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最深的地下城 UNDERTOPIA / 大阴暗图书馆 / 扩展规则 / ◇心灵异能手册◇ / 《心灵异能手册》第七章·灵能物品
日期:2004-08-23  作者:Andor  来自:  点击: 6289


  Crystal capacitors store power points that psionic characters can use to pay for manifesting their powers.
  Physical Description: A crystal capacitor consists of a core crystal and two or three smaller crystals, arranged on strands of silver wire, in specific positions around it. The crystals give off a faint glow. A typical crystal capacitor weighs approximately 1 pound, has an AC of 7, 10 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 16.
  Activation: The user must project a command thought to unlock power points stored in a crystal capacitor. This allows the use of the points to manifest psionic powers the user knows.
  The maximum number of points a crystal capacitor can store is always an odd number, and is never more than 17. It can never store more power points than its original maximum, set at the time of its creation. Once a crystal capacitor’s power points are used up, its crystals dim. However, the user can recharge it by paying power points on a 1-for-1 basis. While this depletes the user’s own power point reserve for the day, those power points remain available in the crystal capacitor until used.
  A user cannot directly replenish personal power points from those stored in a crystal capacitor, nor can the user draw power points from more than one source to manifest a power or attack/defense mode. See Using Stored Power Points in Chapter 4: Psionics for more information.
  Random Generation: To generate crystal capacitors randomly, roll on Table 7-7: Crystal Capacitors.
  Special Qualities: Roll d%. A 01--25 result indicates that the command thought is mentally encoded and whispers itself into the user’s mind on acquisition, and 26--100 indicates no special qualities.
次级     中级     高级     灵能点最大储量    交易价格
01─100 01─40  ─      1        1000金币
─      41─74  ─      3        4000金币
─      75─89  01─39  5        9000金币
─      90─98  40─59  7       16000金币
─      99─100 60─69  9       25000金币
─      ─      70─79  11      36000金币
─      ─      80─89  13      49000金币
─      ─      90─95  15      64000金币
─      ─      96─100 17      81000金币
              Maximum Power
Minor  Medium  Major  Point Storage Market Price
01--100 01--40  --    1         1,000 gp
--    41--74  --    3         4,000 gp
--    75--89  01--39  5         9,000 gp
--    90--98  40--59  7        16,000 gp
--    99--100 60--69  9        25,000 gp
--    --    70--79  11        36,000 gp
--    --    80--89  13        49,000 gp
--    --    90--95  15        64,000 gp
--    --    96--100 17        81,000 gp
  A dorje is a slender crystal that contains a single power. Each dorje has 50 charges when created, and each charge expended allows one use of that power. A dorje that runs out of charges is just a simple crystal.
  Physical Description: A typical dorje is an elongated crystal of one color (or colorless), between 8 inches and 10 inches long and about 1/2 inch thick, and can weigh up to 1/4 pound. Occasionally, a dorje is decorated with carvings or inscribed runes along a face of the crystal. A typical dorje has an AC of 7, 7 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 18.
  Activation: Dorjes use the command thought activation method, so manifesting a power from a dorje is usually a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the power being manifested has a longer manifestation time than 1 action, however, it takes that long to manifest the power from a dorje.) The user must have the power on his class list (see Chapter 5: Powers), even if he knows the command thought. Additionally, to activate a dorje, a character must hold it in hand and point it in the general direction of the target or area.
  Random Generation: To generate dorjes randomly, roll on Table 7-8: Dorjes.
  Special Qualities: Roll d%. A 01--30 result indicates that the command thought is mentally encoded and whispers itself into the user’s mind on acquisition, and 31--100 indicates no special qualities.
次级     中级     高级     能级*    交易价格※
01─25  ─      ─      零     375金币
26─50  ─      ─      一     750金币
51─95  01─05  ─      二    4500金币
96─100 06─65  ─      三   11250金币
─      66─95  01─05  四   21000金币
─      96─100 06─50  五   33750金币
─      ─      51─70  六   49500金币
─      ─      71─85  七   68250金币
─      ─      86─95  八   90000金币
─      ─      95─100 九  114750金币
Minor  Medium  Major  Power Level* Market Price**
01--25  --    --    0         375 gp
26--50  --    --    1st        750 gp
51--95  01--05  --    2nd       4,500 gp
96--100 06--65  --    3rd       11,250 gp
--    66--95  01--05  4th       21,000 gp
--    96--100 06--50  5th       33,750 gp
--    --    51--70  6th       49,500 gp
--    --    71--85  7th       68,250 gp
--    --    86--95  8th       90,000 gp
--    --    95--100 9th      114,750 gp
*Dorjes could have higher manifester levels than the minimum, which would give them commensurately higher costs. For instance, a dorje of invisibility purge with a manifester level of 10 has a market price of 22,500 gp. See Table 8-40 in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Unlike magical wands, psionic dorjes can hold powers of up to 9th level.
**Any dorje that stores a psionic power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost above that noted here. See Table 8-40 in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
  A power stone stores a psionic power (or collection of powers). A stored power can be used only once, “flushing” the stone. Using a power stone is basically like manifesting a psionic power.
  Physical Description: A power stone is a thumb-sized chunk of crystal, which possesses a barely detectable interior glow while it holds a power. A stone encoded with more than one power or higher-level powers glows more brightly, but never enough to provide illumination in its own right. A typical power stone has an AC of 7, 5 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 20.
  Activation: To activate a power stone, a manifester must mentally contact it. Doing so involves several steps and conditions.
  问候灵能石:你要向灵能石“打招呼”後才能使用或了解其中所储异能。这需要通过辨识灵能检定(DC = 15 + 异能能级)。问候过的灵能石无需再次问候。人物预先问候过的灵能石可以在使用时直接进行下一步。
  Address the Stone: The power stone must be “hailed” before a character can use it or know exactly what power it contains. This requires a successful Psicraft check (DC 15 + power level). Once a particular power stone has been addressed, it is not necessary to do so again. Addressing a power stone in advance lets a character proceed directly to the next step when the time comes to use it.
  Activate the Power: Activating a power stone requires holding the stone and willing the power’s manifestation, as if manifesting a power normally. Activating a power stone is subject to disruption just as manifesting a normally manifested power would be.
  Additionally, the user must meet the following requirements:
  ·The user must have the power on his or her class list (see Chapter 5: Powers).
  ·The user must have the requisite ability score (for example, Intelligence 15 for a psion manifesting a 5th-level Metacreativity power).
  满足上述所有条件的使用者如果显能者等级至少等于展现该异能所需的等级,则无须检定即可启动该异能。如果满足上述条件但显能者等级小于该异能的显能者等级,则必须进行显能者等级检定(1d20 + 使用者显能者等级),DC为 灵能石的显能者等级 + 1,通过才能成功展现异能。如果检定失败,使用者必须通过感知检定(DC=5)以避免灵能灼流(见下文)。无论调整值多少,自然骰为1则必然失败。
  If the user meets these requirements and has a manifester level at least equal to that required to manifest the power, she can automatically activate the power without a check. If she meets both requirements but her own level is below the power stone’s manifester level, then she has to make a manifester level check (1d20 + user’s level), against a DC equal to the power stone’s manifester level + 1, to manifest the power successfully. On a failure, the user must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 5) to avoid brainburn (see below). A natural roll of 1 always fails, whatever the modifiers.
  Determine Effect: A power successfully activated from a power stone works exactly as if manifested normally. Assume the power stone’s manifester level is always the minimum level required to manifest the power for the character who encoded the stone (usually twice the power’s level), unless the creator specifically desires otherwise.
  A power stone’s glow fades when its power is flushed.
  灵能灼流:产生失误时,灵能物品的使用者有时会错误展现所储异能。除非把灵能石扔出15呎外或摧毁,否则灵能将会剧烈波动1d4回合。此波动每轮造成所储异能每能级 1d4点电伤害并如同“生物电流”那样电击多个目标(见第五章“异能详述”):使用者是主要目标,附近的盟友成为次要目标(随机选择)。
  Brainburn: When things go awry, the user of a psionic item sometimes improperly manifests the stored power. The resultant psionic surge persists for 1d4 rounds, unless the power stone is flung 15 feet or feet away or destroyed. The surge deals 1d4 points of electricity damage per power stored per round and arcs across multiple targets, similar to biocurrent (see Chapter 5: Powers): The user is the primary target, and one nearby ally is the secondary target (chosen at random).
  Random Generation: To generate power stones randomly, first determine how many powers are encoded in the stone, according to Table 7-9: Powers Encoded in a Power Stone. For each encoded power, roll on Table 7-10: Stone Power Levels to determine its level, then choose the specific power of a given level from those described in Chapter 5: Powers. You may pick a likely power or determine it randomly.
灵能石类型 异能数量
次级    1d3道
中级    1d4道
高级    1d6道
Power Stone Type Number of Powers
Minor       1d3 powers
Medium      1d4 powers
Major       1d6 powers
次级     中级     高级     能级   交易价格*
01─25  ─      ─      零    25金币
26─50  ─      ─      一    25金币
51─95  01─05  ─      二   150金币
96─100 06─65  ─      三   375金币
─      66─95  01─05  四   700金币
─      96─100 06─50  五  1125金币
─      ─      51─70  六  1650金币
─      ─      71─85  七  2275金币
─      ─      86─95  八  3000金币
─      ─      95─100 九  3825金币
Minor  Medium  Major  Power Level Market Price*
01--25  --    --    0         25 gp
26--50  --    --    1st        25 gp
51--95  01--05  --    2nd        150 gp
96--100 06--65  --    3rd        375 gp
--    66--95  01--05  4th        700 gp
--    96--100 06--50  5th       1,125 gp
--    --    51--70  6th       1,650 gp
--    --    71--85  7th       2,275 gp
--    --    86--95  8th       3,000 gp
--    --    95--100 9th       3,825 gp
*Any dorje that stores a psionic power with an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost above that noted here. See Table 8-40 in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
{ Andor注:此处“dorje”应为“power stone”。 }
  Psionic tattoos are designs scribed on the skin that manifest powers on their wearers. The wearer doesn’t get to make any decisions about the tattoo’s effect—the manifester who scribed it has already done so. For example, a tattoo of body adjustment is designed to heal the wearer. Tattoos are sometimes referred to as “psionic circuits” or “psionic seals.”
  Psionic tattoos may vary in size, but a creature can only wear a total of seventeen tattoos—adding one more causes all the scribed tattoos to simultaneously “go off.” A psionic tattoo fades away after use.
  Physical Description: A typical psionic tattoo is a colorful pattern of hundreds of tiny, interlacing lines within a larger design. This could be as simple as a circle or star, or as complex as an artist can make it. Once scribed, the tattoo’s design does not change. A psionic tattoo usually covers an area of skin no more than 5 inches in diameter (larger ones could be designed, but would have no added effect).
  Scribing and Transferring Tattoos: The manifester level for a psionic tattoo is the minimum level required to manifest the scribed power. A psionic tattoo can contain only powers of level 0 to 3.
  A psionic tattoo inscribed on a wearer is potentially more mobile than a mundane tattoo. As a standard action, the wearer can will the tattoo to a different part of his body or onto the skin of any willing (or unconscious) living creature he touches. If the wearer of a psionic tattoo is rendered unconscious or is slain, another sentient creature can touch the tattoo and will it to leave the previous wearer and apply itself to the new creature as a standard action. Psionic tattoos cannot overlay one another.
  Identifying Psionic Tattoos: In addition to the standard methods of identification, the wearer of a tattoo can concentrate on it and attempt to gain some sense of how it would feel if activated. A successful Intelligence check (DC 13) provides a hint to the tattoo’s effect. For instance, a tattoo of body adjustment may give the character a brief feeling of well being and health.
  Activation: A psionic tattoo produces its effect when touched by its wearer and willed to do so (this is called “tapping”). Tapping a tattoo is a standard action. A psionic tattoo fades away after use.
  The following rules govern the use of psionic tattoos:
  ·A creature must have an appropriate physical surface on which to scribe the pattern (thus, incorporeal creatures cannot use psionic tattoos).
  ·Tapping a psionic tattoo provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful attack (including grappling attacks) against the wearer forces a Concentration check. A wearer who fails this check cannot concentrate effectively on the tattoo to use it. The tattoo remains untapped, and the wearer can make another attempt.
  ·A character can trigger the effects of another’s psionic tattoo if the other wearer is unconscious. It is a full-round action to find, touch, and concentrate on the unconscious creature’s tattoo.
  Random Generation: To generate psionic tattoos randomly, roll on Table 7-11: Psionic Tattoos, then choose the specific power of a given level from those described in Chapter 5: Powers. You may pick a likely power or determine it randomly.
{ Andor注:哪些异能可绘成灵纹详见绘制灵纹(Scribe Tattoo)专长。 }
次级     中级     高级     能级  交易价格
01─25  ─      ─      零   25金币
26─47  01─08  ─      一   50金币
47─98  09─75  01─50  二  300金币
99─100 76─100 51─100 三  750金币
Minor  Medium  Major  Power Level Market Price
01--25  --    --    0         25 gp
26--47  01--08  --    1st        50 gp
47--98  09--75  01--50  2nd        300 gp
99--100 76--100 51--100 3rd        750 gp
责任编辑: dexter_yy

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