NPC心灵术士(灵旅者) |
表6-8:NPC心灵术士(灵旅者) ────────────────────────────────── 等级 HP AC 先攻 速度 短矛(1d8) 弩(1d8) ────────────────────────────────── 1 5 16 +2 30呎 +2(+2伤害) +3 2 8 16 +2 30呎 +3(+2) +4 3 12 16 +2 30呎 +3(+2) +4 4 15 17 +3 30呎 +4(+2) +7 5 19 17 +3 30呎 +4(+2) +7 6 22 17 +3 30呎 +5(+2) +8 7 26 17 +3 30呎 +5(+2) +8 8 29 17 +3 30呎 +6(+2) +9 9 33 17 +3 30呎 +6(+2) +9 10 36 17 +3 30呎 +7(+2) +10 11 40 18 +3 30呎 +7(+2) +10 12 43 20 +4 30呎 +8/+3(+3) +13/+8 13 47 20 +4 30呎 +8/+3(+3) +13/+8 14 50 22 +4 30呎 +9/+4(+3) +14/+9 15 54 23 +4 30呎 +9/+4(+3) +14/+9 16 57 23 +4 30呎 +10/+5(+3) +15/+10 17 61 24 +6 30呎 +10/+5(+3) +16/+11 18 64 24 +6 30呎 +11/+6(+3) +17/+12 19 68 25 +7 30呎 +11/+6(+3) +18/+13 20 71 27 +8 30呎 +12/+7(+3) +19/+14 ────────────────────────────────── 续表6-8:NPC心灵术士(灵旅者) ─────────────────────────────── 等级 强韧/反射/意志 辨识灵能 专注 脱逃 攀爬 ─────────────────────────────── 1 +3/+2/+3 +5 +5 +6 +6 2 +3/+2/+4 +5 +6 +7 +7 3 +4/+3/+4 +7 +7 +8 +8 4 +4/+4/+5 +8 +18 +10 +9 5 +5/+5/+6 +9 +19 +11 +10 6 +6/+6/+7 +10 +20 +12 +11 7 +6/+6/+7 +11 +21 +13 +12 8 +6/+6/+8 +12 +22 +14 +13 9 +7/+7/+9 +13 +23 +15 +14 10 +7/+9/+9 +14 +24 +16 +15 11 +7/+7/+9 +15 +25 +17 +16 12 +8/+10/+10 +16 +26 +20 +17 13 +8/+10/+10 +17 +27 +21 +18 14 +8/+10/+11 +18 +28 +22 +19 15 +9/+11/+11 +19 +29 +23 +20 16 +9/+11/+12 +10 +30 +24 +21 17 +9/+12/+12 +21 +31 +26 +22 18 +10/+13/+13 +22 +32 +27 +23 19 +10/+14/+14 +23 +33 +29 +24 20 +13/+15/+17 +24 +34 +31 +25 ─────────────────────────────── 续表6-8:NPC心灵术士(灵旅者) ────────────────────────── 等级 灵能点 异能 ────────────────────────── 1 3 3/1 2 4 3/2 3 8 3/3 4 11 4/3/1 5 19 4/3/2 6 24 5/3/2/1 7 29 5/4/3/2 8 36 6/4/3/2/1 9 43 6/4/3/3/2 10 52 7/4/3/3/2/1 11 61 7/4/4/3/3/2 12 90 8/4/4/3/3/2/1 13 101 8/5/4/4/3/3/2 14 114 8/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 15 127 8/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 16 142 8/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 17 170 8/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 18 187 8/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 19 219 8/5/5/5/4/4/4/3/2/2 20 255 8/5/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2 ────────────────────────── TABLE 6-8: NPC PSION (NOMAD) ────────────────────────────── Lvl hp AC Init Spd Shortspear (1d8) Crossbow (1d8) ────────────────────────────── 1st 5 16 +2 30 ft. +2 (+2 damage) +3 2nd 8 16 +2 30 ft. +3 (+2) +4 3rd 12 16 +2 30 ft. +3 (+2) +4 4th 15 17 +3 30 ft. +4 (+2) +7 5th 19 17 +3 30 ft. +4 (+2) +7 6th 22 17 +3 30 ft. +5 (+2) +8 7th 26 17 +3 30 ft. +5 (+2) +8 8th 29 17 +3 30 ft. +6 (+2) +9 9th 33 17 +3 30 ft. +6 (+2) +9 10th 36 17 +3 30 ft. +7 (+2) +10 11th 40 18 +3 30 ft. +7 (+2) +10 12th 43 20 +4 30 ft. +8/+3 (+3) +13/+8 13th 47 20 +4 30 ft. +8/+3 (+3) +13/+8 14th 50 22 +4 30 ft. +9/+4 (+3) +14/+9 15th 54 23 +4 30 ft. +9/+4 (+3) +14/+9 16th 57 23 +4 30 ft. +10/+5 (+3) +15/+10 17th 61 24 +6 30 ft. +10/+5 (+3) +16/+11 18th 64 24 +6 30 ft. +11/+6 (+3) +17/+12 19th 68 25 +7 30 ft. +11/+6 (+3) +18/+13 20th 71 27 +8 30 ft. +12/+7 (+3) +19/+14 ────────────────────────────── CONTINUED TABLE 6-8: NPC PSION (NOMAD) ──────────────────────────────── Lvl F/R/W Psic Con Esc Cli PP Powers ──────────────────────────────── 1st +3/+2/+3 +5 +5 +6 +6 3 3/1 2nd +3/+2/+4 +5 +6 +7 +7 4 3/2 3rd +4/+3/+4 +7 +7 +8 +8 8 3/3 4th +4/+4/+5 +8 +18 +10 +9 11 4/3/1 5th +5/+5/+6 +9 +19 +11 +10 19 4/3/2 6th +6/+6/+7 +10 +20 +12 +11 24 5/3/2/1 7th +6/+6/+7 +11 +21 +13 +12 29 5/4/3/2 8th +6/+6/+8 +12 +22 +14 +13 36 6/4/3/2/1 9th +7/+7/+9 +13 +23 +15 +14 43 6/4/3/3/2 10th +7/+9/+9 +14 +24 +16 +15 52 7/4/3/3/2/1 11th +7/+7/+9 +15 +25 +17 +16 61 7/4/4/3/3/2 12th +8/+10/+10 +16 +26 +20 +17 90 8/4/4/3/3/2/1 13th +8/+10/+10 +17 +27 +21 +18 101 8/5/4/4/3/3/2 14th +8/+10/+11 +18 +28 +22 +19 114 8/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 15th +9/+11/+11 +19 +29 +23 +20 127 8/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 16th +9/+11/+12 +10 +30 +24 +21 142 8/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 17th +9/+12/+12 +21 +31 +26 +22 170 8/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 18th +10/+13/+13 +22 +32 +27 +23 187 8/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 19th +10/+14/+14 +23 +33 +29 +24 219 8/5/5/5/4/4/4/3/2/2 20th +13/+15/+17 +24 +34 +31 +25 255 8/5/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2 ──────────────────────────────── NPC心灵术士(灵旅者) NPC Psion (Nomad) 初始属性值:力量 14、敏捷 15、体质 12、智力 10、感知 13、魅力 8。 Starting Ability Scores: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8. 属性值增加:4级:敏捷 16,8级:敏捷 17,12级:敏捷 18(20),16级:敏捷 19(21),17级:敏捷 19(23),19级:敏捷 19(25),20级:敏捷 20(26)。 Increased Ability Scores: 4th, Dex 16; 8th, Dex 17; 12th, Dex 18 (20); 16th, Dex 19 (21); 17th, Dex 19 (23); 19th, Dex 19 (25); 20th, Dex 20 (26). 专长:1级:“惰性护甲”,3级:“闪避”,6级:“战斗显能”,9级:“念动之速”,12级:“灵能冲刺”,15级:“飞檐走壁”,18级:“念动之速”(2次)。 Feats: 1st, Inertial Armor; 3rd, Dodge; 6th, Combat Manifestation; 9th, Speed of Thought; 12th, Psionic Charge; 15th, Up the Walls; 18th, Speed of Thought (2). 职业特性:1级:“英雄灵晶仆”、“自性鞭击”、“心灵空白”、“本我暗示”、“心灵穿刺”、“思维之盾”,3级:“精神障壁”,5级:“智力堡垒”,7级:“坚固意志”,9级:“心力榨取”,11级:“心灵爆破”。 Class Features: 1st, Psicrystal (hero), ego whip, empty mind, id insinuation, mind thrust, thought shield; 3rd, mental barrier; 5th, intellect fortress; 7th, tower of iron will; 9th, psychic crush; 11th, mind blast. 短矛(近战):普通(1至12级),+1(13至20级)。 Shortspear (Melee): Normal (1st-12th), +1 (13th-20th). 轻弩(远程):精制品(1至20级)。 Light Crossbow (Ranged): Masterwork (1st-20th). 弩矢:普通×10(1至3级),精制品×10(4至20级)。 Bolts: 10 normal (1st-3rd), 10 masterwork (4th-20th). 灵纹:“次级身体调节”(1至2级),“隐形术”(1至3级),“身体平衡”(2至4级),“身体调节”(3至6级、9至20级),“侦测思想”(5级、8级),“回避侦测”(11级)。 Psionic Tattoos: Lesser body adjustment (1st-2nd), invisibility (1st-3rd), body equilibrium (2nd-4th), body adjustment (3rd-6th, 9th-20th), detect thoughts (5th, 8th), nondetection (11th). 灵能石:“生物电流”×2 (1至2级),“一级星质构装体”×2(1至3级),“消散之触”×2(1级),“隐匿思想”×2(2至3级),“隐形术”(4级),“隐形术”×2(5 级),“滑翔术”×2(5级),“操控肢体”×2(5级),“熊爪术”(6至7级),“时间跳跃”(8级),“心力回馈”(9级),“传送术”(11 级),“恶意传送术”(12级),“集体星质茧”(14级),“任意门”(15级),“高等飞行术”(15级),“超级冲击波”(17级),“幽影身形” (17级),“传送法阵”(18至20级),“时间加速”(18至20级),“时光倒流”(18至20级)。 Power Stones: 2 biocurrent (1st-2nd), 2 astral construct I (1st-3rd), 2 dissipating touch (1st), 2 conceal thoughts (2nd-3rd), invisibility (4th), 2 invisibility (5th), 2 glide (5th), 2 control body (5th), claws of the bear (6th-7th), time hop (8th), psychofeedback (9th), teleport (11th), baleful teleport (12th), mass cocoon (14th), dimension door (15th), improved fly (15th), true concussion (17th), shadow body (17th), teleportation circle (18th-20th), temporal acceleration (18th-20th), time regression (18th-20th). 其他灵能和魔法装备:“落炎术”灵杖(2级),“魅惑人类”灵杖(3级),灵容[1](4至8级),隐匿镶额眼(4级),+1抗力斗篷(魔法物品)(5至19级),“敲击术”灵杖(6至7级),灵容[3](7 至11级),“隐形术”灵杖[显能者等级9](8级),水晶心防面具(9至12级),夺能珍珠×3(10级、18至20级),“苍火”灵杖(10级),+ 1天生防御护符(魔法物品)(11至16级),知觉镶额眼(11级),心灵传送灵锥(11级),+2敏捷手套(魔法物品)(12至16级),稳定戒指 (12级),灵容[5](13至16级),自由意志项圈(13级),+2防御护腕(魔法物品)(14至20级),“消解灵能”灵杖(14至15级、18 级),次级抗火戒指(魔法物品)(16级),+2天生防御护符(魔法物品)(17至20级),反击灵皮(17级),灵容[7](17至18级),+4敏捷手套(魔法物品)(17至18级),+3天生防御护符(魔法物品)(19至20级),+6敏捷手套(魔法物品)(19至20级),灵容[9](19级), +3抗力斗篷(魔法物品)(20级)。 Other Psionic and Magic Gear: Dorje of firefall (2nd), dorje of charm person (3rd), crystal capacitor [1] (4th-8th), third eye concentrate (4th), cloak of resistance +1 (magic item) (5th-19th), dorje of knock (6th-7th), crystal capacitor [3] (7th-11th), dorje of invisibility [9th-level manifester] (8th), crystal mask of mindarmor (9th-12th), 3 powerleech pearls (10th, 18th-20th), dorje of whitefire (10th), amulet of natural armor +1 (magic item) (11th-16th), third eye aware (11th), psionatrix of Psychoportation (11th), gloves of Dexterity +2 (magic item) (12th-16th), ring of stabilization (12th), crystal capacitor [5] (13th-16th), torc of free will (13th), bracers of armor +2 (magic item) (14th-20th), dorje of negate psionics (14th-15th, 18th), ring of fire resistance [minor] (magic item) (16th), amulet of natural armor +2 (magic item) (17th-20th), skin of striking (17th), crystal capacitor [7] (17th- 18th), gloves of Dexterity +4 (magic item) (17th-18th), amulet of natural armor +3 (magic item) (19th-20th), gloves of Dexterity +6 (magic item) (19th-20th), crystal capacitor [9] (19th), cloak of resistance +3 (magic item) (20th). 其他装备:匕首(1至20级),50呎丝绳(2级)。 Other Gear: Dagger (1st-20th), 50 ft. silk rope (2nd). |
dexter_yy |
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