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最深的地下城 UNDERTOPIA / 大阴暗图书馆 / 核心规则 / 规则变动(3.5版) / 3.5E修正汇编
日期:2004-08-21  作者:cobalt、Liz  来自:  点击: 22889


2. 职业-牧师


o. 牧师法术列表:
0th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS: Create Water;Cure Minor Wounds;Detect Magic;Detect
Poison;Guidance; Inflict Minor Wounds;Light; Mending;Purify Food and
Drink;Read Magic;Resistance; Virtue

1st-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS: Bane ; Bless ; Bless Water; Cause Fear ; Command ;
Comprehend Languages ; Cure Light Wounds ; Curse Water ; Deathwatch ;
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law ; Detect Undead ; Divine Favor; Doom ; Endure
Elements ; Entropic Shield ; Hide from Undead; Inflict Light Wounds ; Magic
Stone ; Magic Weapon ; Obscuring Mist ; Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
; Remove Fear; Sanctuary ; Shield of Faith ; Summon Monster I

2nd-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Aid ; Align Weapon; Augury ; Bear's Endurance;
Bull's Strength ; Calm; Emotions ; Consecrate ; Cure Moderate Wounds ;
Darkness ; Death Knell ; Delay Poison ; Desecrate ; Eagle's Splendor ;
Enthrall ; Find Traps ; Gentle Repose ; Hold Person ; Inflict Moderate
Wounds ; Make Whole ; Owl's Wisdom; Remove Paralysis ; Resist Energy;
Restoration, Lesser ; Shatter ; Shield Other ; Silence ; Sound Burst ;
Spiritual Weapon; Status ; Summon Monster II ; Undetectable Alignment ;
Zone of Truth

3rd-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Animate Dead ; Bestow Curse ; Blindness/Deafness
; Contagion ; Continual Flame ; Create Food and Water ; Cure Serious Wounds
; Daylight ; Deeper Darkness ; Dispel Magic ; Glyph of Warding ; Helping
Hand ; Inflict Serious Wounds ; Invisibility Purge ; Locate Object ; Magic
Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law ; Magic Vestment ; Meld into Stone ;
Obscure Object ; Prayer ; Protection from Energy ; Remove
Blindness/Deafness ; Remove Curse ; Remove Disease ; Searing Light ; Speak
with Dead ; Stone Shape ; Summon Monster III ; Water Breathing ; Water Walk
; Wind Wall

4th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Air Walk ; Control Water ; Cure Critical Wounds ;
Death Ward ; Dimensional Anchor ; Discern Lies ; Dismissal ; Divination ;
Divine Power ; Freedom of Movement ; Giant Vermin ; Imbue with Spell
Ability ; Inflict Critical Wounds ; Magic Weapon, Greater ; Neutralize
Poison ; Planar Ally, Lesser; Poison ; Repel Vermin ; Restoration ; Sending
; Spell Immunity ; Summon Monster IV ; Tongues

5th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Atonement ; Break Enchantment ; Command, Greater;
Commune ; Cure Light Wounds, Mass; Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law ; Disrupting
Weapon; Flame Strike ; Hallow ; Inflict Light Wounds, Mass; Insect Plague ;
Mark of Justice ; Plane Shift ; Raise Dead ; Righteous Might ; Scrying ;
Slay Living ; Spell Resistance ; Summon Monster V ; Symbol of Pain; Symbol
of Sleep; True Seeing ; Unhallow ; Wall of Stone

6th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Animate Objects ; Antilife Shell ; Banishment;
Bear's Endurance, Mass
Blade Barrier ; Bull's Strength, Mass ; Create Undead ; Cure Moderate
Wounds, Mass; Dispel Magic, Greater; Eagle's Splendor, Mass ; Find the Path
; Forbiddance ; Geas/Quest ; Glyph of Warding, Greater ; Harm ; Heal ;
Heroes' Feast ; Planar Ally ; Summon Monster VI ; Symbol of Fear; Symbol of
Persuasion; Undeath to Death; Wind Walk ; Word of Recall

7th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Blasphemy ; Control Weather ; Cure Serious
Wounds, Mass ; Destruction ; Dictum ; Ethereal Jaunt ; Holy Word ; Inflict
Serious Wounds, Mass; Refuge ; Regenerate ; Repulsion ; Restoration,
Greater ; Resurrection ; Scrying, Greater ; Summon Monster VII ; Symbol of
Stunning; Symbol of Weakness; Word of Chaos

8th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Antimagic Field ; Cloak of Chaos ; Create Greater
Undead; Cure Critical Wounds, Mass; Dimensional Lock ; Discern Location ;
Earthquake ; Fire Storm ; Holy Aura ; Planar Ally, Greater; Inflict
Critical Wounds, Mass; Shield of Law ; Spell Immunity, Greater; Summon
Monster VIII ; Symbol of Death; Symbol of Insanity ; Unholy Aura

9th-LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ; Astral Projection ; Energy Drain ; Etherealness ;
Gate ; Heal, Mass ; Implosion ; Miracle ; Soul Bind ; Storm of Vengeance ;
Summon Monster IX ; True Resurrection

责任编辑: dexter_yy

2. 职业-游荡者 »


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速度马鞍 应为 加速马蹄铁 2006-04-27 20:48 pm txfsmaxtop 0
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速度马鞍 应为 加速马蹄铁 2006-04-27 20:47 pm txfsmaxtop 0
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精通法术反制要至少高 2005-01-20 17:36 pm 末日守卫 0
