棘刺魔(巴特兹魔) 小型异界生物(守序,邪恶) 生命骰:3d8(13 HP) 先攻值:+1(+1 敏捷) 速度:飞行 120 英尺(一般) 防御等级:16(+1 体型,+1 敏捷,+4 天生) 攻击:钩爪 +4 近战;或 2 刺钉 +5 远程 伤害:钩爪 1d4 附加 1d4点火炎伤害;刺钉 1d4+1 面宽/触及:5英尺乘5英尺/5英尺 特殊攻击:类法术能力,召唤巴特兹魔 特性:法术抗力 18,刺钉再生,塔纳里魔特性 豁免:强韧 +3,反射 +4,意志 +4 属性:力量 10,敏捷 13,体质 11,智力 8,感知 13,魅力 13 技能:交涉 +7,隐藏 +8,聆听 +7,侦察 +7 专长:近程射击 气候/地形:任意陆地及地底 组织:单独或成群(2-5) 挑战等级:4 宝物:无 阵营:总是守序邪恶 进化:4-6 HD(小型);7-9 HD(中型)
DEVIL Spinagon(Baatezu) Small Outsider(Evil,lawful) Hit Dice:3d8(13 hp) Initiative:+1(+1 Dex) Speed:Fly 120 ft.(average) AC:16(+1 size,+1 Dex,+4 Natural) Attacks:Talons +4 melee;or 2 spikes +5 ranged Damage:Talons 1d4 and 1d4 fire;spike 1d4+1 Face/Reach:5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks:spell-like abilities,summon baatezu Special Qualities:SR 18,spike regeneration,baatezu qualities Saves:Fort +3,Ref +4,Will +4 Abilities:Str 10,Dex 13,Con 11,Int 8,Wis 13,Cha 13 Skills:Diplomacy +7,Hide +8,Listen +7,Spot +7 Feats:Point Blank Shot Climate/Terrain:Any land and underground Organization:Solitary or flock(2-5) Challenge Rating:4 Treasure:None Alignment:Always lawful evil Advancement:4-6 HD(Small);7-9 HD(Medium-size)
奈尔兹魔(巴特兹魔) 中型异界生物(守序,邪恶) 生命骰:10d8+10(55 HP) 先攻值:+2(+2 敏捷) 速度:20 英尺 防御等级:25(+2 敏捷,+4 天生,+8 刺钉铠甲,+1 小圆盾) 攻击:重型长枪 +14/+9 近战;或重型十字镐 +14/+9 近战 伤害:重型长枪 1d8+4;或重型十字镐 1d6+4 面宽/触及:5英尺乘5英尺/5英尺 特殊攻击:幽怨凝视,类法术能力,召唤巴特兹魔 特性:伤害减免 20+2,法术抗力 23,塔纳里魔特性 豁免:强韧 +8,反射 +9,意志 +8 属性:力量 18,敏捷 14,体质 13,智力 12,感知 13,魅力 19 技能:威吓 +17,知识(界域) +13,骑乘 +15,搜索 +14,查言观色 +14,侦察 +7,野外求生 +14 专长:精通重击(重型十字镐),骑乘战斗,快速骑乘攻击 气候/地形:任意陆地 组织:单独(包括坐骑)或成双(包括坐骑) 挑战等级:9 宝物:标凖 阵营:总是守序邪恶 进化:视人物职业而定
Narzugon(Baatezu) Medium-size Outsider(Evil,lawful) Hit Dice:10d8+10(55 hp) Initiative:+2(+2 Dex) Speed:20 ft. AC:25(+2 Dex,+4 Natural,+8 spiked plate mail,+1 small shield) Attacks:Heavy lance +14/+9 melee;or heavy pick +14/+9 melee Damage:Heavy lance 1d8+4;heavy pick 1d6+4 Face/Reach:5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks:Baleful gaze,spell-like abilities,summon baatezu Special Qualities:Damage reduction 20/+2,SR 23,baatezu qualities Saves:Fort +8,Ref +9,Will +8 Abilities:Str 18,Dex 14,Con 13,Int 12,Wis 13,Cha 19 Skills:Intimidate +17,Knowledge(the planes) +13,Ride +15,Search +14,Sense Motive +14,Spot +14,Wilderness Lore +14 Feats:Improved Critical(heavy pick),Mounted Combat,Ride-By Attack Climate/Terrain:Any land Organization:Solitary(with mount) or pair(with mount) Challenge Rating:9 Treasure:Standard Alignment:Always lawful evil Advancement:By character class
巴托位面的魔鬼们通常都披着邪恶的外衣。他们是黑暗的奴仆,计划着想推翻所有的善良社会,并将自己立于残暴体制的顶端。 许多居于巴托的魔鬼都是巴特兹魔。因为他们常常来自于不同的位面,所以他们的形态各异,难于加以分辨。他们说话时倾向于使用礼貌及各种道理,借此来隐藏他们的残酷本性。 巴特兹魔使用炼狱语,天界语及龙语。 战斗 魔鬼喜欢进行有组织的战斗,他们会使用小集团战术从侧翼偷袭或是包围敌人,用远程攻击削弱敌人的实力,并用他们的类法术能力进行广域的攻击,他们将会一步步的实施自己的作战计划。 召唤巴特兹魔(Sp):许多巴特兹魔能够如同施展召唤怪物术般召唤其它的巴特兹魔,但它们的成功机率受到一定的限制,掷百分骰:如果失败,便没有任何巴特兹魔回应此次召唤。召唤而来的生物会逗留1个小时,但是被召唤的生物无法再使用他们自己的召唤能力。在等级森严的巴特兹魔社会里,无论如何召唤者通常都会强制的去报答被召唤者。很多魔鬼都会尽量的避免被这类家伙纠缠。 巴特兹魔特性 免疫(Ex):巴特兹魔对毒素及火焰免疫。 提升抗力(Ex):巴特兹魔拥有20点抗寒及抗酸能力。 黑暗中视物(Su):所有魔鬼无论是哪种形式的黑暗中都能清楚地看见东西,即使是因深幽黑暗术所形成的黑暗也是一样。 心灵感应(Su):巴特兹魔能够通过心灵感应与周围100英尺范围内任何一种会使用语言的生物进行沟通。 Baator's devils seek to place the planes under a shroud of evil.Their dark minions scheme to overthrow all that is good,establishing a tyrannical structure with themselves on top. Most fiends inhabiting Baator are baatezu.Because they come from such a regimented palne,it's often difficult to tell apart members of a particular baatezu type.They tend to dress alike and speak alike,because individuality gets stamped out ruthlessly. The baatezu described below speak Infernal,Celestial,and Draconic. COMBAT Devils favor organized battles,and they use small-group tactics whenever they can to flank or surround foes,soften up targets with ranged attacks,and divide up large groups with spell-like abilities before tacking them piecemeal. Summon Baatezu(Sp):Most baatezu can summon their cohorts much as though casting a summon monster spell,but they have only a limited chance of success,Roll d% n a failure,no baatezu answer the summons.Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour,and they can't use their own summoning ability if they were summoned themselves.And in the rigid caste society of the baatezu,the summoner is always obliged to repay the summoned baatezu somehow.Many devils are loath to entangle themselves so. Baatezu Qualities Immunities(Ex):Baatezu are immune to fire and poison. Resistances(Ex):Baatezu have cold and acid resistance 20. See in Darkness(Su):All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind,even that created by deeper darkness spells. Telepathy(Su):Baatezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.
棘刺魔 在最小型的魔鬼之中,棘刺魔很喜欢成群结队的去寻找他们可以对付的受害者并残酷的折磨拷打他们。而有个别的棘刺魔则替他们的黑暗主子充当信使及间谍。很多巴特兹魔嘲笑棘刺魔在战斗中的弱小,但既然他们是巴特魔的眼与耳,所以聪的魔鬼领主在和他们沟通时带有少量的尊敬。 棘刺魔看起来象是从头到脚都充满着大量尖刺的石像鬼。他们的手脚都带有锐利的钩爪,而他们的眼睛则散发着阴暗的火光。他们那高音的尖叫与笑声时常令身边的魔鬼感到困挠。
战斗 棘刺魔很少在战斗中接近他们的敌人,他们会预先环绕着敌人飞行,保持一定的距离并发射身上的刺钉进行攻击。当他们发现战斗形势不妙时,会从两种方法中选择一个,要么召唤其它的援兵,要么使用群体恐吓术及臭云术来充斥他们身边的空间。 类法术能力:随意施展——变形自身,燃火术,群体恐吓术,臭云术。这些能力在施展时如同于一个8级的术士(豁免 DC=11+法术等级)。
刺钉再生(Su):棘刺魔每轮可以发射两颗身上的刺钉出去进行攻击。这些刺钉在一轮内又会自动重生,所以棘刺魔有着无限的弹药。这些刺钉最大攻击射程为30英尺。 召唤巴特兹魔(Sp):棘刺魔一天有一次机会召唤1d3只棘刺魔,成功率为35%。 SPINAGON Among the smallest of the devils,spinagons form massive groups to cruelly torture any victims they can find. Individually,they act as messengers and spies for their dark lords.Many baatezu scorn them for their weakness in a fight,but spinagons are the eyes and ears of Baator,so the wisest devil lords treat them with a modicum of respect. Spinagons look like gargoyles that bristle with spikes from head to toe.They have razor-sharp talons on their feet,and their eyes glow a dull red.Their high-pitched giggles and shrieks annoy even other devils.
Combat Spinagons rarely close into melee combat with their enemies,prerring to fly circles around them and fire their body spikes from a distance.If the combat situation seems particularly dire,they either try to summon reinforcements or use scare and stinking cloud to cover their escape. Spell-Like Abilities:At will--change self,produce flame,scare,stinking cloud.These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level socerer(save DC=11+spell level). Spike Regeneration(Su):A spinagon can fire two spikes from its body each round.These spikes regenerate within a round,so the spinagon has unlimeited ammunition.The spikes have a range increment of 30 feet. Summon Baatezu(Sp):Once per day,a apinagon can attempt to summon 1d3 additional spinagons with a 35% chance of success.
奈尔兹魔 奈尔兹魔是巴特兹魔中的精锐骑兵,骑着梦魇或是别的奇异马类行走在各个位面中执行各种邪恶的任务。每当有人逃出巴托位面,奈尔兹魔便会出发去追杀这些逃犯。而当需要快速的从主位面的某个地方拖来生物充当魔鬼的苦役们时,奈尔兹魔便会在夜光之下俳徊于那片地区。 很少会有奈尔兹魔不装备着那作工精良,可说是他们的象征物的刺钉铠甲。在他们的面甲后面,是一张看起来好似苍白的,灰色的人脸,而双眼中则带有异常的悲哀——不过凝视奈尔兹魔的脸完全是自寻死路。 许多奈尔兹魔在巴特兹魔交代的任务中都骑着梦魇。而有些则骑着高大的犬魔,炼狱凶暴猪甚至是龙。 战斗 奈尔兹魔骑乘着他们的坐骑是为其最大的优势,在动用高机动性,冲刺及快速骑乘攻击时可以达到极佳的效果。不过当他们的坐骑有可能阵亡时会尽量且小心的远离战斗。在战斗的开始奈尔兹魔会引导坐骑使用其特殊能力,随后便会冲锋进行近距战斗。如果战斗的结果无法确定,那么奈尔兹魔便会打开自己的钢盔面甲以进行凝视攻击。 幽怨凝视(Su):那些见过脱去面甲的奈尔兹魔面孔的人,将会看到一些最为恐怖的映像。他们就象是被这凝视定住了般,直到那些恐怖的影像呈现出真实的轮廓。幽怨凝视的效果如同于一个10级术士所施展出的幽影杀手法术(豁免 DC 18),射程为30英尺。 类法术能力:随意施展——亵渎术,厄运术,人类定身术,燃火术,暗示术;1次/天——秩序之怒或邪影击。这些能力在施展时将会如同一个10级术士一般(豁免 DC=14+法术等级) 奈尔兹魔还可以如同一个12级术士般对自己及坐骑施展凖确传送术。
NARZUGON Narzugons are the baatezu's elite cavalry,riding nightmares or other fantastic steeds across the planes on errands of evil.When someone escapes Baator,narzugons are sent to chase the escapee down.And when the devils'dirty work needs to be done quickly on the Material Plane,narzugons travel there to prowl the countryside by night. Narzugons are rarely seen without their hallmark spiked palte armor,of masterwork construction.Behind their visors,they resemble pale,gray humans whose eyes betray an incomparable sadness--but to gaze at the narzugon's face is to court death itself. Most narzugons ried nightmares when on missions for the baatezu.Some ride greater barghests,fiendish dire boars,or even dragons. Combat Narzugons use their mounts to great advantage,employing maneuverability,charges,and ride-by attacks to good effect.But they're cautious enough to withdraw from combat if the mounts is likely to perish.A narzugon starts a fight by directing the mount to use its spectial abilities,then follows up with its own melee attacks.If the outcome of the battle is uncertain,the narzugon opens the visor on its helmet and makes gaze attacks. Baleful Gaze(Su):Those who see the narzugon's unmasked face see their own worst fears reflected in its eyes.As they hold its gaze,the fearsome image grows like a hallucination until it blocks out reality completely.The baleful gaze functions as a phantasmal killer spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer(save DC 18)against all within 30 feet. Spell-Like Abilities:At will--desecrate,doom,hold person,produce flame,suggestion;1/day--order's wrath or unholy blight.These abilities are as the spells cast by a 10th-level sorcerer(save DC=14+spell level). At will,a narzugon can teleprot without error itself and its mount as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. Summon Baatezu(Sp):Once per day,a narzugon can attempt to summon 1d3 erinyes or another narzugon with a 30% chance of success.
新出现的译名 Spinagon 棘刺魔 spike regeneration 刺钉再生 Narzugon 奈尔兹魔 Baleful Gaze 幽怨凝视