轮回 the Circle 混乱善良秘密组织
Though the sword of justice is sharp, it will not slay the innocent. - Chinese Proverb
很少家族会像影衍(Shadowborn)家族这般承受着黑暗力量带来的巨大苦痛。数个世纪以来,这支骄傲而高贵的血统培养出数位最为虔诚的英雄。尽管有着悲惨的历史,这个家族仍然投身于为着真理与正义而奋斗的事业。后来(to that end如何译??),年轻的阿雷克西·影衍建立了这个叫做轮回的骑士盟会。轮回的成员被人们称作影骑士。自建立始一百多年后(Since its inception some twelve decades ago),轮回成为了恐怖半位面少数的闪光点之一。
成员 轮回的所有成员职业必须是复仇者,并且是混乱善良阵营。除了达到复仇者职业要求(STR 15+ DEX 14+ CON 15+)外,还必须拥有15或15以上的感知与魅力。组织的传统武器是长剑,所有成员必须专精长剑。
识别 熟悉这个组织的人以及组织内其他成员能够轻易辨认出影骑士。即使实在最危急的情况,这个组织的成员都不会为了掩盖自己作为轮回成员的身份而乔装。因此,他们是最有名的秘密组织。 影骑士通常都会身着饰有代表了组织的日蚀徽章的铠甲。这个徽章同时也是固定所有成员都会使用的黑黄色斗篷的别针。
行动 轮回组织希望能够为这个道德沦丧的世界带回真理与正义的光芒。他们会尽可能的与领主的恶行斗争。若不是盟会成员尽可能的采取保护措施,这样的行为简直相当于自杀。 当这些骑士不去掩盖自己的身份,他们会找到安全的隐秘场所,并且制定迂回的策略,以与那些希望他们毁灭的领主保持一定距离。因为直面并尝试直接击倒领主几乎是不可能的,所以他们会试图击败领主手下的将领以削弱领主的实力。
总部 轮回每年都会在影衍簇群,坐落于埃文雷某个隐蔽的小树林中的环石阵中会面。错过了这次朝圣的影骑士都会被驱逐出组织。除此以外,轮回没有任何实质上的总部。
译名表 Alexi Shadowborn 阿雷克西·影衍 avenger 复仇者(RL里的一个职业) Avonleigh 埃文雷 the Circle 轮回 Knights of Shadows 影骑士 Shadowborn 影衍 Shadowborn Cluster影衍簇群(簇群,RL里几个岛会因为时间合并成一个,叫做簇群)
译注 这是2E的资料。3E的资料手头上暂时还没有Shadowborn Cluster的地理志对照。不过在看另外一个组织“黑羽侍卫”(The Keepers of the Black Feather)时对照过2E和3E基本上没有变动,而2E的资料写的似乎更有条理些。 此译文最初被我扔在这里了:http://www.blogbus.com/blogbus/blog/diary.php?diaryid=564899
原文 The Circle A Chaotic Good Secret Society Though the sword of justice is sharp, it will not slay the innocent. - Chinese Proverb Few families have suffered as much at the hands of the dark powers as that of the Shadowborn clan. For centuries, this proud and noble line produced some of the most pious heroes and heroines imaginable. Despite the tragic history of this family, they remain dedicated to the service of truth and justice. To that end, young Alexi Shadowborn founded an order of knighthood known as the Circle. Members of the Circle became known as Knights of the Shadows. Since its inception some twelve decades ago, the Circle has been one of the few bright spots in the Demiplane of Dread.
Membership All members of the Circle belong to the avenger class and are of chaotic good alignment. In addition to the normal requirements for avengers, members must also have Wisdom and Charisma scores of 15 or greater. The traditional weapon of this order is the long sword, and all members must specialize in its use. Recognition A Knight of the Shadows is easily recognized by those familiar with the organization and others of their order. Even in the most perilous of situations, a member of this society will take no steps to disguise himself or otherwise hide his membership in the Circle. Because of this, they are the most famous of the secret societies. Knights of the Shadows always wear plate-mail armor adorned with the eclipsed sun that stands as the signet of the group. This icon also serves as a clasp to secure the traditional black and yellow cape that all members wear.
Activities The Circle seeks to bring the light of truth and justice into a world seemingly devoid of such virtues. They do so by opposing the evil of the domain lords wherever they can. Such activities would be almost suicidal if members of this order did not take such great care to protect themselves. While these Knights do not conceal their identities, they rely heavily on safehouses and subtle strategies to remain one step ahead of the lords who would see them exterminated. Because directly facing and defeating a domain lord is almost impossible, they often attempt to cripple them by destroy ing. their chief lieutenants.
Headquarters The Circle meets once a year at a circle of standing stones located in a hidden grove somewhere in the domain of Avonleigh in the Shadowborn Cluster. Failure by a Knight of the Shadows to make this pilgrimage results in dismissal from the order. Apart from this, the Circle has no recognized headquarters. |