卫军俘虏了,失去他和他卓越的见识与能力对被放逐的狼氏族无疑将是个沉重的打击。
Once the most powerful of all the Clans, the Wolf Clan has lost its prominence, power, and any hope of returning to its former way of life. In 3050, Clan Wolf warriors led the vanguard to conquer the Inner Sphere. Today, the warriors of the true Wolf Clan stand with the Inner Sphere as a defender of the star systems they once sought to claim as their own. Like the Crusader Wolves, they face the enormous challenge of re-creating a Clan decimated by war; unlike their brethren, the Wardens of Clan Wolf stand ready to repel the coming Crusader onslaught even as they attempt to rebuild their society within the Inner Sphere.
Ordered into exile by ilKhan Ulric Kerensky in order to preserve the best of the Wolf Clan, they brought the heart and soul of the Wolves with them to the Kell Hounds' world of Arc-Royal. Though the Kell Hounds have accepted them as allies against the Crusader juggernaut, others in the Inner Sphere are likely to be less forgiving. Thus, Clan Wolf faces threats on two fronts: from the Crusader Clans that regard them as traitors to Kerensky's vision, and from Inner Sphere factions that may see them as convenient targets for revenge. As for the exiled Wolves, the prospect of beginning a new life in the Inner Sphere is both troubling and exhilarating. Many Clansmen, bred to unquestioning acceptance of their own superiority, find it difficult to conceive of living as mere equals of the Inner Sphere's other peoples. Many others, however, particularly those in the lower castes, see great advantages to becoming a part of the Inner Sphere. Regardless of their attitudes toward the people of the Inner Sphere, most members of Clan Wolf believe their duty demands that they protect the Inner Sphere until its various societies learn to rise above their divisions and can form a new Star League based on the ideals espoused by the Cameron's and Aleksandr Kerensky.
氏族的大可汗Ulric Kerensky以放逐为名想要保存狼氏族的精髓,而狼氏族的战士们也确实带着狼氏族那高贵的魂与心来到了KELL HOUND佣兵团所掌控下的ARC-ROYAL。虽然KELL猎狐犬佣兵团接受了他们并把这些被放逐的狼族勇士们看作对抗无比强大的氏族入侵军的有力盟军,但是其他内天体的势力却不这么想。因此狼氏族不得不同时面对两个巨大的威胁,可谓腹背受敌:一方面改革派氏族认为他们是克伦斯基将军寓言的背叛者,想要消灭他们,另一方面内天体的废柴们也把他们看做复仇行动的理想对象。对这些被放逐的狼族勇士们来说,在内天体的新生活同时充满了恼人的困惑与令人欣喜的要素。这些氏族战士从小就被教育要毫不犹豫的接受上级的指示,等级观念根深蒂固,他们中的许多发现要和这些内天体的人民处于平等地位的相处是很困难甚至是难以想象的事情。而另一些人,特别是那些在氏族社会结构中处于较低地位的人,认为作为一个内天体的成员是件非常有利的事情。但无论他们对内天体人民的看法与观点如何,大多数的狼氏族成员都把保护内天体看作他们的职责与使命,直到有一天不同的势力能够停止互相对抗消除分歧,完成重组星际联盟的梦想----- -正如同他们所深爱的亚历山大-克伦斯基将军心中所希望的那样。(好感动!!)
Given sufficient time, the Wolf Clan can easily accomplish the daunting but necessary task of rebuilding both their society and their military. Unfortunately, the Crusader Clans are unlikely to let too much time go by before pressing their own objectives. The clock is running, and time is against the Wolf Clan. The breaking of the Truce may occur any day, and then all the invading Clans will once again swarm into the Inner Sphere. The exiles of Clan Wolf must somehow be ready to meet the challenge; otherwise, the Crusaders will destroy not only the Inner Sphere, but the true heart of Clan Wolf as well.
As Jade Falcon Marthe Pryde sent her forces into the heart of Katrina Steiner-Davion's newly-formed Lyran Alliance, Victor Steiner-Davion requested the assistance of Khan Phelan Ward of Clan Wolf in exile. Phelan politely refused, stating that his place is defending the Kell Hounds' Arc-Royal Defense Cordon, but did send Ragnar, formerly Ragnar Magnusson and now a MechWarrior in Clan Wolf, as an advisor. The future of the Warden exiles of Clan Wolf remains in doubt, however.
当碧玉鹰氏族的Marthe Pryde派出她的部队攻入Katrina Steiner-Davion新建立的Lyran同盟国的核心部分时, Victor Steiner-Davion王子请求被放逐的狼氏族的可汗Phelan Ward给予支援. Phelan Ward委婉的拒绝了王子的要求,指出他们的任务是守卫KELL猎狐犬所在的Arc-Roya防线,但他另一方面却好心的派出Ragnar(即以前的 Ragnar Magnusson,现在是狼氏族的机甲战士中的一员)作为顾问帮助王子.
无论如何,这些被放逐的狼族勇士今后的命运将留待后人去发现. |