异能格式 |
{ Andor注:以下由 Andor 翻译。 } 异能格式 POWER FORMAT 每道异能的描述都按如下格式。 Each power description follows the same format. 名称 NAME 这是该异能通常为人所知的名称。异能可能在某些地区有其他名称,灵能人物也常常给他们的异能其个其他名称,例如将“萃取术”叫成“瓦解时间”。 This is the name by which the power is generally known. Powers might be known by other names in some locales, and psionic characters often have different names for their powers, such as “collapse time” for quintessence. 能系和性质描述 DISCIPLINE AND DESCRIPTORS 这是异能所属的能系。详情请见第38页的“心灵能系”。适用的性质描述都在[方括号内]给出。 This is the discipline to which the power belongs. See Psionic Disciplines, page 38, for more information. Any descriptors that apply are given here [in brackets]. 能系:包括心灵预言系、心灵创造系、心灵转化系、心灵自塑系、心灵传送系和心灵附魔系。每个能系用于计算目标DC的关键属性都在(圆括号内)给出。 Disciplines: Clairsentience, Metacreativity, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Telepathy. The key ability score for each discipline is given (in parentheses) for ease of calculating target DCs. 性质描述:包括强酸、混乱、魅惑*、寒冷、胁迫*、黑暗、死亡、电击、邪恶、恐惧、火焰、力场、善良、依赖语言、守序、光明、影响心灵、音波和传送。 Descriptors: Acid, chaotic, charm*, cold, compulsion*, darkness, death, electricity, evil, fear, fire, force, good, language-dependent, lawful, light, mind-affecting, sonic, and teleportation. *胁迫和魅惑被视为《玩家手册》中附魔学派魔法的子学派,但在此作为同样效果的性质描述。 *Compulsion and charm are treated as subschools of the Enchantment school of magic in the Player's Handbook but are used as descriptors here, to the same effect. 能级 LEVEL 这是异能的强度等级,从零级(天赋异能)到九级(最强的)。本条目标明了哪些职业可以展现该异能。异能的能级影响对抗该异能的豁免检定DC(如果可以豁免)。 This is the strength level of the power, ranging from 0-level (talents) through 9th level (the most powerful). This entry notes which classes can manifest this power. A power’s level affects the DC for any saving throw allowed against the power. 异象 DISPLAY 这里给出了伴随该异能的展现产生的异象的种类。 This gives the type of display that accompanies manifestation of the power. 异象:听觉、物质、精神、嗅觉、视觉。详情请见第34页的“异象”。 Displays: Au (Audible), Ma (Material), Me (Mental), Ol (Olfactory), and Vi (Visible). See Display, page 34, for more information. 显能时间 MANIFESTATION TIME 展现该异能所需要的时间。详情请见第32页的“显能时间”。 The time required to manifest the power. See Manifestation Time, page 32, for more information. 距离 RANGE 该异能从你的所在点能够延伸触及到的最远距离。详情请见第32页的“距离”。 The maximum distance from you at which the power can affect a target. See Range, page 32, for more information. 目标或目标群、效果、区域 TARGET OR TARGETS/EFFECT/AREA 该异能可以影响的生物数、次元、体积、重量。详情请见第32页的“瞄准”。如果目标是“自己”,你不用进行豁免,异能抗力也不生效。 The number of creatures, dimensions, volume, weight, and soon, that the power affects. See Aiming a Power, page 32, for more information. If the target is you, you do not receive a saving throw, and power resistance does not apply. 持续时间 DURATION 该异能能持续多久。详情请见第34页的“持续时间”。 How long the power lasts. See Duration, page 34, for more information. 豁免检定 SAVING THROW 该异能是否允许豁免检定,允许何种豁免检定,豁免成功的效果。详情请见第33页的“豁免检定”。 Whether a power allows a saving throw, what type of saving throw it is, and the effect of a successful saving throw. See Saving Throw, page 33, for more information. 异能抗力 POWER RESISTANCE 异能抗力(PR)(和法术抗力类似的特殊防御能力)是否能抵抗该异能。详情请见第33页的“异能抗力”。 Whether power resistance (PR), a special defensive ability on par with spell resistance, resists the power. See Power Resistance, page 33, for more information. 灵能点 POWER POINTS 展现该异能的费用。天赋异能(零级异能)在每日免费显能次数被用光後每次耗费1点灵能点。 The powers cost to manifest. Talents (0-level powers) cost 1 power point to manifest after a character uses up her allotted free manifestations per day. 详细说明 DESCRIPTIVE TEXT 这部分说明了异能做什么和怎么做的细节。如果之前的说明部分包含了“(见说明)”,那么你将在这里找到解释。如果你阅读的异能是某异能链中的一环,你可能还得参考其他异能的“(见说明)”信息。 This portion of the power description details what the power does and how it works. If one of the previous portions of the description included “(see text),” this is where the explanation is found. If the power you’re reading about is part of a chain, you might have to refer to a different power for the “(see text)” information. |
dexter_yy |
一名沙华鱼人似乎注意到了你的疑惑:“阁下,如果你想对该文章评分,请先携带有效证件到Undertopia城管办事处登记,如果你还没有成为我们地下城的合法居民,请看头顶上方,那有一只丑陋的眼魔,它会给你把事情办妥”。 |