译自:《传奇等级手册(Epic Level Handbook)》第一章 专长部分
改善显能(Improved Manifestation) [高级专长]
效果:当你选择此专长时,你超能的灵能点花费上限增加2。例如,若你21级时选取了此专长,你可以将任一道灵能超能至花费不超过22灵能点。然而,你必须的关键属性值必须等于或高于灵能点总花费减2方能展现该灵能。 此专长并不会使不具灵能的职业获得展现灵能的能力。你必须将此专长用于你已能展现其正常最高级灵能的职业。例如,一名5级心灵武士/22级心灵术士的角色不能用此专长提升他的心灵武士职业的灵能点花费限制,因为他尚不能展现灵能武士的正常最高级灵能。但他可以提升他的心灵术士职业的灵能点花费限制。
特殊:你可以多次选取此专长,每次将你的灵能点花费上限增加2。 《心灵异能手册》中有建立和扮演灵能角色的信息。
Improved Manifestation [Epic] You can manifest psionic powers more powerful than the normal limits of manifestation. Prerequisite: Ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum level in at least one psionic class. Benefit: When you select this feat, your metapsionic power point cost limit is increased by +2. For example, if you select this feat at 21st level, you could use metapsionic feats in conjunction with other powers so that you could spend a total of 22 power points on any single power. However, in order to manifest the power, your key ability score must be equal to or higher than the total power point cost minus 2. This feat can't grant psionic manifestation ability to a class that doesn't have psionic ability. You must use this feat as a member of the class in wich you can already manifest powers of the normal maximum level. For instance, a 5th-level psychic warrior/22nd-level psion couldn't advance her power point cost limit in psychic warrior, because she can't manifest powers of the normal maximum level for a psychic warrior. But she could advance her power cost limit for her psion powers. Normal: Without this feat, a power altered by metapsionic feats cannot cost more power points than the manifester's level minus 1 (minimum 1). Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time this feat is gained, your power points cost limit is increased by an additional +2. The Psionics Handbook has information on creating and playing psionic characters. |