CR70版 |
Demiurge, Demon Prince of the Undead 造物主,司掌不死生物的恶魔君主 Demiurge Cleric 25, True Necromancer 10, Wizard (Necromancer) 25 造物主牧师25级,真.死灵法师10级,死灵法师25级 CR 70 CR 70 Huge Outsider (Demon); 巨型外层位面者(恶魔) HD 40d12 and 25d8 and 10d4 and 25d4; HD 40D12+25D8+10D4+25D4 hp 820; HP:820 Init +11; 先攻+11, Spd 90 ft., fly 250 ft (perfect); 速度90英尺,飞行250英尺(完美机动性); AC 74, touch 37, flat-footed 67; AC 74,接触37,措手不及67; Atk +98/+93/+88/+83/+81 melee (2d8+29+3d6 and 1 negative level (chaotic)+3d6 and 1 negative energy level (unholy)+ death (Fortitude save 46)/x2+6d6 and 2 negative levels (chaotic)+6d6 and 2 negative levels (unholy)+ death (Fortitude save 46 2 consecutive rounds) 4 slams The Wand of Orcus, a +6 chaotic power, unholy power heavy mace, and 3d8+11+3d8 Constitution damage (poison, Fortitude DC 40)/x2, 1 tail sting), or +91/+91/+86/+86/+81 melee (2d8+23 2 slams, and 2d6+11, 2 wing buffets, and 3d8+11+3d8 Constitution damage (poison, Fortitude DC 40) 1 tail sting), or +86/+81 melee (4d6+34+stun 1d10 rounds (Fortitude DC 40) head butt and 3d8+11+3d8 Constitution damage (poison, Fortitude DC 40), or +74/+69/+64/+59 ranged (ranged attack or spell); Face/Reach 10 ft. by 15 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with tail);
攻击+98/+93/+88/+83/+81/ 肉搏(2D8+29+3D6以及1个负等级(混乱)+3D6加1个负能量等级(邪恶)+即死(强韧豁免DC46)/X2+6D6以及2个负等级(混乱)+ 6D6加2负等级(邪恶)+即死(强韧豁免46,连续两轮[?不明白,是在两轮里连续进行多次豁免吗?]),用奥库斯之杖进行4次肉搏攻击,该武器是一把 +6混乱邪恶重锤,3D8+11+3D8体质伤害(毒素,强韧豁免DC40)/X2,1次尾刺攻击),或+91/+91/+86/+86/+81肉搏(2D8+23, 2次掌击,2D6+11,2翅膀拍击,3D8+11+3D8体质伤害(毒素,强韧豁免DC40),1次尾刺攻击),或者+86/+81肉搏(4D6+34 +震慑1D10轮(强韧豁免DC40),头撞攻击。 面宽/触及:10英尺,15英尺/15英尺(加上尾巴是20英尺)
SA Abyssal Vehemence, Cosmic Corruption, Entropic Wave, spell-like abilities, call tanar''ri, Bloat Hate, Curdle the Blood, Curse the Flesh, Hoarding the Spirit, turn undead or Outsiders 27/day (Cleric 35), create greater undead (Cleric 35) 1/day, create undead (Cleric 35) 1/day, energy drain (Cleric 35) 1/day, major desecration, zone of desecration; SQ Demiurge Traits, Demon Prince Qualities, Tanar''ri Traits, Decadent Divinity (Virtual Divine Rank 11), Demon God, Ravaged Form, DR 60/+11, Prince of the Undead, SR 82; AL CE; SV Fort +52, Ref +58, Will +62; Str 54, Dex 25, Con --, Int 34, Wis 30, Chr 42. 15'' tall
特殊能力:深渊之怒,广域腐化,熵之巨浪,类法术能力,召唤塔纳利,刺激憎恨,凝血术,诅咒生灵,禁锢灵魂,每天27次转化不死生物或外层位面者(相当于 35级牧师),每天1次创造大型不死生物(相当于35级牧师),每天1次创造不死生物(相当于35级牧师),每天1次能量吸取(相当于35级牧师),大型亵渎术,亵渎之域; 特性:造物主特点,恶魔君主特性,塔纳利特性,颓废之神(有效神格11),魔神,恐怖外形, DR60+11,不死生物君主,SR82 阵营:混乱邪恶 豁免:强韧+52,反射+58,意志+62; 力量54,敏捷25,体质——,智力34,智慧30,魅力42,身高15英尺
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +56, Balance +11, Bluff +48, Concentration +102, Craft (sculpture) +35, Craft (stonemason) +63, Diplomacy +48, Escape Artist +50, Heal +33, Hide +38, Intimidate +53, Jump +28, Knowledge (The Abyss) +63, Knowledge (Arcane) +124, Knowledge (Outer Planes) +96, Knowledge (Religion) +84, Knowledge (Undead) +63, Listen +55, Move Silently +50, Scry +101, Search +68, Sense Motive +55, Spellcraft +119, Spot +57, Tumble +50. Alertness, Blinding Speed (2), Cleave, Corrupt Spell, Corrupt Spell-like Ability, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Wondrous Items, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Dark Speech, Empower Spell, Epic Spell Focus (Necromancy), Eschew Materials, Extra Turning (2), Fly-by Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Ignore Material Components, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th), Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Planar Turning, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Sunder, Toughness, Vile Natural Strike, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Willing Deformity (Obese), Zone of Animation. 技能与特长:炼金术+56,平衡+11,哄骗+48,集中+102,手艺(雕刻)+35,手艺(石工)+63,交涉+48,逃跑艺术+50,医疗+33,隐藏+38,胁迫+53,跳跃+28,知识(无底深渊)+63,知识(奥术)+124,知识(外层位面)+96,知识(宗教)+84,知识(不死生物)+ 63,聆听+55,安静移动+50,占卜+101,搜索+68,察言观色+55,法术识别+119,观察+57,摔绊+50,警觉,盲感(2),顺劈斩,腐化法术,腐化类法术能力,制造传奇法杖,制造传奇魔法物品,制造法杖,制造魔法物品,黑暗圣言,授予法术,传奇法术专攻(死灵系),无须原料,额外活动力(2轮),飞行攻击,强力顺劈斩,异常强韧,强化法术专攻(死灵系),无视原料材质,改良重击,改良先攻,改良施法(10级),改良施法(11级),改良施法(12级),强化施法,法术极效,负能量脉冲,转化位面生物,,猛力攻击,快速施法,快速施展类法术能力,法术效果延长,抄写卷轴,法术专攻(死灵系),击破武器,坚韧,邪恶自然打击,武器专攻(重锤),扭曲肉体(肥胖),活化区域
Divine Decadence: Although not a god, Orcus possesses power that rivals that of true divine beings. Orcus possesses a virtual divine rank of 11 as described in the "Virtual Divine Ranks and Cosmic Entities Defined" article. Furthermore, while anywhere in The Abyss, Orcus functions as if he had a Virtual Divine Rank of 16.
Demon Prince Qualities: Orcus is immune to electricity and poison, and possesses acid and fire resistance 20; Orcus can engage in telepathic communication with any creature within 100 feet; Orcus constantly detects good, detects magic, and sees invisibility as a 31st level Sorcerer; he possesses immunity to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack to alter his form. Orcus is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage; he is also immune to mind-affecting effects. 恶魔君主特性:奥库斯免疫闪电与毒素,并且拥有强酸与火焰抗性各20;奥库斯能通过心灵感应与100英尺范围内的任何生物交谈,奥库斯身上总是附加有相当于 31级术士施展的侦测善良,侦测魔法以及侦测隐身术效果,他免疫变形,石化,或者任何其他能够改变其外形的攻击。奥库斯不会受到能量吸取,属性吸取,以及属性伤害;他也免疫心灵影响效果。
Orcus can sense anything within one mile around the mentioning of his name, titles, or an item of importance to him. This power is barred from places associated with gods of goodness or the personal redoubts of Demiurges. 奥库斯能感知到任何提起他名号,头衔,或与他有关的重大事件1英里范围内的任何事情,这个能力能够被善良神明或创世神的专属领域所阻隔。
Orcus is immortal and cannot die from natural causes; he does not age, and does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. 奥库斯是不朽的并且不会自然死亡,他不会衰老,不需进食,睡眠或呼吸。
Spell-Like Abilities: At will - animate dead, blasphemy, cause fear, chaos hammer, clairaudience/clairvoyance, charm person, comprehend languages, create greater undead, create undead, darkness, death knell, death ward, deeper darkness, desecrate, destruction, detect chaos, detect law, feeblemind, greater dispelling, harm, fear, lightning bolt, magic circle against law, major image, polymorph any object, polymorph self, project image, pyrotechnics, read magic, scrying, slay living, symbol, telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus 1000 pounds), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wail of the banshee, wall of fire; 6/day - enervation, horrid wilting, implosion, negative energy burst, negative energy ray, negative energy wave, persistent image, shatter; 3/day - power word: kill, power word: stun; 1/day – bestow greater curse, hellball, shapechange, soul shackle, spirit wall, stop heart, time stop; 1/week - absorb strength, crushing fist of spite, evil weather, gut wrench, imprison soul, wrack. Orcus also casts spells from the Death Domain at will; these spells are included in the list above. These abilities are as spells cast by a 46th level sorcerer (save DC 22 + spell level). The DC for Necromantic spell-like abilities cast by Orcus is 28 + spell level; furthermore, Orcus casts Necromantic spell-like abilities as an 81st level Sorcerer. 类法术能力:随意使用:活化尸体,降咒,恐惧诅咒,混沌战锤,锐耳/鹰眼术,魅惑人类,通晓语言,创造大型不死生物,创造不死生物,黑暗术,死亡丧钟,防死结界,深度黑暗术,猥亵术,毁灭术,侦测混乱,侦测秩序,弱智术,强化解除魔法,伤害术,恐惧术,闪电术,反秩序法阵,变形万物,变化自身,投影术,烟火术,解读魔法,占卜术,生灵必杀,法印术,心灵致动,无错传送(自身家1000磅物品),邪居,邪恶灵光,邪影击,女妖之嚎,火墙术;每天6次:虚弱术,恐怖枯萎术,内爆术,负能量脉冲,负能量射线,负能量波浪,永久幻象,粉碎术,每天3次:真言术:灭,真言术:定;每天1次:强力降咒术,地狱球,变形术,灵魂枷锁,灵魂之墙,心脏骤停,时间停止;每周一次:吸收力量,困扰之拳,邪恶天候,内脏绞痛,囚禁灵魂,灾难术。如果奥库斯需要,他也能够从死亡领域释放这些法术(?这一句不明)。这些法术包括以上所列出的,这些能力相当于被46级术士(豁免DC22+法术等级)。奥库斯施展的死灵系类法术能力的豁免DC为28+法术等级。此外,奥库斯施展死灵系类法术能力相当于81级术士。
Ravaged Form - Adopt another Form (Ex): As the Demon Prince of the Undead, it is unsurprising that Orcus possess many attributes associated with corporeal Undead. Orcus is immune to sleep, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. He is not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, or death from massive damage. Orcus does not have a Constitution score.
Ravaged Form - Bloated Form (Ex): Orcus is horrifically obese. He has a +2 circumstance bonus to his Strength and a -2 penalty to his Dexterity. He also only suffers ?damage from crushing/impact weapons and attacks. 恐怖形态—臃肿形态(EX):奥库斯肥胖得惊人,他在强壮上有+2的环境奖励和敏捷受到—2的处罚。他只会受到挥砍/钝击武器与攻击的伤害。
Ravaged Form - Divine Power (Undead Mastery): As the Demon Prince of the Undead, Orcus possess control over these debased, accursed beings that surpasses that of many gods. Orcus can automatically command or destroy any undead creature, as desired, as a free action. Orcus can do this as often as he wants, but he can command no more than 16 Undead at any one time. When controlling Undead using this power, Orcus is treated as a Greater god with a divine rank of 16 regardless of his location. 恐怖形态—神力(司掌不死生物):作为司掌不死生物的恶魔君主,奥库斯诅咒生灵的能力超过了许多神,奥库斯能任意命令或摧毁任何不死生物,如果需要,奥库斯通过一个自由动作就能做到这一点。但他在同一时间只能控制不超过16个不死生物(?不太可能吧?可能理解有误)。当他用这力量控制不死生物时,不管在哪里,奥库斯都被视为一个RANK16的强大神力。
Ravaged Form - Epic Magic Power: animus blast (Sp): Once per day as a standard action, Orcus can cast an animus blast. He does not need to roll a Spellcraft check. When Orcus calls on this effect, he engulfs his enemies in a coldball that deals 10d6 points of cold damage. However, up to twenty of those victims that perish as a result of the blast are then instantly animated as Medium-sized skeletons. These skeletons serve him indefinitely. See the Epic Level Handbook for more information on Epic Spells.
恐怖形态—传奇魔法力量:尸化冲击波:作为一个标准动作,奥库斯每天能够释放一个尸化冲击波,而不需要施法骰鉴定。当奥库斯唤起这个效果,他能将他的敌人包卷在1个能造成 10D6寒冷伤害的冰球里。无论如何,最多20个牺牲者在被冲击波杀死后将立刻被活化为中等体型的骷髅。这些骷髅永远服从奥库斯的意志。看看传奇等级手册中关于传奇法术那一部分可以知道更多相关信息。
Ravaged Form - Epic Magic Power: mummy dust (Sp): Once per day as a standard action, Orcus can sprinkle mummy dust. He does not need to roll a Spellcraft check. When Orcus calls on this effect, he sprinkles the dust of ground mummies in conjunction with casting the spell. Two Large 18-HD mummies spring up from the dust in an area adjacent to him. The mummies follow Orcus'' every command according to their abilities, until they are destroyed. See the Epic Level Handbook for more information on mummy dust and Epic Spells.
Ravaged Form - Immense Size (Ex): In addition to being remarkably fat, Orcus is also immense in girth and width. Orcus is a Huge Demon. 恐怖形态——庞大体形(EX):不但异乎寻常的肥胖,奥库斯也极端的魁梧与壮硕。奥库斯是一个巨大的恶魔。
Ravaged Form - Ram''s Horns (Ex): Orcus'' demonic head is adorned with a pair of ram''s horns. These horns grant him a butting attack. 恐怖形态——山羊之角(EX):奥库斯典型的恶魔脑袋上有一双山羊般的角。这些角使他可以进行冲撞攻击。
Ravaged Form - Magical Power: speak with the dead (Ex): Orcus can speak with the dead at will as if he were an 81st level Cleric. 恐怖形态——魔法力量:死者交谈(EX):只要奥库斯需要,他能像81级牧师一样与死者交谈。 Ravaged Form - Stinging Tail (Ex): Orcus has a long, forked tail with a needle-like tip that perpetually drips a clear, puss-like liquid. This tail attack grants Orcus an additional, poisonous attack. 恐怖形态——带刺的尾巴(EX):奥库斯有一条长长的,带有永远都在滴落透明的,脓状液体的针状尾刺的叉形尾巴。这尾巴使奥库斯可以进行额外的毒性攻击。
Abyssal Vehemence (Ex): Orcus'' physical presence is so disgusting that is causes lesser creatures to succumb to his hate and need to spread destruction and terror. All creatures within 600 feet of Orcus must succeed in a Will save 46. Those who succumb to Orcus'' gross presence suffer one of the two following effects: 深渊之怒(EX):奥库斯的是如此的可怖的存在以至于他足以迫使一些弱小生物屈从于他的憎恨,并去传播毁灭与恐怖。所有在奥库斯600英尺范围内的所有生物如果没有通过一个DC46的意志豁免则将屈服于奥库斯的意志并进入下面两个状态之一:
Fright: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture by Orcus makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight. 惊骇:受到影响的生物将战栗和在攻击骰、豁免和技能鉴定上受到—2士气惩罚。奥库斯仅仅凭一瞥或一个手势就能令其惊骇不已,并且使他们拼命以最大速度奔逃,although they can choose the path of their flight.
Madness: Orcus'' physical presence the grotesque evil incarnate in his being drives lesser beings insane per the insanity spell. The being remains stuck in a state of madness for one day for every point by which she failed the saving throw, after which time the victim is allowed another save. The madness exists until the victim successfully saves or the appropriate spells are cast by a 31st level being to purge the insanity effect. 疯狂:奥库斯恐怖的恶魔形态能使弱小的生物如同癫狂术效果一样发疯。
Orcus can make his servants, "worshippers," beings of Chaotic Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until Orcus dismisses it. However, the Orcus cannot determine which effect takes place; there is a 50% chance each time Abyssal Vehemence is used that one or the other effect will impact near by victims. However, if Orcus uses this ability as part of his Curdle the Blood, the effect is always Fright (see Curdle the Blood below). 奥库斯可以通过一个自由动作使他的仆人,“崇拜者”,混乱邪恶阵营的生物,或者兼有三种特性的生物免疫此影响。这个免疫效果将维持1天或直到奥库斯解除它。无论如何,奥库斯也不能决定到底是哪种效果起作用,每次受到深渊之怒影响的受害者有50%的机会受到其中之一或其他效果的作用。如果奥库斯像凝血术这样使用此能力,则效果总是惊骇状态(看下面关于凝血术的描写)
Lesser gods and higher ranked divine beings are immune to Orcus'' Abyssal Vehemence. 半神以及更高神格的神力存在免疫奥库斯的“深渊之怒”影响。
Cosmic Corruption (Su): So heinous is Orcus'' presence that he may corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Once per day as a standard action, Orcus may unhallow an area equal to 1400 feet. Orcus can apply the following spells to the unhallow effect (some of which are not listed as part of the unhallow spell in the Player''s Handbook): bane, bestow curse, contagion, deeper darkness, dispel magic, silence. In most situations, Orcus will select bestow curse. 广域腐化(SU):奥库斯无比恐怖的形态,使他仅仅是出现,转念之间就可以腐化整个地区。作为一个标准动作奥库斯每天可以腐化一个范围约1400英尺的区域。奥库斯能附加以下法术到这个腐化效果中(没有列出的部分参见PHB上关于亵渎法术之一部分):施毒术,降咒术,瘟疫术,幽深黑暗术,解除魔法,沉默。在绝大多数情况下,奥库斯将使用降咒术。
The forces of righteousness disgust Orcus, who finds goodness and holiness repellent enough to give him pause. As a result, Orcus avoids hallowed ground. If Orcus finds it necessary to enter a hallowed site, he must make a Will DC save equal to 30 + the divine rank of the represented god + the god''s Charisma modifier; Orcus cannot use his spell resistance to overcome this effect. If Orcus succeeds in entering the hallowed area, the area immediately becomes unhallowed. Once Orcus breaches holy ground, the god in question is immediately alerted to his presence and will often (DM''s discretion) send a proxy or an avatar to deal with the intrusion. 正义的力量令奥库斯不快,来自正义与神圣力量的排斥足以延缓他的行动。因为这个效果,奥库斯将避开神圣的场所。如果奥库斯发现它必须进入一个神圣地点,他必须通过一个DC30+这个阻止他的神的神格+该神的魅力修正的意志豁免。奥库斯不能用他的法术抗力来克服这个效果。如果奥库斯顺利进入这个神圣区域,这个区域将马上变得不再神圣。一旦奥库斯突入圣地,该神将立刻警告他的出现并经常(DM决定)派遣其代理人或圣者来解决这次骚扰。 Demon God (Ex): Of all the Demiurge and Demon Princes, only Lolth has more worshippers than Orcus. Not even Demogorgon no Graz''zt come close to possessing as many worshippers as Orcus who is recognized across The Cosmos as the Demon Prince of the Undead and a "god of terrible death" in his own right. In many ways, Orcus transcends just the "Undeath" portfolio since he strongly encourages murder and curses as part of his worshippers many debased behaviors. Still, Orcus is not a true god since he still does not receive any real power from being "worshipped" and the vast majority of his worshippers receive their power through their faith in him rather than from him directly. However, proof his significant power can be found in the fact that Orcus is one of a few Demiurge that has entire cult of unique servants outside mundane Clerics, so-called Thralls of Orcus, which is detailed in the Book of Vile Darkness. Traditional Clerics of Orcus go by numerous names like Servants of the Goat Head and Slaves of the Bloody Night. Clerics of Orcus draw their power from the Chaos, Death, and Evil Domains. Both Thralls and Clerics tend to wear elaborate goat-like headgear adorn with ram horns, and expensive, flowing robes and cloaks. A fair number are intelligent Undead, mostly Vampires and Death Knights, although there are quite a few Liches. Indeed, the majority of those Undead that serve Orcus willingly are of the corporeal variety. 魔神(EX):在所有造物主和恶魔君主中,只有罗丝拥有比奥库斯更多的崇拜者。在整个宇宙即使狄摩高根和格拉兹特也没有像不死生物的君王与“恐怖的死亡之神”奥库斯这样拥有众多的崇拜者。在许多方面,像他的崇拜者们的无数卑劣行为那样,奥库斯的“不死”神职促使他大力鼓励谋杀与诅咒。但奥库斯仍不是一个真正的神。他没有从其崇拜者的敬拜中获得任何真正的神力,并且他的绝大多数崇拜者通过他们对奥库斯的信仰本身获得的力量要远远大于他所直接赐予的。毕竟,有证据表明奥库斯是少数在整个祭祀仪式中需要外层界牧师的造物主之一,被称为奥库斯的仆役,在邪恶之书中有详细介绍。传统意义上的奥库斯牧师拥有很多称呼比如山羊头的仆人以及血夜之奴仆等。奥库斯的牧师从混乱、邪恶,以及邪恶领域摄取力量。奥库斯的仆役和牧师都常常穿戴着制作精良的有山羊角的山羊造型头饰,以及昂贵的长袍和斗篷。其中很大一部分是有智慧的不死生物。大部分的吸血鬼和死亡骑士,甚至也包裹一些巫妖。确实,侍奉奥库斯的不死生物大多形态各异。
Entropic Wave (Su): Orcus can unleash an explosion of corrupt, destructive, Abyssal power in the form of a wave that extends from his person. Orcus may use his Entropic Wave 11/day, dealing 19d12 points of damage. Orcus'' Entropic Wave explodes in a radius of 190 feet; victims caught in the wave may attempt a Reflex save DC 42 for half damage. Orcus'' Entropic Wave appears like a blast of foul blood and shattered bones that sink into ground shortly after being disperse. Sometimes, ugly blood stains are left in the wake of this power. Entropic Wave ignores mortal magic like anti-magic field, but may only remove one layer of prismatics per blast. Walls of force are not affected by Entropic Wave.
Call Tanar''ri (Sp): Thrice per day, Orcus may call Demons. Like all Demiurge, Orcus is under no special restriction for calling any kind of Demon, and may call up to 70 HD of these creatures per attempt. Orcus is not especially subtle and, after being dead, prefers to take no chances with those who would threaten him. Orcus immediately calls 5 Balor Demons. Besides these terrible monsters, Orcus is prone to call on ram-horned Armanites (of which he can call 14) and the bloated Zovvuts (of which he can call 7). Orcus is often attended by two advanced Marilith Fighters.
召唤塔纳利(SP):每天3次,奥库斯能召唤恶魔。就像所有造物主那样,奥库斯可以召唤任何种类的恶魔,每次都能召唤到共70HD的生物。Orcus is not especially subtle and, after being dead, prefers to take no chances with those who would threaten him. 奥库斯能立即召唤5名巴洛魔,或者其他恐怖的怪物。但奥库斯更倾向于召唤有山羊角的Armanites(能召唤14个)以及肥胖的Zovvuts(能召唤 7个)。奥库斯身边经常有两名高级六臂蛇魔侍卫。
Call Undead (Sp): As the Demon Prince of Undead, Orcus has tremendous power over Undead, particularly the Chaotic evil and corporeal varieties. At any time, Orcus can call up to 320 HD of Undead as a move equivalent action each day. All Undead called in this fashion are utterly loyal to Orcus. Furthermore, they have no impact on the total number of Undead Orcus can control at any given moment. When calling Undead, Orcus usually brings in 4 18th level Vampire Clerics, 4 18th level Death Knight Blackguards, and a few Nightstalkers. 召唤不死生物(SP):作为统治不死生物的君主,奥库斯对不死生物拥有巨大的统治力。这些不死生物都是混乱邪恶以及形态各异的。在任何时候,奥库斯每天能以一个移动等效动作召唤总共320HD的不死生物。所有召集过来的不死生物都将完全忠实于奥库斯的意志。此外,它们不被计入奥库斯一次能够控制的不死生物的最大数量(就是不受上限限制)。当召唤不死生物的时候,奥库斯通常召来4名18级的吸血鬼牧师,4名18级的死亡堕落骑士,以及一些影怪。
Bloat Hate (Su): Of all the Demiurge, there are none so filled with loathing as Orcus. Orcus hates life, he hates death, he hates Undeath, and he hates himself. Orcus'' hatred is a palpable force that can easily spread to other beings too close to Orcus during one of his rages. 3/day, all within 1100 feet of Orcus are consumed with hate at everything in the immediate area, particularly other sentient beings. If a victim in the radius fails a Will save DC 46, they feel the desire harm and, if possible, kill any living thing nearby. Although the victim is filled with unspeakable loathing, he is still very aware of what he''s doing and does not lose his faculties (like a Barbarian). Still, once a target is randomly chosen, the victim will pursue it until it''s either dead or has disappeared from sight, at which point the victim will turn his attention to another target... including Orcus himself. Those who suffer from Bloat Hate receive an additional saving throw every 11 rounds, although the effect can last for up to 24 hours before elapsing. Those that commit atrocities while in this state will need to atone for their actions and, for goodly Clerics and Paladins, a quest issued by a 21st level Cleric will be in order. 膨胀的恨意(SU):在所有造物主中,没有哪一个像奥库斯那样在心中充满憎恶。奥库斯憎恨生命,憎恨死亡,憎恨不死,以及————憎恨他自己。在他愤怒时,奥库斯的仇恨是如此强大的力量以至于可以很轻易地感染离他太近的生物。每天3次,所有在奥库斯1100英尺范围内的任何生物都将受到影响。只要是一个有感知力的生物,如果他没有通过一个DC46的意志豁免,他们将变得渴望伤害,如果可能的话,去杀死附近的任何活物。虽然受害者已经被无边的恨意所吞噬,但他仍然非常清楚他在做什么并且不会影响他技能的发挥(就像野蛮人一样)。此外,一旦受害者选定了一个目标,他将始终追杀他直到两人之一死去,或者目标消失在他视野里,此时受害者将把注意力转向其他目标…….这个效果包括奥库斯自己。膨胀的恨意作用时间为每失败的豁免骰11轮,虽然在最多24小时后这效果就会杰出,但对于善良牧师和圣骑士来说他们在此期间造成的恶劣后果则必须通过角色们的行动来弥补,这必须征询一个21级牧师的意见。
Curdle the Blood (Su): The presence of Orcus is anathema to mortal beings and lesser (non-divine) Outsiders of the holy type. 3/day, Orcus can Curdle the Blood, filling the souls of lesser creatures with abject, irrational terror while harming them, as part of his Abyssal Vehemence (Orcus must initiate this with Abyssal Vehemence at the beginning of his action). Those that succumb to Curdle the Blood face triple the penalties of the Fright effect. Furthermore, each round victims must make a Fortitude save DC 40. Those that fail suffer 3d8 points of Constitution for the next three rounds as their blood literally thickens and seems like slime from every orifice on their body. If this occurs in the presence of beings that feed on blood or corpses (like Ghouls, Ghasts, and Vampires), such creatures are drawn to the victims immediately to feast, only pausing to defend themselves. Those that manage to survive this aspect of Curdle the Blood regain one point of Constitution each day unless they are cured by a miracle or wish spell cast by a 31st level caster. Regardless, there is a 50% chance that those who were harmed by Curdle the Blood permanently lose 3d8 points of Constitution as well as 2d8 points of Charisma (due to the horrible pallor that lingers from the attack) that not even wish or miracles cast by mortal spellcasters can overcome. 凝血术(SU):奥库斯的邪恶使他仅仅是出现就足以影响凡物和神圣特性的低级外层位面生物。每天3次,奥库斯能凝固血液,在造成伤害的同时在其灵魂中充满卑鄙,狂乱的邪恶,就像他的深渊之怒的一部分(奥库斯必须在他开始行动时发动深渊之怒)。受到凝血术影响的生物将在格斗技能上受到3倍惩罚,此外,每轮受害者必须进行一次DC40的坚韧豁免,一旦失败则在接下来的3轮受到3D8的体质伤害,他们的血液将变得粘稠并如同淤泥一样从他们身上的每个开口流出。如果这附近有以鲜血或尸体为食的生物(比如食尸鬼,嗜尸鬼,以及吸血鬼),像这样的生物将马上将把受害者作为食物。而即使通过了豁免的生物,除非由于31级牧师施展的奇迹术或许愿术,否则也要每天受到1点的体质伤害。无论如何,受害者有50%的几率因凝血术而受到3D8的体质伤害以及2D8的魅力伤害(受害者因为凝血术的影响而苍白的可怕),即使凡人施展的许愿术和奇迹术也无法避免这种情况。
Curse the Flesh (Su): Orcus can focus his hate into a terrible curse effect. 1/day, Orcus can bestow a greater curse to all within 550 feet. Non-divine beings with fewer HD/levels than Orcus'' CR do not gain a save from this curse, although Orcus can decide who is affected and who is not. He cannot affect more than 11 beings in the area. See the Book of Vile Darkness for details on bestow greater curse. 肉体诅咒(SU):奥库斯能将他的憎恨凝聚成一个恐怖的诅咒效果。每天1次,奥库斯能无豁免地将一个强大的诅咒降临周围550英尺范围内任何HD/等级低于奥库斯的CR的非神圣生物身上。奥库斯能决定到底谁受到影响。在这个范围内他不能同时诅咒超过11个生物,参见邪恶之书上关于强力降咒的描写。
Hoarding the Spirit (Su): Although Orcus hates everything, at times he finds some pleasure in consuming the souls of sentient, living beings. Like the Undead that revere him, Orcus consumes life force and can completely obliterate not just the body, but the soul as well. 3/day, Orcus can Hoard the Spirit. This malevolent power forces all within 1100 feet of Orcus to succeed in a Fortitude save DC 40. Those that succeed simply suffer 19d12 points of damage. Those that fail suffer a fate far worse than death as their physical bodies die instantly and are dragged into Orcus'' bloated form. From this point on, the victim is under the effects of a trap the soul with the following adjustments. Each and every day, the victim loses on point in every ability and gains a negative level (these penalties stack). Once they reach 0 in any three abilities or 0 class levels/HD, the victim is instantly consumed by Orcus, his soul utterly obliterated. Likewise is the victim permanently destroyed if he exists within Orcus for more than 11 days. Interestingly, Orcus receives no obvious benefit from consuming souls in this fashion, although it''s likely that he simply enjoys knowing that he''s caused such harm and turmoil in the utter death of a sentient being. Orcus can only trap up to 11 souls at any one time and typically has 2d4+1 trapped souls. If he exceeds his limit, a random soul is freed with its penalties and soon finds itself either turned into a Bodak if released in The Abyss (within 1d4 rounds), or in the Outer Plane most appropriate to its alignment as a weakened petitioner. Only Greater gods of Life and/or Death have the ability to release a soul so trapped through the use of the Mass Life and Death salient divine ability. Also, souls can be released if Orcus'' physical body is destroyed beyond The Abyss. 监禁灵魂(SU):由于奥库斯仇恨所有事物,当他发现就像那些崇拜他的不死生物那样因生命而喜悦的灵魂,以及活物,奥库斯将毁灭其生之原力并将其灵魂完整地拽出其身体。每天3次,奥库斯能监禁灵魂。这邪恶的力量能作用在距离奥库斯1100英尺范围内任何没有通过 DC40的坚韧豁免的生物。这能造成可怕的19D12点伤害,而如果受害者屈服于这痛苦将必然面临比他们肉体的死亡更可怕的命运。他们的灵魂将被立即吸入奥库斯浮肿的形体。从此,该受害者将一直处于灵魂陷阱状态下。每天受害者在任何能力上失去一个点数并获得一个负等级(可累加)。当他们的任意三种能力都为 0,或者等级/HD为0,则该受害者立刻被奥库斯所毁灭。他的灵魂完全消散。同样地,如果受害者的灵魂被困在奥库斯体内超过11天则将被彻底杀死。有趣的是,奥库斯Orcus receives no obvious benefit from consuming souls in this fashion。尽管奥库斯喜欢享受看到那些智慧生物被伤害与死亡而折磨时的乐趣。奥库斯在同一时间最多只能囚禁11个灵魂或其他2D4+1个被囚禁的灵魂。如果超过这个极限,随机一个灵魂将被释放出来并找回自己的身体————他将变成一个波达尸。如果他在无底深渊被释放(在1D4轮内),或者其他外层位面的话,他将根据他的阵营而成为一个虚弱的祈并者。只有神职包括生命或死亡的强大神力才能通过广域生杀予夺这个超凡神力来释放被囚禁的灵魂。当然,如果奥库斯的肉体在无底深渊被摧毁了,也能释放那些被囚禁的灵魂。
Prince of the Undead (Ex): As the Demon Prince of the Undead, Orcus not only gains the obedience of all Undead beings, but his very presence also bolsters them. All Undead and evil creatures within 1100 feet of Orcus (or 1600 in The Abyss) are instantly forced to serve him. Thus, animated skeletons under the control of Clerics or evil Undead servants of even a Greater god immediately betray their former master and serve Orcus. (Even if Orcus is subsequently driven away or vanquished, former masters must attempt to Rebuke/Command their previous servants in order to regain control). Furthermore, all Undead within the same radius are completely immune to attempts to Turn or Rebuke them. Finally, any and all spells with limit caps on the number of Undead that can be controlled are tripled for Orcus'' purpose and not included as part of Undead that Orcus took control of as part of this power. 不死生物的君主(EX):作为司掌不死生物的恶魔君主,奥库斯不仅被所有不死生物所敬服,而且他也非常支持他们。所有在奥库斯1100英尺内的不死生物和邪恶生物(在无底深渊则是1600英尺)将立刻被迫为他服务。这样,被牧师控制的骷髅或其他强大神力的邪恶不死仆役将立刻背叛他们的前主人并转而为奥库斯服务。(如果奥库斯控制或慑服了它们,则其前主人则必须立即通过呵斥或号令他们之前的不死仆从来重新控制它们)。此外,所有在此范围内的不死生物将完全免疫转化或呵斥。最后,任何涉及不死生物的法术都不能影响被奥库斯的力量所控制的那部分不死生物。
Possessions: Orcus is known for his one prized possession, the major artifact known as The Wand of Orcus. In truth, the real name of this virtually incomparable weapon is The Wand of Death, although not even Orcus refers to it in this fashion anymore. The Wand of Orcus is actually a rod. The shaft is said to be crafted from the bones of celestials and gilded with obsidian. A myriad of precious stones stud the head upon which a human skull rests. This skull, said to be the skull of the very same Paladin that killed the former Dark Eight, Cantrum, has a reddish sheen and, whenever a power is used, both the eye sockets and nostrils flare with unholy red light and the mouth gapes. There are few artifacts in the Cosmos more powerful or feared than Orcus'' dreaded Wand. See below for more details on The Wand of Orcus. Beyond The Wand of Orcus, Orcus has access to any magic item in which he has an interest and is rumored to own at least six major artifacts aside from his Wand. 财产:奥库斯最被广为人知的宝物就是奥库斯之杖。实际上,这把无与伦比的强大武器的真名是死亡之杖。尽管奥库斯从没有在任何场合提到过这一点。奥库斯之杖实际上是一把法杖,它的形状是一个饰有黑曜石的,以天界般的技术制成的镀金权杖,无数名贵的宝石装饰在杖头的人类头骨上。这头骨据说与一个曾杀死前暗黑八魔将成员的圣武士非常相似。Cantrum,略带红色,只要其力量被使用,这头骨的眼洞和鼻孔将闪耀着邪恶的红光,嘴巴也开始随之张合。在整个宇宙中很少有比奥库斯的恐怖之杖更强大或更恐怖的神器。详情参见“奥库斯之杖”。除了奥库斯之杖,奥库斯拥有很多他所感兴趣的魔法物品,谣传除了他的权杖,奥库斯还至少有6件强大的神器。
Cleric spells per day: 6/8+1/8+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/3/3/3; base DC 20 + spell level, 26 + spell level for Necromantic spells. Orcus has access to the Chaos, Death, and Evil Domains. Caster level 25, although he casts Necromantic spells as a 35th level Cleric. Wizard (Necromancer) spells per day: 4/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6/5/3/3/3; base DC 22 + spell level, 28 + spell level for Necromantic spells. Orcus'' restricted school is Enchantment. Caster level 25, although he casts Necromantic spells as a 35th level Wizard. As a Demiurge, Orcus has access to every spell from the Player''s Handbook and any other source allowed by the Dungeon Master. Orcus typically prepares spells that augment his ability to spread death, to bolster his own strength, and to beat a hasty retreat in the event he''s overpowered or facing divine foes. 牧师法术每天6/8+1/8+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/3/3/3;基础DC20+法术等级,26+死灵法师法术等级。奥库斯拥有混乱,死亡与邪恶领域。施法者等级25,尽管他在施展死灵法术时相当于一个35级的牧师。 法师(死灵系)法术每天4/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6/5/3/3/3;基础DC22+法术等级,28+死灵法术等级。奥库斯受限学派是附魔系,施法者等级25,尽管他在施展死灵法术时相当于一个35级的法师。作为一个造物主,奥库斯拥有的PHB或其他资料来源上每一个法术都由DM决定。奥库斯的法术能力是为了增强他散布死亡的能力,使他更加强壮,并在更强力量或主要神圣系敌人到来前迅速撤退。
There is no single Demiurge more infamous, reviled, or feared than the Demon Prince of the Undead. Orcus is the perennial Demon. His image is an archetype for all kinds of fiends. Heroes and villains across the Cosmos know his name and fear drawing his attention. Orcus is a fiendish celebrity, one so great that even the Demons of The Abyss flock to him. Yet, despite the evil he clearly is, many underestimate Orcus. A sort of romantic attitude has emerged about this terrible being as numerous stories are told of Orcus. Tales recount how Orcus, despite his evil and power, is regularly defeated and cast back to The Abyss if he抯 not killed outright by the most stalwart of heroes and forces of light. But Orcus has never been truly defeated by any goodly beings. Indeed, it took another evil monster to stall him and then, only temporarily. 没有哪一个造物主像不死生物的恶魔君主这样名声狼籍,被憎恨和被畏惧。奥库斯是永生的恶魔,他的形象是说有种类恶魔的原型。在整个多元宇宙中,无论是英雄还是恶棍都知道他的名号并害怕引起他的注意。奥库斯名声之响,之邪恶,使得无底深渊的恶魔们纷纷投靠于他。并且,不管他多么邪恶,很多都轻视奥库斯的力量(?)。从某种浪漫主义的角度看,关于奥库斯这恐怖存在的传说简直就如同无数传说中描述的那样,它们讲述奥库斯如何散布他的邪恶和力量,无畏的英雄与光明势力一次次试图击败他。但奥库斯从没有真正被任何善良生物打败过。实际上,其他邪恶的怪物聚集在他身旁为其服务,也仅仅是暂时的。
Orcus'' background and origins are unknown. It is believed that Orcus, like Demogorgon, Graz''zt, and a few other Demiurge, were created at the dawn of The Cosmos as the primeval representation of destructive and evil Chaos. While Graz''zt focused on the chaotic lust of the soul, and Demogorgon on the corruption of matter and the mind, Orcus sought corruption of life itself. Yet, in the dark days before Time, when the forces of Law were ripped asunder, so too did Chaos fail and Orcus and his hated compatriots were cast down and weakened, their flesh creating The Abyss. For millennia untold, Orcus battled his brothers Graz''zt and Demogorgon and virtually every other Demon Prince and Demiurge for no reason other than for hate. But, Orcus still sought to destroy The Cosmic, now balanced between Law and Chaos, Good and Evil. In some distant time, Orcus created the first Undead as a curse to the mortals he loathed as much as Demogorgon and Graz''zt and the forces of Law and holiness. Vampire or Lich, Ghost or Wraith, it''s unknown which came first, but these terrible beings were created as a curse upon Creation and a reminder that not even in death is there any solace from Chaos and corruption. Orcus became a terror in the Planes, damning entire worlds into terrible demiplanes of eternal sleep, destroying entire civilizations, and creating huge, blood-thirsty cults. 奥库斯的背景与原形全都不明。据信奥库斯就像狄摩高根,格拉兹特与其他少数几个造物主,和那些毁灭,邪恶与混乱的原力在整个多元宇宙诞生的黎明时所创造。其中格拉兹特凝聚了灵魂中的混乱情欲,狄摩高根司掌心灵与物质的腐化,而奥库斯则是寻求生命本身的腐化。在历史上的黑暗时刻,当秩序的力量被撕裂,也导致混乱的失败以及奥库斯和他所憎恨的同胞们沮丧与削弱了。他们的肉体创造了无底深渊。由于无数未知的原因,奥库斯与他的兄弟格拉兹特与狄摩高根的战争实际上每一个恶魔君主与造物主都无法置之事外,但是奥库斯始终都在试图摧毁整个多元宇宙。现在秩序与混沌,善良与邪恶之间已经产生平衡,在这期间奥库斯创造了第一个不死生物作为对凡人的诅咒,就像他对狄摩高根与格拉兹特以及秩序与神圣力量的憎恨一样。吸血鬼或巫妖,鬼魂或怨灵,不知道哪个是第一个,但这些恐怖的存在始终是被创造来诅咒其他生物的并且这也是在死亡本身来自混乱与腐化的安慰。奥库斯在诸位面成为恐怖的化身,诅咒整个世界进入恐怖的永眠的半位面。毁灭整个文明,造就一个巨大的,渴求鲜血的祭礼。
As a Demiurge, Orcus could not maintain permanent control over his creations as the extent of his power is only as long as his reach, so many other divine beings rose to command his creations, including the Drow demigoddess, Kiaransalee. For some unknown slight, Kiaransalee had sought vengeance against Orcus for millions of years. Eventually, she stole her way into his realm of Thanatos with her allies and the impossible occurred. Orcus was cast down! To this day, it抯 unclear from whence came Kiaransalee''s power to accomplish this feat. Some point to crafty Graz''zt or dreaded Demogorgon, and even Asmodeus himself as providing Kiaransalee the key to Orcus'' defeat. Whatever the case, Orcus was "slain" and cast out of The Abyss, his Wand hidden in Pandemonium.
For a time, it seemed as if Creation was free of one of the greatest evils, but this was not to last. Through some terrible fate, Orcus returned. Some say he was reborn as an Undead god, others that he was simply a disembodied spirit. Whatever the case, Kiaransalee disappeared and Orcus reclaimed his station and swore to never again know true defeat. Now, Orcus spends his time rebuilding his armies and cultivating his servants on the Prime. He surrounds himself with servants to guard and protect him. And he spends much of his time hunting for Kiaransalee. 但这仅仅是暂时的,就像最高级恶魔的造物一样,这没有结束。由于某些恐怖的命运,奥库斯回归了。有人说他已经以一个不死神明的身份重生,又有人说他仅仅只是一个无实体的灵魂。无论哪种情况,克拉温纱丽消失了并且奥库斯重新获得了他的地位并发誓决不会再次被打败。现在,奥库斯花时间重建了他的军队并重新培养他的仆从。他被其仆从所围绕并被他们所保卫,并且花了很多时间去猎取克拉温纱丽。
Orcus is filled with nothing but loathing and hate. He despises everything, but aside from Kiaransalee, he hates nothing more than Demogorgon and Graz''zt, followed closely by mortals of all kinds and the servants of goodness. Orcus is not known for his patience (although, to mortals, his patience seems significant) or for diplomacy. Orcus seeks to kill and maim and little more. He wants to tear down everything of value and savors the taste of innocent souls. 奥库斯的心中除了嫌恶与憎恨以外一无所有。他蔑视任何东西,但除了克拉温纱丽。他憎恨狄摩高根和格拉兹特胜过任何东西,对于接踵而至的各种凡人挑战者和善良的仆从,奥库斯也不知道他的耐性(但是,对于凡人,他的耐性看来还是有意义的)与外交能力的底线。
Orcus'' image is known to virtually every being in the Cosmos. Well over 15 feet tall, Orcus is obscenely obese. Folds of rubbery, red skin covered in coarse hair, roll across his tremendous body. This apparent softness disguises incredible strength and speed. Orcus leers from a cadaverous goat-like head, the empty sockets glowing a satanic, yellow light, while huge dagger-like teeth eternally sneer. Two huge ram-like horns curl from his temples, both perpetually dripping with bile and blood. Massive, black bat-like wings unfurl from his back, bearing the Demon Prince with unnatural speed, while a long serpentine tail with a needle-like point darts anxiously. Although his arms and torso are like those of fat human, his legs and feet are like those of a huge goat save that the coarse black hair is matted with dried blood. Orcus speaks, often only to announce the terrible things he plans on doing to the body, the mind, and ultimately the soul, with a voice that comes from the deepest crypt. Empty of love, decency, honor, or goodness, Orcus'' voice perfectly mirrors the emptiness of his soul. 奥库斯的形象为整个宇宙的生物所知,超过15英尺高,奥库斯猥亵而肥胖,橡胶般的皱痕,红色的皮肤上覆盖着粗糙的毛发,覆盖着他庞大的躯体。这些外部特征掩盖了他惊人的强壮与速度。在他那苍白的山羊一样的头上,奥库斯空洞的眼窝里燃烧着邪恶的黄光,目光充满了邪恶。巨大的匕首般的牙齿永远充满嘲笑,两个巨大的山羊角弯曲着从他的太阳穴伸出,两者永远滴落着胆汁与血液。厚重的,黑色蝙蝠一样的翅膀在他的背上展开,使恶魔君主拥有不同寻常的速度,在一条长长的蛇形尾巴上有一个针状的尾刺。虽然他的胳膊和手掌类似肥胖的人类,但他的腿和脚却类似巨大的山羊。被沾有干枯的血迹的粗糙的黑毛毫无光泽。奥库斯能说话,但常常只是宣告他打算去对肉体,意志,直到灵魂所做的恐怖的事。这声音仿佛来自幽深的地穴,空洞的,没有爱,庄重,光荣,以及善良。奥库斯的声音是他空洞灵魂的最好体现。 |
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