脑鼹 微型动物 生命骰:1/4d8(1HP) 先攻权:+2(敏捷) 速度:10尺 防御等级:16(+4体型,+2敏捷) 攻击:啮咬+0近战 伤害:啮咬1d2-4 面宽/触及:1x1/0 特殊攻击:心灵异能 特性:心灵异能 豁免检定:强韧+2,反射+4,意志+2 属性:力量3,敏捷15,体质10,智力2,感知14,魅力4 技能:躲藏+15,聆听+4,潜行+5,侦察+6 地形/气候:温暖的沙漠,树林,山岳,平原和地底 组织:一窝(3-6) 挑战级数:1/3 宝藏:无 阵营:总是中立 进化:-
脑鼹是穴居生物,他们用心灵异能来击败那些高大的灵能猎物 由于小,毛皮和几乎没有视力,脑鼹很难和他们的表亲区分开来
Brain moles are burrowing animals that use psionic powers to overcome large psionic prey. Small, furry, and nearly blind, brain moles are almost indistinguishable from their common cousins.
战斗 脑鼹会成群的潜伏在一个洞穴里至少3个月之久,并尽可能的隐蔽自己。当猎物进入射程(最多50尺)时,他们会同时发射心灵攻击来打对手个措手不及,他们会一直攻击到自己的肉体遭受威胁或被心灵攻击模式攻击并受到重大属性伤害之时。在那时,他们会尽力从地道里逃跑。如果一个敌人伤势明显并开始逃跑,他们可能会冒险出洞追击他们逃跑的大餐。脑鼹一般不攻击非灵能生物 灵能(Sp):随意展现——速度爆发,侦测灵能和分神术,这些能力如同10级心灵术士所展现的同名异能 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):心灵穿刺/精神空白 疾病(特异能力):灵崩症——啮咬;坚韧豁免(DC13),潜伏期一天。伤害:灵崩。被感染的角色在每次展现异能时必须进行专注检定(DC16),检定失败将会触发灵崩。(参见第四章“展现异能”中的“灵能疾病”) 技能:脑鼹的“躲藏”技能在他的洞穴里获得+10的加值
Brain moles lurk in groups of at least three within the mouth of a burrow, hiding as best they can. When likely prey comes into range (up to 50 feet), the group launches simultaneous psionic attacks in an effort to catch the foe flat-footed. They keep up the assault until they are physically threatened or take significant ability damage from psionic attacks, at which time they attempt to flee into their tunnels. If a foe is obviously hurt and retreating, they may venture from their burrow to pursue the fleeing meal. Brain moles generally do not attack nonpsionic creatures. Psionics (Sp): At will--burst, detect psionics, and distract. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 10th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--mind thrust/empty mind. Disease (Ex): Cascade flu --- bite; Fortitude save (DC 13), incubation period one day, damage psionic cascade. Every time the afflicted character manifests a power, she must make a Concentration check (DC 16). On a failed check, a psionic cascade is triggered (see Psionic Disease in Chapter 4: Psionics). Skill:*A brain mole receives a +10 cover bonus on Hide checks when in its burrow. |