灵能神器 |
灵能神器 PSIONIC ARTIFACTS 灵能神器是有着比大多人类文明更长的历史的强大物品。如同魔法神器一样,整个战役可以基于这些传奇遗物。切勿将高等神器随机(或未深思熟虑地)引入战斗。这些物品的能力足以改变战役的平衡性。 Psionic artifacts are insanely powerful items with histories that stretch longer than most human civilizations. Like magical artifacts, these are legendary relics that whole campaigns can be based around. Never introduce a major artifact into a campaign randomly or without careful consideration. Such creations are capable of completely altering the balance of a campaign. 次等神器 MINOR ARTIFACTS 次等神器未必独一无二,它们只是再也无法制造,至少凡间的普通方法不行。吉斯彦克“银剑”(见第八章“怪物”中的吉斯彦克人条目)就是著名的次等神器。 Minor artifacts are not necessarily unique items; instead, they are psionic items that no longer can be made, at least by common mortal means. Githyanki silver swords (see the githyanki entry in Chapter 8: Monsters) are relatively well known minor artifacts. 静思圣典:这部僧侣典籍记叙了远古的精神集中法,对于灵能修业者来说价值非凡。研究本书需要独自闭关一周,但一旦完成,该灵能人物将获得17点每日额外灵能点,并且经验值提升至下一等级的中点。非灵能人物那混浊的大脑则无法从这秘密中受益。将异能用于邪恶用途者(例如夺心魔)如果读此书,将为他们的鲁莽付出代价,因亵渎此书而失去5d6×1000经验值。他们还有精神错乱的危险:阅读者必须立即通过意志豁免(DC=15),否则将永久“精神错乱”,如同中了同名异能。只有“心灵手术”或类似的极端手段才能恢复心志。 Sutra of Tranquil Thought: This monastic tome describes ancient techniques of mental focus and is highly prized by psionic practitioners. Study of the work requires one week of solitary contemplation, but upon completion, the psionic character gains 17 additional power points and experience points sufficient to place him halfway to the into the next level of experience. Nonpsionic beings possess minds too clouded to benefit from its secrets, and those who use their powers for evil (such as mind flayers) are punished for their impertinence, losing 5d6×1,000 XP for defiling the book. They also run the risk of insanity: The reader must make an immediate Will save (DC 15) or become permanently insane as the power. Only psychic chirurgery or similarly extreme measures can restore sanity. 对没有灵能资质者,该书的页面上只有神秘的图案和绘画。阅读後该书将消失于星界位面的不知名处。即便被再次找到,同一名人物也不能通过仔细阅读而再次受益。 To anyone without psionic aptitude, the book’s pages appear to contain nothing but elaborate patterns and drawings of mysterious beings. Once read, the book vanishes into the Astral Plane to an unknown destination. Even if it is found again, the same character cannot benefit twice from perusing its contents. 高等神器 MAJOR ARTIFACTS 高等神器独一无二——每种只存在一件。它们非常难以发现并且操作起来很危险,一旦被发现就难以被摧毁。高等神器只有一种特定方法可以摧毁(由你提前决定)。 Major artifacts are unique items—only one of each exists. They are difficult to find and dangerous to handle, but once found, are often even more difficult to destroy. A major psionic artifact should have only a single, specific means of destruction (determined ahead of time by you). 这里介绍的神器只是例子。神器应该按你自己的战役和背景量身定做:高等神器的发现应该在战役所定的时刻。请随意修改这里给出的能力以为你的战役定制神器。 The artifacts presented here are meant to be examples. Artifacts should be tailored to fit your individual campaign and its history: The discovery of a major artifact should be a campaign-defining moment. Feel free to change the powers given here in order to customize these artifacts to your campaign. 半影古杖:这只被赋予了灵能力量的杖是远古的神器,人们猜测它是在传奇半影——被遗忘多时的灵吸怪帝国的神秘地区——里铸造的。它从诞生到现在经历的大事的故事将能写成许多卷书。“半影古杖”是智能的(智力16,感知14,魅力18,自我意识18)但使用之前都在休眠。它的阵营是是守序邪恶。 Staff of Ancient Penumbra: This psionically endowed staff is an artifact from ancient days, supposedly forged on legendary Penumbra, the mythical seat of the long-forgotten illithid empire. The stories of its passage through the epochs since its creation to the present day would fill volumes. The Staff of Ancient Penumbra is intelligent (Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 18, Ego 18) but quiescent until used. Its alignment is lawful evil. 该杖有5呎长,2吋直径,由叫做“substare”的几乎不可摧毁的材料造成。这种物质甚至比精金坚硬,可惜它成分的秘方已经不为人知了。杖的末端是仿效灵吸怪的头雕刻的,有高而後掠额和应该是眼睛所在的巨大空洞(即使其中曾有宝石,现在也没了)。灵吸怪头部的触须和杖身完美地融合,杂乱地雕刻着许多蠕动的蝌蚪,使得杖的表面非常适合握持。细看蝌蚪会发现它们尾部有四个凸起——它们是灵吸怪的幼崽。 The staff measures 5 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter, and is crafted of a nigh-indestructible material called “substare.” This substance might very well be harder than adamantine, but the secret of its formulation has been lost. Its head is carved to form a stylized illithid’s head, with a high, swept-back brow and cavernous sockets where eyes might otherwise be (if gemstone eyes once resided here, they’re gone now). The tentacles of the illithid-head meld perfectly with the shaft, itself intricately carved with a multitude of squirming tadpoles, which provide the perfect tough surface for easily grasping the staff. Scrutiny of the tadpoles reveals four-lobed tails—they are illithid young. 该杖会选择谁可以使用它。有希望的请求者必须通过交涉检定(DC=18)。如果失败,该杖将对与之接触的精神做出恶劣回应,冲出的防御性炎能爆每轮对该人物造成5d6点火焰伤害。这还会自动使该人物着火;受害者从第二轮开始每轮可以尝试通过强韧豁免(DC=20)来熄灭火焰(“操控火焰”之类的异能给予该豁免检定+4加值)。若豁免失败,火焰将每轮持续灼烧,但成功豁免可以永久熄灭该火焰。 The staff is selective about whom it allows to use it. A hopeful petitioner who touches it must make a Diplomacy check (DC 18). On a failure, the staff reacts poorly to the proffered mental contact, lashing out with a defensive pyrokinetic blast that deals 5d6 points of fire damage to that character per round. This also automatically sets the character on fire; the victim can attempt Fortitude saves (DC 20) each round after the first to extinguish the flames (powers such as control flames grant a +4 bonus on the saving throw). The fire continues to burn every round the save is failed but goes out permanently on a successful save. 被火焰杀死者将完全烧光,只留下灰烬。从火焰中幸存的有希望的新主人可以再次进行交涉检定,但每次重复尝试将使检定DC增加+2。 Anyone killed by the fire burns completely, leaving only ashes. A prospective new owner who survives a burning can make another Diplomacy check, but the check DC increases by +2 with each successive attempt. 能力:若“半影古杖”接受了预期的拥有者,它会通过心灵感应揭示自己的能力。然而,新主人可能并不满意这个发现:该神器的特殊意图是传播灵吸怪统治论。拒绝承认灵吸怪优越的或不能证明对此目标有合理进展的主人必须在发生人格冲突时(由DM决定何时发生)通过意志豁免检定(DC=18)以保持控制权。如果失败,该杖成为主导者(见《地下城主指南》第八章的指导,智能灵能物品遵循和魔法物品相同的规则)。如果该杖获得主导权,它将开始对持用者或15呎内的持用者同胞扔炎能爆。只有使该杖确信自己被带到了夺心魔附近才能安抚它。 Powers: If the Staff of Ancient Penumbra takes a shine to a prospective owner, it telepathically reveals its powers. However, the new owner may not enjoy this discovery: The artifact’s special purpose is the promulgation of illithid rulership. An owner who refuses to acknowledge illithid superiority and who does not demonstrate reasonable progress toward that goal must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 18) to remain in control when a personality conflict occurs-the DM decides when. On a failure, the staff is dominant (see Chapter 8 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide for guidance; intelligent psionic items follow the same rules as magic ones). If the staff gains mastery, it begins to throw pyrokinetic blasts at the wielder or at the wielder’s compatriots within 15 feet. Only assuring the staff that it is being brought to the nearest mind flayer will console it. 战斗时该神器是“长棍+5”。该杖若获得重击便会射出炎能爆。持用者也可以以标准动作对15呎内的目标射出炎能爆。任何被炎能爆命中者都会自动如前文所述那样着火。无论如何,对灵吸怪使用该杖(如果持用者不也是灵吸怪)定然会促成人格冲突。 In combat, the artifact is a +5 quarterstaff. If it scores a critical hit, the staff lashes forth with its pyrokinetic blast. The wielder can also direct the blast against a target within 15 feet as a standard action. Anyone hit by the blast automatically catches fire as described above. However, using the staff against an illithid (if the wielder is not also an illithid) is a sure way to precipitate a personality conflict. 该杖的持用者获得对抗法术或异能的豁免检定如果失败,每日可以额外获得三次豁免机会。 Three times per day, the wielder of the staff gains an additional saving throw against a spell or psionic power, if the first one fails. “半影古杖”任何时刻都可以以整轮动作对持用者展现“身体调节”异能。奇怪的是,该杖还能以类似方式使用大量负能量治疗亡灵持用者。 At any time, the Staff of Ancient Penumbra manifests body adjustment on the wielder as a full-round action. Strangely enough, the staff can also heal an undead wielder in a similar way, using a liberal dose of negative energy. 持用者总能看穿30呎的黑暗、雾、烟或其他减弱视觉的情形。持用者可以以一个标准动作使用该杖看穿6吋固体物品,例如金属(包括铅)、石头、木头,甚至是肉,这将持续3回合。 The wielder can always see up to 30 feet through darkness, fog, smoke, or other visibility-reducing conditions. As a standard action, the wielder can use the staff to see up to 6 inches through solid objects, such as metal (including lead), stone, wood, and even flesh, for a duration of 3 rounds. 特殊意图能力:如果该神器相信这么做有助于实现意图,该杖的持用者每日可以展现一次“真知术”。 Special Purpose Power: The wielder of the staff can manifest true seeing once per day, if the artifact believes that doing so will fulfill purpose. 摧毁:必须将该杖扔进恒星的半影中心。 Destruction: The staff must be thrown into the star at Penumbra’s hub. 灭灵之环:这是终极的灵能轰杀者。是现已死去多时的灵吸怪铸造来使拥有大量灵能的敌人们(很可能是别的灵吸怪)陷入绝境的。“灭灵之环”是所有灵能生物都惧怕的神器。它现如今已经被夺心魔和其他类似生物遗忘了,只是寻找它就会因起位面间的动乱。 Annulus: This is the ultimate psionic nullifier. Forged by long-dead illithids to keep enemies of vast psionic power at bay (possibly other illithids), the Annulus is an artifact that any psionic being should fear. It has been forgotten by mind flayers and nonillithids alike in the modern age, and merely finding it would precipitate a great upheaval across the planes. “灭灵之环”是银色质地的1呎直径的环形物。环的外表装饰着小孔、触须、球体和其他复杂的凸起,然而该环上有两段便于握持的平滑区。 The Annulus is a 1-foot-diameter ring of silvery material. Tiny slots, antennae, spheres, and other intricate projections decorate the exterior of the hoop; however, two smoothed lengths of the ring provide adequate grips. 能力:“灭灵之环”有多种能力,都需要持用者以至少一只手紧握该环。当第一次握住该环时,该神器能力的知识便立即涌入持用者的脑中。 Powers: The Annulus has several powers, all of which require a wielder to tightly grasp the ring with at least one hand. When it is first grasped, knowledge of the artifact’s powers immediately flood the wielder’s mind. “灭灵之环”持续产生以持用者为中心的100呎半径的“抑能术”效果(持用者不受影响)。持用者的精神硬度获得+4增强加值。 The Annulus generates a continuous catapsi effect within a 100-foot radius of the wielder (who is unaffected). The wielder gains a +4 enhancement bonus to mental hardness. 持用者每日可以以标准动作触发一次“摧心术”。 Once per day, the wielder can trigger ultrablast as a standard action. 持用者每日可以以标准动作触发三次影响50呎内所有生物的类似“次元锚”的效果。 Three times per day, as a standard action, the wielder can trigger an effect similar to dimensional anchor that affects all creatures in a 50-foot radius. “灭灵之环”的主要能力是灵能轰杀。持用者每年可以以需要10轮完成的特定动作触发一次该效果。持用者指定单个目标或100呎半径内的一群目标,从单个灵能个体或物品到拥有同样特点的一群灵能生物(例如灵吸怪前哨)皆可。对目标进行10整轮“专注”後,废灵效果伴随着从“灭灵之环”射出的光、热和声音的爆炸而生效。非灵能生物或物品不受影响,非目标生物也是,但是目标——不管它有何种防护——在可怕的爆炸中被解离,除浮尘外一点不剩。 The prime power of the Annulus, however, is psionic nullification. Once per year, the wielder can trigger this effect as a special action requiring 10 rounds to complete. The wielder specifies a target or targets within a 100-foot radius, from a specific psionic individual or item to a group of psionic beings that share the same philosophy (such as an illithid outpost). The nullification effect follows 10 full rounds of concentrating on the target and is accompanied by blasts of light, heat, and sound from the Annulus. Nonpsionic creatures and items are unaffected, as are nontargeted beings, but the target—regardless of any protection it may possess—disintegrates with a terrific explosion. Nothing is left but floating dust. 轰杀单体目标或小群目标相对简单,但强大存在(例如半神或更强的实体)或另一件高等神器则超出了“灭灵之环”的能力极限。如果该神器被用来轰杀这样的目标,它会成功但会在过程中毁灭自身,并且任何方法都无法找回它。 It is relatively easy to nullify a single target or a small group of targets, but a more powerful being (such as a demigod or greater entity) or another major artifact taxes the Annulus to its limits. If used to nullify such a target, the artifact succeeds but is destroyed in the process and cannot be retrieved by any means. 摧毁:如前所述,必须将“灭灵之环”用于轰杀半神或更强存在,或是另一件高等神器。 Destruction: The Annulus must be used to nullify a demigod or more powerful being, or another major artifact, as described above. |
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