CSoD - 附录
新魔法物品 New magical items
奥术洞察项链:这件雕刻精美的精灵骨饰项链能为佩带者的“知识(神秘)”检定提供+10加值。 施法者等级:5;先决条件:制造奇物;市场价格:2000Cp Amulet of Arcane Insight: This elaborately carved elven bone amulet grants its wearer a +10 bonus to Knowledge (arcana) checks. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; Market Price: 2,000 Cp
荣耀腰带:此腰带由六角形金片扣合而成。它能为使用者的力量、敏捷和体质提供+6增强加值。 施法者等级:18;先决条件:制造奇物、蛮力术、轻灵术、坚韧术;交易价格:180000Cp Belt of Glory: This belt is made from interlocking hexagonal gold plates. It grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Caster level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, endurance; Market Price: 180,000 Cp
国王头饰:这顶雕有强壮战士和美洲虎图案的黄金王冠为使用者的智力、感知和魅力提供+6增强加值。 施法者等级:18;先决条件:制造奇物、魅惑怪物、通晓传奇、预警术;交易价格:180000Cp King’s Circlet: This golden diadem depicting mighty warriors and jaguars grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Caster level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster, legend lore, foresight; Market Price: 180,000 Cp
新灵能物品 New psionic items
美洲虎之牙:这些+1 maqahuitl是由House of the Mind制作并装备于Draj最重要的军官。美洲虎之牙的持有者对恐惧与胁迫效果免疫,且对心灵附魔系的豁免检定得到+3抗力加值。 显能者等级:6 ;先决条件:制造灵能武器与防具、消解灵能;交易价格:12315Cp Jaguar’s Tooth: These +1 maqahuitls are created at the House of the Mind for use by Draj’s most important military officers. The bearer of a jaguar’s tooth is immune to fear and compulsion effects, and benefits from a +3 resistance bonus to saves against telepathic psionic powers. Manifester level: 6th; Prerequisite : Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, negate psionics; Market Price: 12,315 Cp
灵能心灵护盾之戒:此戒指的功能与魔法版本的心灵护盾之戒相同,除了它为使用者提供对灵能手段侦测思想的防护。(假定采用变体规则“灵能异于魔法”。否则,此戒指的功能与其魔法版本完全相同——同时提供对魔法和灵能效果的防护。) 显能者等级:3 ;先决条件:制造奇物、回避侦测;交易价格:8000Cp Ring of Psionic Mindshielding: This ring functions as its magical equivalent ring of mindshielding, except it protects its wearer from psionic attempts at reading one’s thoughts, not magical ones. (This assumes the “Psionics is Different” rule is in effect. If not, this ring functions exactly as its magical equivalent – offering protection from both psionic and magical effects). Manifester level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, nondetection; Market Price: 8,000 Cp