溶晶怪(FOLUGUB) 中型异怪 生命骰:4d8+12(30HP) 先攻权:+3(+3敏捷) 速度:40尺 防御等级:18(+3敏捷,+5天生) 攻击:舌头接触+3近战,啮咬-2近战 伤害:舌头接触溶解,啮咬2d4 面宽/触及:5x5/5 特殊攻击:溶解 特性:敏锐嗅觉 豁免检定:强韧+4,反射+4,意志+5 属性:力量10,敏捷17,体质17,智力3,感知13,魅力8 专长:警觉 技能:聆听+8,侦察+8 地形/气候:任何地底 组织:单独或一对 挑战级数:3 宝藏:无 阵营:总是中立 进化:5-6HD(中型);7-14HD(大型)
虽然溶晶怪自己不是灵能生物,不过它们吃水晶物体。它们是灵能武装的团队的祸害,因为很多灵能物品都包括水晶或完全由水晶构成。 溶晶怪外形像甲虫,它们3尺高,6尺长,重180磅左右,它们保护性的甲克闪耀着水晶的光辉,而它们那可以伸3尺长的舌头状口器则可以仅凭接触就溶解大部分水晶(包括宝石),而此时溶晶怪便吸食之。
Although not themselves psionic, folugubs dissolve and eat crystal objects. They are the bane of psionically equipped parties, since so many psionic items contain or are composed completely of crystal. A folugub is a beetlelike creature 6 feet long and 3 feet high, weighing about 180 pounds. Its protective carapace gleams and glitters with a crystalline sheen. A tonguelike organ flickers from between its mandibles every few seconds, reaching to a length of 3 feet. The tongue liquefies crystal objects (including gems) on contact, which the folugub then slurps up.
战斗 溶晶怪可以嗅到90尺内的水晶物体,而且一旦闻到,很少有什么能阻挡它们。如果它们碰触到水晶物体,那么他们会暂时停止攻击来享用美食。它总会瞄准最大量的水晶物品 溶解:一个成功的舌头接触攻击可以让溶晶怪将由水晶组成的物体溶解成液体。一个成功的反射检定(DC20)可以避免这种状况。不过在溶晶怪攻击你的物品时,你可以进行借机攻击 任何水晶武器攻击溶晶怪都会被溶解 专长: 溶晶怪获得“警觉”作为奖励专长
A folugub can scent a crystal object up to 90 feet away, and once it has the scent, little deters it from its goal. It usually ceases attacking to devour a freshly liquefied crystal. The creature targets the largest crystal object available. Liquefy (Ex): A folugub that makes a successful touch attack with its tongue causes the target crystal to change phase, turning from solid to liquid and becoming immediately worthless. The size of the object is immaterial --- a crystal statue liquefies as quickly as a diamond in a ring. Crystalline psionic armor and weapons, and other psionic items composed of crystal, must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) or be liquefied. Attacks against objects in the possession of others draw attacks of opportunity. A crystalline weapon that deals damage to a folugub also liquefies immediately. Feat:Fologubs gain Alertness as a bonus feat. |