MtA—— 一般用语 |
一般用语 Common Parlance
Acolyte: A servitor of a mage who does not perform magic, but believes in its power. 侍者(Acolyte): 法师的仆人,不会使用魔法,但相信魔法的力量。
Arete (AIR-uh-tay): A mage's level of mystical understanding and connection to the Tellurian. 魔峰(Arete/AIR-uh-tay): 法师领悟神秘力量和与自然沟通的水准,往往被比喻为山峰。在山峰上前进的越高,使用魔法的能力就越强。可以理解为魔法使用和获取魔力的水准。
Ascension: The mythical state of enlightenment beyond human comprehension. 升华(Ascension): 传说中比人类更高的存在状态。
Ascension War, The: The conflict to determine whether the world would embrace magic, science or faith. 升华战争(Ascension War, The): 决定世界会赞同魔法、科技或是信仰的战争。
Arcane: A sort of unconscious "cloaking" effect that some mages possess, rendering them immune to scrutiny. 隐秘(Arcane): 一种让魔法行动可以掩人耳目的方法,让它们可以躲避调查。
Avatar: A shard of spirit energy, tied to the human soul, perhaps from the Pure One(s) of the long-ago universe. Through the interaction of the Avatar with the universe, a mage performs magic. 化身(Avatar): 精神能量的碎片,连结在人类灵魂之上。可能是由宇宙本原而来。通过和化身的接触,法师可以使用魔法。
Awakened, The: Blanket term for supernatural entities, including mages. 觉醒者(Awakened, The): 觉醒获得超自然力量者,包括法师。
Awakening, The: The moment in which one realizes the power to change the universe. 觉醒(Awakening, The): 觉醒者意识到改变宇宙之力的瞬间。
Branding: A punishment in which the mage’s Avatar is marked. 污辱(Branding): 法师的化身被标记带来的惩罚。
Bygone: An otherworldly beast, such as a dragon, that has long since disappeared from Earth. 消逝魔兽(Bygone): 存在于异世界的魔兽,例如龙,早已在地球上灭绝了。
Cabal: A group of mages bound by some common purpose. 结社(Cabal): 基于共通目的与信赖关系而结成的魔法师团体。
Censure: A punishment in which the mage is warned against future violations, similar to parole. 责难(Censure): 针对法师将来可能会造成的改变进行的惩罚,有些像假释。
Chantry: A stronghold of mages. 据点(Chantry): 魔法师所所拥有的根据地,要塞。
Coincidental Magic: Magic cloaked in circumstance. Such magic appears like it “could be happened” coincidentally.巧合性魔法(Coincidental Magic): 努力和特定环境一致的魔法,这些魔法借助了世界规律本身,让效果看起来确实“可能发生”。这样的魔法一般的矛盾和受注意程度都不会很高。 巧合性魔法(Coincidental Magic): 努力和特定环境一致的魔法,这些魔法借助了世界规律本身,让效果看起来确实“可能发生”。这样的魔法一般的矛盾和受注意程度都不会很高。
Convention: One of five groups forming the Technocratic Union: Iteration X, the New World Order, the Progenitors, the Syndicate and the Void Engineers. 协约组织(Convention): 科技联盟由五个协约组织组成:叠代法X(Iteration X)、新世界秩序(the New World Order)、先驱者/原始粒子(the Progenitors)、辛迪加(the Syndicate)、空间工程师(Void Engineers)。
Craft: A cultural faction of mages. 行会(Craft): 同样文化的法师组成的组织。
Deep Umbra: The aspects of the Umbra far beyond Earth, in deep space. 深影界(Deep Umbra): 在远离地球位相存在的影界,在外层空间。
Demon: A name for a dangerous creature from the spirit worlds, possibly a spirit, possibly something else. 恶魔(Demon): 从精神界而来的危险生物之名。可能是灵魂,也可能是……(比Demon the Fallen里面的范围要大)。
Dream Realms: Worlds fashioned from dreams kept alive. 梦域(Dream Realms): 美梦成真的世界。
Epiphany: A magical revelation or sudden insight into magic. 洞察(Epiphany): 魔法的新发现或者对魔法的意外洞察。
Familiar: A spirit given flesh, which bonds with a mage to serve and gain sustenance. 魔宠(Familiar): 具现化精神生物。受到法师指使并受法师供养。
Focus: An item, act, phrase, gesture or similar artifice required to perform magic. Through the focus, the mage concentrates belief and will and causes magic to result. 组件(Focus): 道具、行动、短语、手势或者其他使用魔法所需要的技巧。通过组件,法师浓缩信仰和意志,并且让魔法产生效力。
Gaia: The Earth Mother, spirit of Earth as related by various naturalistic mages. 盖亚(Gaia): 大地之母,地之灵魂,和许多自然魔法师有着密切关系。
Gate: A magical doorway that allows passage between two places. 门(Gate): 连通两个地方的魔法通道。
Gauntlet, The: The barrier separating the material world from the spirit worlds. 铁拳屏障(Gauntlet, The): 割断物质界和精神界的障碍。
Gilgul: The rite of destroying an Avatar as well as a mage’s ability to do magic or to reincarnate. Gilgul: The rite of destroying an Avatar as well as a mage’s ability to do magic or to reincarnate.(嗯……继续求强者翻译)
Hollow Ones: A group that espouses post-modernism, the Gothic subculture and decadence in response to the declining world. 颓废者(Hollow Ones): 支持后现代主义的组织,用哥特和颓废来回答这个堕落中的世界。
Horizon, The: The magical limit separating the Near Umbra and the Deep Umbra. 地平线(Horizon, The): 分割近影界和深影界的魔法限制。
Hubris: The overwhelming pride that leads a mage to believe that he may challenge the cosmos itself, and that convinces a mage that his way is "the right way." Such hubris is often fatal, and it lies at the heart of the conflict between mages. 傲慢(Hubris): 过剩的自尊心让法师们坚信他们可以独自挑战宇宙,并且让他们相信自己所发现的是“正确道路”。傲慢都是狂热的,潜藏在法师心底深处的它们带来偏见和冲突。总得说来,这就是法师在升华战争中失败的原因。
Initiation: A test to pass a young mage from the ranks of apprentice to full responsibility within a Tradition. 试炼(Initiation): 一个测验,让年轻法师从学徒成为在学派中拥有自己职责的真正法师。
Mage: Term for a human who can work magic according to a discrete set of beliefs and practices, and thereby cause the world to change according to her desire. 法师(Mage): 让世界按照自己欲望改变的人。
Magic: The act of altering the world through force of will and practice of belief. 魔法(Magic): 神秘的能够改变宇宙的技术。随心所欲改变世界的无耻技术。
Marauder: A mage given over to dynamism, and tainted by insanity. 掠夺者(Marauder): 狂热投身于力本说的法师,被疯狂所控制。(不太好翻译……按照下面似乎应该翻译成动态?)
Metaphysic Trinity: The universal forces of Stasis, Dynamism and Entropy. 三位一体原则(Metaphysic Trinity): 宇宙的本原是静态(Statis)、动态(Dynamism)和熵态(Entropy)。
Methodology: A sub-group within a Technocratic Convention. 理论学派(Methodology): 科技联盟的一个子组织。
Mystic: Having to do with magic. 神秘学(Mystic): 和魔法有关的都是。
Near Umbra: The parts of the Umbra around Realms and near the Earth. 近影界(Near Umbra): 影界中环绕领域接近地球的那一部分。
Nephandus: A mage who has Fallen to dark service and seeks to return the universe to primordial chaos. 混沌者(Nephandus): 堕落于黑暗之中,想要将宇宙归还混沌本原的法师。(能成功才怪……)A mage who has Fallen to dark service and seeks to return the universe to primordial chaos.
Node: A place of power where Quintessence flows freely and strongly. 节点(Node): 第五元素非常自由和丰富的地方,往往地价很高。据说在附近放下老鼠夹子抓法师成功率也很高。
Oracle: A legendary mage who has moved beyond the understanding of other magicians, perhaps even to Ascension. 圣贤(Oracle): 超越法师侪辈的传说之法师,或许是已经到达了升华境界的法师。
Orphans: Mages who Awaken without formal training and who school themselves in their own magical techniques. Each Orphan discovers her own paradigm of doing magic. 独立法师(Orphans): 没有经过正式训练自己觉醒的法师,拥有他们自己的魔法技术和自己的学派。每个独立法师都拥有自己的魔法实现手段。
Ostracism: A punishment declaring a mage separated from mage society. 放逐(Ostracism): 将法师驱逐出法师社会的惩罚。
Otherworlds: Realms outside the Gauntlet. 异世界(Otherworlds): 铁拳屏障之外的世界。
Paradox: The backlash of reality bending against magical change. Paradox can strike a mage directly, or it may build up subtly. 矛盾(Paradox): 针对魔法改变,客观真实所拥有的反作用力。矛盾可以直接打击法师造成伤害,也可以储存起来巧妙的打击法师。
Paradox Realm: A temporary Realm created by a huge backlash of Paradox, wherein a mage must unravel the bizarre twisting of the universe to escape. 矛盾领域(Paradox Realm): 由巨大矛盾反作用力创造的临时领域。法师必须解开矛盾的缠绕以便逃回到自己的世界。
Paradox Spirit: A spirit entity that hounds a mage as a result of Paradox. 矛盾之魂(Paradox Spirit): 由矛盾所产生的,追击法师的灵魂实体。
Path: A general term for destiny, or for a particular branch of magical practice. 路径(Path): 一种普通的期限(?)——对于命运或者对于特殊的魔法练习手段。
Pattern: The metaphysical composition of an object, place, person or idea. 式样(Pattern): 由思想、人、地点、物品所结合成的超自然合成物。
Procedures: Technocratic "magic". 程序(Procedures): 科技联盟的“魔法”。
Pure Ones: Legendary primordial beings from the dawn of creation; some mages believe Avatars to be pieces of the Pure Ones. “道”(Pure Ones): 由创造之黎明开始就有的传说原始存在;有些法师相信化身就是“道”的一部分。
Pogrom, The: The Technocratic purge of supernatural elements. 大屠杀(Pogrom, The): 科技联盟对超自然原理进行的清洗。
Portal: A permanent Gate, allowing access to or from (not always both) a particular location. Portals can be keyed to allow only certain access or certain times of activation or any number of security measures. 传送门(Portal): 一个永久沟通两地(并不总是双向)的通道。可以通过特殊的通路、开启时间或者密码来作为门钥。
Prime: The force of energy that describes all of reality's basic composit ion. 能量元(Prime): 能量之力,用来描述真实的基本粒子。
Protocols, The: A code of honor and set of rules held by the Traditions. Many Traditionalists feel desperate enough not to constrain themselves to all of the Protocols. 协议(Protocols, The): 传统学派所订立的荣誉之公约和规则之集合。许多学派成员觉得过于拘束而不愿意遵守所有协议。
Quiet: A temporary (usually) delusional state brought on by Paradox and magic. 寂静(Quiet):由魔法和矛盾带来的暂时性(常常是)幻觉状态。
Quintessence: The energy of magic. All things are created from Quintessence and return to it. The building blocks of Prime energy. 魔素/第五元素(Quintessence): 魔法的能量。万物生于其而归于其。但建筑会阻挡原初能量。
Realms: The various worlds of the Tellurian. 领域(Realms): 实界中各种各样的世界。
Resonance: Mystical traces and attunements tied to magical actions, emotions, intent and desire. All magic carries Resonance, and Resonance reflects a mage's will in creating an effect. 共鸣(Resonance): 魔法所造成的痕迹和协调。所有魔法都带来共鸣,共鸣映射了一名法师创造效果时的意愿。
Rote: A magical process handed down as a common (or at least well-used) practice. 成法(Rote): 作为普通(至少是大量使用)的法术被传承下来的魔法技术。
Seeking: The quest for greater enlightenment. 追寻(Seeking): 对伟大启迪的追寻。
Shade Realm: The Umbral component of a Shard Realm. 影域(Shade Realm): 碎域的影界组成部分。
Shard Realm: A Realm or world corresponding to one of the nine elements of magic, sundered from Gaia long ago. Each is ruled by a Celestine and is thought to correspond with one of the planets, including Luna. 碎域(Shard Realm): 环绕魔法的9大元素之一构成的领域,很久以前环绕着盖亚。每个都被一名天神(Celesine)所统治,她们的意念各自环绕着9大行星之一(哦,包括月亮,因为盖亚是地球。)
Sleeper: A person who has not yet Awakened to the fullness of the supernatural world. 沉睡者(Sleeper): 没有觉醒不知道精神世界存在的凡人。
Sphere: A particular element of reality that can be codified and manipulated with magic. 领域(Sphere): 按照魔法的使用元素和使用方法分类成的九大领域。空间(Correspondence)、混沌(Entropy)、原力(Forces)、生命(Life)、物质(Matter)、心灵(Mind)、能量(Prime)、灵魂(Spirit)、时间(Time)。
Static Reality: The "natural course" of reality, unaffected by the direction of magic. Static reality has become more and more constrictive as the world clamps down to a single paradigm and as reality becomes less accepting of change or magic. Static Reality: 现实的“自然进程”,不受魔法所影响。当整个世界变得越来越单一化,当现实变得越来越排斥变化或者魔法,静止现实就变得越来越受限制。(后半句就是万恶的不会)Static reality has become more and more constrictive as the world clamps down to a single paradigm and as reality becomes less accepting of change or magic.
Symposium: A meeting of the Technocracy. 研讨会(Symposium): 科技联盟的会议。
Tass: Quintessence held in a physical object. Such an object can be used for barter, or to power magical effects. Tapestry, The: A metaphor for reality as a whole. 魔晶(Tass): 储存在物理物品之中的魔素。这样的物品可以用来交易,或者用来启动魔法效果。
Technocracy, The: The modern organization and conspiracy dedicated to furthering a scientific and rational basis for the world. The Technocracy hopes to make reality "safe for humanity" by removing random elements and dangerous foibles. It believes that humanity does not have the ability to cope with such elements on its own. As a result, the Technocracy (or Technocratic Union) strives to eliminate magical phenomena and to stop mages, whose powers they do not understand. 科技联盟(Technocracy, The): 献身于科技研究和原理的现代科技组织。科技联盟希望通过消除那些“随机要素”和“危险成分”来让现实“对人类安全”。因此,他们要消灭他们所不能理解的魔法和法师们。
Tellurian: The whole of reality. 实界(Tellurian): 现实的全部。不仅仅是地球。
Tradition: One of the Nine Mystic Traditions, a group of mages sharing similar training and outlooks. The Traditions fight to preserve magic against the Technocracy, and to defend against the depredations of Marauders and Nephandi. These groups are the Akashic Brotherhood, the Celestial Chorus, the Cult of Ecstasy, the Dreamspeakers, the Euthanatos, the Order of Hermes, the Sons of Ether, the Verbena and the Virtual Adepts. 传统学派(Tradition): 由拥有相似看法和能力的法师组成的学派,一共有九个,以保护魔法存在,防御掠夺者和混沌者,对抗科技同盟为己任。九个学派是阿卡希兄弟会(Akashic Brotherhood)、天国颂歌(the Celestial Chorus)、狂喜教团(the Cult of Ecstasy)、梦语者(the Dreamspeakers),慈悲终结团(the Euthanatos)、赫耳墨斯修士(the Order of Hermes)、以太之子(the Sons of Ether)、圣叶(the Verbena)以及虚无党(the Virtual Adepts).
Tribunal: A gathering of Tradition mages to discuss important matters. 裁决席(Tribunal): 传统学派法师讨论重要事务的集会。
Umbra: The spirit world(s). 影界(Umbra): 精神界(不止一个)。
Umbrood: Any number of creatures and spirits that exist in the spirit realms. 影血(Umbrood): 所有存在在精神界之中的生物和灵魂都是影血。
Vulgar Magic: Magic that breaks the "laws of reality," like hurling flame, flying through the air or turning someone into a toad. 下位魔法(Vulgar Magic): 打破了“真实率”的魔法,例如放出火焰、飞行或者把别人变成癞蛤蟆。会造成矛盾的产生。
Wonder: An object of magical power. Some Wonders are simple objects that perform only a small trick or hold a tiny amount of Quintessence, while others are legendary artifacts capable of phenomenal feats of magic and holding great amounts of mystical energy. 神器(Wonder): 拥有魔法力量的物品。某些神器只不过是简单的小魔法器具或者拥有少量魔素,而有些则拥有恐怖的力量。
Wyck: A common name for primordial magi and magic. 神巫(Wyck): 原始法师和魔法的名称。
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