《心灵异能手册》常见问题集 最後更新 10/15/02 最後翻译更新 2003-9-28
Psionics Handbook Frequently Asked Questions Last Updated 10/15/02
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Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS?game by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, FORGOTTEN REALMS, PLANESCAPE, and DUNGEON MASTER are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The d20 System logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. This Wizards of the Coast game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit www.wizards.com/d20. (c)2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A. Visit our website at www.wizards.com/dnd
使用魂刃者的念刃时,魂刃者偷袭伤害和游荡者偷袭伤害累计么? 是的,累计。 注意魂刃者偷袭伤害只在使用念刃时有效。例如,10级魂刃者/3级游荡者用普通匕首偷袭攻击时偷袭伤害为+2d6,而用念刃偷袭攻击时偷袭伤害为+7d6。
Does a soulknife's sneak attack bonuses stack with rogue sneak attack bonuses when using the soulknife class’s mind-blade power? Yes, a soulknife's special sneak attack power stacks with any other class's sneak attack ability. The soulknife must use the mind-blade power to make a sneak attack. If the soulknife has the sneak attack ability from another class and does not employ a mind-blade, her soulknife bonuses don't apply to that sneak attack. For example, if a 10th-level soulknife with 3 rogue levels makes a sneak attack with a normal dagger; the sneak attack damage is +2d6. The same soulknife would deal +7d6 on a successful sneak attack using the mind-blade power.
魂刃者用埋入心灵攻击的念刃对非灵能人物进行的攻击是导致震慑还是造成属性伤害? 震慑。 埋藏的异能和普通异能效果一样(除了目标或区域可能变化),原来能影响非灵能生物的异能埋藏後造成同样的影响,原来不能影响非灵能生物的异能埋藏後仍不能影响。 埋藏的心灵攻击和普通心灵攻击效果一样,除了非灵能生物用“思维之盾”代替“非灵能缓冲”进行豁免检定。
When a soulknife imbeds a psionic attack in his mind-blade, does the attack stun or deal ability damage to nonpsionic characters? The imbedded power works normally in all respects (except for target or area). If the imbedded power normally can affect a nonpsionic subject, it still can if imbedded. If it normally cannot affect a nonpsionic subject, it still cannot when imbedded. In the case of an attack mode, the soulknife must be 4th level or higher. (The imbed power ability, gained at 2nd level, does not work with attack modes, as noted in the ability description.) A nonpsionic target subjected to an imbedded attack mode is allowed a saving throw, but must use the Thought Shield line on Table 4-1 rather than the nonpsionic buffer line. A nonpsionic target is stunned on a failed save and unaffected on a successful save, just as with any other psionic attack against a nonpsionic target.
究竟《心灵异能手册》中的哪些物品需要有心灵能力才能使用?例如,非灵能生物可以使用灵皮么?镶额眼呢? “异能触发”的物品只有拥有正确异能的灵能生物才能用(见第七章中的“使用物品”)。有“灵能点馀量”要求的灵能物品同样只有(灵能点足够的)灵能人物才能用。任何人都可以使用“命令思想”物品和“即效”物品。 灵皮需要“命令思想”,因此任何人都能用。但有些情况下,非灵能使用者无法获得灵皮的所有效用。例如,“灵能灵皮”提供的灵能点对于大多数非灵能人物而言都是没有用的。 镶额眼同样是任何人能可以使用的命令启动物品。如同灵皮,某些使用者无法获得全部效用。例如,“穿透镶额眼”提供的穿透异能抗力时的显能者等级加值对于没有异能可展现的人来说毫无用处。
Exactly which items from the Psionics Handbook actually require psionic ability to use? For example, can a nonpsionic creature make use of a psychoactive skin? What about a third eye? Items with power triggers require a psionic character with the right power. Items with power reserve requirements also require psionic characters (with sufficient power reserves). Command thought and use items can be used by anyone. A psychoactive skin requires a command thought, so anyone can use it. In some cases, a nonpsionic user can't benefit from all a psychoactive skin's functions. For example, most nonpsionic characters won't get any benefit from the bonus power points that a skin of the psion provides. Third eyes are likewise command-activated items that anyone can use. As with psychoactive skins, some users can't get the full benefit from the item. A penetrate eye, for example, gives you a bonus on manifester level checks you make to overcome power resistance, which doesn't do you any good if you don't have a power to manifest.
魂刃者的“蚀命”和“蚀魂”效果对非灵能生物有什么效果? 没有额外效果。 非灵能目标被震慑,如同对非灵能生物进行的其他任何心灵攻击一样(假设豁免失败)。非灵能生物不会从“蚀魂”攻击中受到永久属性伤害。 What effect would the soulknife powers sever life and knife to the soul have on nonpsionic creatures? A nonpsionic target is stunned, just as with any other psionic attack against a nonpsionic target (assuming a failed save). A nonpsionic target cannot take permanent ability damage from knife to the soul.
心灵术士(操能者)可以象游荡者那样用“搜索”和“解除装置”技能找到并解除魔法或陷阱么? 是的,可以。不过如果你采用变体规则“灵能异于魔法”,操能者只能发现和解除灵能陷阱。 Can members of the psion (savant) class use the Search and Disable Device skills to find and disable magical or traps the way rogues do? Yes; however, if you're using the “Psionics are Different” option, a savant can locate and disarm only psionic traps.
心灵自塑异能“仿生术”让使用者可以模仿特定动物以获取其属性值。模仿而来的属性值被认为是加值么,应遵循哪种加值累计规则?如果这是加值,又是哪种加值?如果不是加值,可以和其他加值累计么? 这不是加值。使用者的属性值被改变。使用者拥有的任何加值都作用于改变後的属性值。 The psychometabolism psionic power animal affinity allows the user to emulate one specific animal to gain its ability score. Is the emulated ability score considered a kind of bonus, which will therefore be subject to the rules for stacking bonuses? If it is, what kind of bonus is it? If it is not, can you stack it with other bonuses? It's not a bonus; the user's score changes. Any bonuses the user might have to that score are applied to the altered score.
许多提升防御等级的异能和专长看起来都是创造围绕使用者的力场。那么,它们在使用者对抗接触攻击时提供保护么? 接触攻击忽略任何盔甲加值或天生防御加值。虚体生物的接触攻击忽略盔甲和天生防御加值,但力场效果产生的盔甲加值例外。 “惰性护甲”专长和“星质护甲”异能确实使用心灵力场。这些盔甲加值可以有效对抗虚体的接触攻击,但对其他接触攻击无效。(它们的描述中注明了这点。)提供天生防御加值的异能(例如“次级天生护甲”)对任何接触攻击都无效。提升防御等级但不是盔甲加值的异能对所有类型的接触攻击都有效。例如,“战斗预感” 异能为防御等级提供+1洞察加值,这对所有类型的接触攻击都有效。
Most of the psionic powers and feats that improve the user's Armor Class seem to create a sort of force field around the user. So, will they afford the user protection from touch attacks or ranged touch attacks? A touch attack or ranged touch attack bypasses any armor bonus or natural armor bonus. Incorporeal touch attacks bypass armor and natural armor bonuses, except for armor bonuses that come from force effects. The Inertial Armor feat and the ectoplasmic armor power do indeed use psychic force. The armor bonuses work against incorporeal touch attacks, but not other touch attacks. (Their descriptions note this fact.) Powers that provide natural armor bonuses, such as lesser natural armor, are not effective against any kind of touch attack. Powers that improve Armor Class, but that do not provide armor bonuses, work against all kinds of touch attacks. For example, the combat precognition power provides a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class, and it is effective against touch attacks of all kinds.
“惰性护甲”专长或“惰性障壁”异能阻挡“解离术”法术或异能么?(在早期得灵能规则中,“惰性障壁”能有效对抗解离效果。)“星质护甲”异能对“解离术”法术或异能呢? 三种情况都不能阻挡。 “解离术”法术和异能都产生射线,这是远程接触攻击。如上一问题所述,接触攻击忽略盔甲加值。
Does the Inertial Armor feat or the inertial barrier power block the disintegrate spell or disintegrate power? (In earlier editions of the psionics rules, inertial barrier was effective against disintegration.) What about the ectoplasmic armor power? Does it have any effect against the disintegrate spell or disintegrate power? No in all three cases. Both the disintegrate spell and disintegrate power produce rays, which are ranged touch attacks. As noted in the previous question, touch attacks ignore the armor bonuses that the Inertial Armor feat and ectoplasmic armor power provide. An inertial barrier stops blows, cuts, and slashes, but not rays or other touch attacks. The inertial barrier power, however, provides damage reduction of 10/+5. Damage reduction can stop normal or subdual damage from an incorporeal touch attack, but not energy drain or other touch-delivered spell-like or supernatural effects. For example, a spectre deals 1d8 points of damage with its incorporeal touch attack. If the spectre touched a character protected by an inertial barrier, the touch would not deal any damage, but the character still would be subject to the spectre's energy drain ability.
“惰性护甲”专长的描述中说该专长提供的盔甲加值并不和盾或普通盔甲提供的盔甲加值累计。人物可以将防御护腕的盔甲加值和该专长累计么?“天生护甲”呢?“星质护甲”呢? 两个盔甲加值不累积,除非两者分别来自盾牌和穿着的盔甲。“惰性护甲”专长、“星质护甲”异能、防御护腕、盾牌、盔甲都提供盔甲加值,所以它们的效果不累计。注意“星质盔甲”是穿在身上的,所以和盾牌累计。 天生防御加值和盔甲加值累计,所以“惰性护甲”和“次级天生护甲”累计。 不是盔甲加值的防御等级加值,例如“战斗预感”异能的洞察加值,和其他盔甲加值累计,偏斜加值也是,例如防护戒指。
The description of the Inertial Armor feat says that the armor bonus provided by the feat does not stack with the armor bonus provided by a shield or regular armor. Can a character who takes this feat stack the armor bonus from bracers of armor with Inertial Armor? What about natural armor? What about the ectoplasmic armor power? Two armor bonuses don't stack, except for the armor bonus from one shield and one suit of armor you wear. The Inertial Armor feat, the ectoplasmic armor power, bracers of armor, shields, and suits of armor all provide armor bonuses, so their effects do not stack. Note that the ectoplasmic armor power is something you wear, so it does stack with a shield. Natural armor bonuses do stack with armor bonuses, so the Inertial Armor feat and the lesser natural armor power stack. Armor Class bonuses that are not armor bonuses, such as the insight bonus from the combat precognition power, stack with other armor bonuses, as do deflection bonuses, such as the bonus from a ring of protection.
你可以在“灵能之拳”上花更多的灵能点以造成更大伤害么?比如说,你能为徒手攻击支付2点灵能点并造成+2d4伤害么?另外,该专长描述中说你可以保持“蓄能”的轮数上限是 体质调整值 +1,如果你的体质调整值为负呢? “灵能之拳”专长让你可以为徒手攻击支付1点灵能点以获得1d4点额外伤害。你使用该专长时一次只能花费1点灵能点。保持充能时再花1点灵能点不会使效果累计,但保持蓄能的最长时间从支付额外灵能点时开始计算。 “灵能之拳”专长的先决条件是力量值至少为13(调整值+1)。如果你的力量值落到13以下,你将无法使用该专长,因为不满足先决条件。(见《玩家手册》第77页。)
Can you spend extra points on the Psionic Fist feat and deal extra damage? Could you, for example, pay 2 power points for an unarmed strike that deals an extra +2d4 damage? Also, the feat description says you can hold a “charge” for a maximum of rounds equal to your Strength modifier +1 or until your next attack, whichever comes first. What if you've got a negative Strength modifier? The Psionic Fist feat allows you to spend 1 point to gain an extra 1d4 points of damage on your unarmed strikes. You can spend only 1 point on the feat at a time. If you're holding a charge and you spend another point, the effects don't stack, but the maximum time you can hold the charge is measured from the time you spent the extra point. The prerequisite for the Psionic Fist feat is a Strength score of 13 or more (Strength modifier +1). If your Strength score ever falls below 13, you can no longer use the feat because you no longer meet the prerequisite. (See page 77 in the Player's Handbook.)
假设我有“战斗反射”专长,“截击”专长可以在一轮内被多次使用,即使措手不及。这对么? 对。
Am I right in assuming that with the Combat Reflexes feat, the Stand Still feat can be used multiple times in a round against separate opponents, even when flat-footed? Yes, you can use Stand Still whenever you make an attack of opportunity. The Combat Reflexes feat gives you extra attacks of opportunity each round and lets you make attacks of opportunity even when flat-footed. So if you have that feat, you can use Stand Still when you.re flat-footed.
假设某人物有“截击”、“战斗反射” 以及《剑与拳》中的“Hold the Line”专长。“Hold the Line”允许人物在被冲锋时进行借机攻击。因此,“截击”可以用来阻止冲锋攻击者进入人物的威胁范围内,对么?攻击者针对“截击”进行强韧豁免,失败则停止移动并导致冲锋攻击失败,对么? 对。(除非对方的武器比你的长。)
Suppose a character has Stand Still, Combat Reflexes, and the Hold the Line feat from Sword and Fist. Hold the Line allows the character to make an attack of opportunity when the character is charged. So, Stand Still can be used to keep the charging attacker in our example from entering the area the character threatens, right? The attacker gets a Fortitude save against the Stand Still effect, but if the attacker fails the save, the attacker has to stop moving and thus loses the charge attack, right? Yes, you can use Stand Still and Hold the Line to stop charge attacks, so long as your opponent doesn't outreach you. (If your opponent has a longer reach than you do, the opponent can attack you without entering the area you threaten.)
《DRAGON》杂志281期第75页说如果你是非灵能人物唯一害怕的心灵攻击就是“心灵爆破”,因为其他攻击模式的意志豁免DC对于非灵能防御者都将-8或-9。我在《心灵异能手册》中找不到这条规则。你能告诉我它在哪儿么? 请仔细读书。 检查一下第42页的表4-1,特别是“非灵能缓冲”这行。
On page 75 in DRAGON Magazine 281, it says that if you are a nonpsionic character, the only attack you have to fear is the Mind Blast because the Will save DCs for all other attack modes are -8 or -9 against a nonpsionic defender. I cannot find this rule anywhere in the Psionics Handbook. Could you tell me where it states this? Check out Table 4-1 on page 42, specifically the “nonpsionic buffer” line.
人物用尽灵能点後,能在对抗心灵攻击时使用“非灵能缓冲”防护么?兼职了非灵能职业的人物呢?能使用“非灵能缓冲”么? 不能。 只有非灵能生物可以用“非灵能缓冲”。不管由于什么原因,不进行防御的灵能者必须使用表4-1的“措手不及或灵能点不够”行。
Once a character has used all her power points, can the character use nonpsionic buffer defense if subjected to a psionic attack? What if the character is multiclass and has one or more nonpsionic classes? Can she use a nonpsionic buffer then? No. Only nonpsionic creatures can use the nonpsionic buffer line. If you're psionic and you fail to mount a defense for any reason, you have to use the “flat-footed or out of power points” line from Table 4-1.
假设灵能人物还有灵能点,也没有措手不及,他能选择不用心灵防御模式对抗攻击而只是简单地进行无调整的意志豁免么?这种情况下仍然可以使用“心力堡垒”专长么? 如上所述,如果你对心灵攻击不进行防御,必须使用表4-1的“措手不及或灵能点不够”行。 只要你清醒并有至少3点灵能点可用,你就可以使用“心力堡垒”专长。
Suppose a psionic character has power points and has not been caught flat-footed --- can he elect not to use a psionic defense against an attack and simply make an unadjusted will save against the attack? Could the character still use the Psychic Bastion feat in this circumstance? As noted before, you have to use the “flat-footed or out of power points” line from Table 4-1 if you don't mount a defense against a psionic attack. If you're not flat-footed, you could use the Psychic Bastion feat. If you're caught flat-footed, you can't mount a defense. You can use the Psychic Bastion feat anytime you're conscious and have at least 3 power points to spend.
既然徒手攻击也是武器,显能者的身体也可以作为“强化武器”异能的目标么?如果可以,显能者全身都发出暗淡的银光么? 不能。 “强化武器”异能只能对武器用,不能对生物用。你可以对智能武器使用“强化武器”,但不和该武器已有的增强加值累计。
Since unarmed attacks also count as weapons, the manifester's body can also be subject to the metaphysical weapon power right? If so, would the entire body of the manifester glow with pale silver radiance? The metaphysical weapon power works on weapons, not creatures. You cannot use the power on a creature to give its unarmed attacks or natural weapons an enhancement bonus. You can, however, use the power on intelligent weapons, which are creatures of the construct type. You cannot use metaphysical weapon on constructs that are not intelligent weapons. If you do use metaphysical weapon on an intelligent weapon, the bonus from the power does not stack with the bonus the weapon already has, or with any other bonus that might be applied to the weapon.
“心力回馈”异能有每轮可用灵能点的限制么?高级心灵术士可以支付数百点灵能点来完成难以置信的壮举或产生非常可怕的豁免DC。是有意如此,还是有个上限? 没有限制。
Is there any limit on how many power points one can spend on the psychofeedback power in a given round? High-level psions can have hundreds of power points and could potentially spend all of them to accomplish some incredible feats or to create some truly terrible save DCs. Is this as it was intended or is there some limit to how high this number can go? There's no limit on the number of points you can spend on psychofeedback. If you want to blow all your points to get a really big modifier, you can. If you do, you'd better hope you don't have to deal with any psionic combat while your points are depleted.
“漂浮术”可以用于显能者自己么? 可以,只要他的中量不超过300磅/等级的限制。
Can the float power be used on the manifester? The power's target can be any object or creature whose weight does not exceed 300 pounds per caster level. Such a target could be the manifester, provided he doesn.t exceed the weight limit.
你能对自己进行“心灵手术”么?效果如何? 可以,如果你是活物并且能够展现该异能。 为自己移除胁迫是很难处理的。许多胁迫,例如“暗示”、“困惑术”或“支配人类”,只是简单的强迫你遵从,只要胁迫效果仍在你就不能反抗。某些情况下你可以对该胁迫进行新的豁免。无论豁免成功与否,你都不需要或者不可以进行“心灵手术”。 某些胁迫是长期效果,并且你可以相当自由地按意愿行动,例如“指使术”。你可以对自己进行“心灵手术”以移除该效果。 理论上你可以用“心灵手术”传输知识给自己,但这并无用处,传输给自己的知识不会累计。 Can you perform psychic chirurgery on yourself? What would the effects be? The power can target any living creature within range If you're a living creature and you're capable of manifesting the power, the target can be yourself. You can repair damage to yourself in the same manner as you can repair damage to another creature. Removing a compulsion from yourself can be tricky. Most compulsions, such as a suggestion, confusion, or dominate person, simply force you to obey, and you are powerless to resist so long as the compulsion remains in effect. Some circumstances may allow you a new save against the compulsion. In such cases you make the new save and, if you're successful, the compulsion is broken, or you fail, and you remain powerless to resist. In either case, psychic chirurgery is irrelevant. Some compulsions have long-term effects that leave you fairly free to act as you wish, such as the quest spell. You can remove such effects by performing psychic chirurgery on yourself. Technically you could choose to use psychic chirurgery on yourself to transfer your own knowledge to yourself. Doing so, however, doesn't benefit you in any way. Your transferred knowledge doesn't stack.
心灵武士可以用“滑行术”、“观声术”、“心力回馈”和“高等活力术”异能么?前三道异能不在心灵武士列表里,但它们的描述里说它们是心灵武士异能。“高等活力术”在心灵武士列表里,但它的描述里没有提及心灵武士。 这四道异能心灵武士都可以使用。 书中的该失误已经被修正。
Are the skate, see sound, psychofeedback, and improved vigor powers available to psychic warriors? The first three powers aren't included on the psychic warrior list, but their descriptions say they're psychic warrior powers. The improved vigor power is on the psychic warrior list, but psychic warrior isn't mentioned in the power description. All four of these powers are available to psychic warriors.
可以将“触发异能”专长用于被抄能专长强化过的异能么?例如,可以触发极效化的“摧心术”么? 嗯……你不能触发“摧心术”,因为这是七级异能而你只能将该专长用于不超过三级的异能。 此外,是的,你可以触发超能後的异能,你的灵能点馀量必须足够支付强化异能增加了的费用。注意“触发异能”的“能级不超过三”的限制指针对异能的正常能级,而不是更高的用于储能物品的超能能级(见《心灵异能手册》23页)。
Can you use the Trigger Power feat on a power that has been enhanced with a metapsionic feat? For instance, can you trigger a maximized version of ultrablast? Well, you can't use Trigger Power on ultrablast because it's a 7th-level power and you can use the feat only on a power of 3rd-level or less. Otherwise, yes, you can trigger a metapsionicly enhanced power. Your reserve has to match the enhanced power's increased cost. Note that there is a limit to how much you can enhance a power with a metapsionic feat; the total cost can't be higher than your psionic character level minus one (see page 23 of the Psionics Handbook). Note that Trigger Power's limit of 3rd-level powers or less applies only to a power's normal level and not to its higher metapsionic level (see page 23 of the Psionics Handbook), which is used for items that store powers.
某些灵能怪物有很强的灵能,但它们不使用灵能点。这些生物可以使用需要灵能点馀量的专长或灵能物品么?另外,它们能使用需要消耗灵能点的专长和物品么?《心灵异能手册》的“怪物”这章说它们免费使用异能和战斗模式,但没有提及其他事情,例如灵能专长。 除非取得灵能职业,否则生物不会有灵能点。即使对于加了灵能模板的生物也是如此。 生物或模板生物可以使用描述中提及的心灵能力,即使不满足前提条件,但是不能使用描述中没有提及的心灵能力或灵能专长,因为他们没有灵能点。
Some psionic monsters are very powerful psionically, but they don't use psionic power points. Can these creatures use feats or magic items that require reserve power points? Also, can they use feats or other things that cost power points to use? The monster section in the Psionics Handbook says they use psionic powers and combat modes for free. It doesn't mention anything else, such as psionic feats. A creature has no psionic power points (reserve or otherwise) unless it also has a psionic character class. This is true even for creatures with the psionic template. A creature always can make use of any feat or power creature's description says it can use, and if it has the psionic template, it can make use of the psionic abilities mentioned in the template. If the creature's description gives it access to a psionic feat, it can use the feat, even though it has no reserve points. (It can use the feat even if it does not meet the feat's prerequisites.) For example, a blue benefits from the Inertial Armor feat even though it has no reserve power points and can freely use the charm person, far hand, and finger of fire powers. It also can use the ego whip, mind thrust, empty mind, and mental barrier psionic combat modes without expending points. The creature, however, cannot use psionic abilities or feats that are not included in its description or in the psionic template because it has no power points. The creature also cannot use magic items that require a power point reserve.
《心灵异能手册》中的表1-2显示了心灵术士的额外灵能点。我创建了一名基本属性为18的10级心灵术士。该表中的“--”表明10级心灵术士并无额外灵能点。这不公平,这意味着人物从8级升到9级时必须放弃7点额外灵能点,因为属性18的8级心灵术士有个“7”。这是该表的用意么? 不是。 将对应等级和属性值的位置及其左侧的所有数值加起来(见《心灵异能手册》第8页)。基本属性18的心灵术士从第7级开始总共获得16点额外灵能点。
Table 1-2 in the Psionics Handbook shows bonus points for psions. I created a 10th-level psion who happened to have an 18 in the primary attribute. The table suggests that a 10th-level psion would receive no bonus points; a “--” is shown. This seems unfair, for it would mean the character had to give up 7 bonus points when it moved from 8th to 9th level, for an 8th-level psion with an 18 attribute has a “7” shown. Is that the intention of the chart? No, add up everything on the line for the ability score in question (see page 8 in the Psionics Handbook). A psion with a primary attribute of 18 gets 16 bonus power points if the character is 7th-level or higher.
使用《地下城主指南》生成NPC时,如何确定最高级的心灵术士或心灵武士? 两个职业皆是掷 1d4 + 社群调整值。
When using Table 4-43 in the DUNGEON MASTER's Guide to generate an NPC, how do you determine the highest level psion or psychic warrior? Roll 1d4 + community modifier for either class.
心灵攻击引发借机攻击么?心灵防御呢?《心灵异能手册》中对这点含糊不清。如果引发,如何确定“专注”检定的DC。 请仔细读书。{注:这个问题的FAQ英文原文不用看,回答者犯糊涂了。}
Do psionic attacks provoke attacks of opportunity? What about defenses? The Psionics Handbook is vague on this point. If they do, how do you determine the DC for Concentration checks that are required when a psionic creature takes damage from an attack of opportunity? Psionic powers and psionic attacks are spell-like abilities and provoke attacks of opportunity just as other spell-like abilities do. Psionic defenses are spell-like but do not provoke attacks of opportunity. To determine the Concentration DC for psionic abilities, use the Concentration skill description from page 19 of the Psionics Handbook. If the power in question is an attack mode and the DC has a level-based component, use the following values, which are derived from the attack modes. power point costs: mind thrust, 1; ego whip, 2; id insinuation, 2; psychic crush, 3; mind blast, 5. For example, a character uses mind blast and provokes an attack of opportunity, which hits and deals 10 points of damage. The Concentration DC is 25 (base of 10, + 10 for the damage dealt, + 5 for mind thrust.s effective level.)
《心灵异能手册》中的进阶职业没有异能列表。是忘了还是假定按照原职业的列表? 请仔细读书。 《心灵异能手册》中的进阶职业使用心灵术士异能列表。
There are no lists of the powers available to the prestige classes in the Psionics Handbook. Is this an omission or is it assumed that they simply continue to discover powers from their previous list or lists? The prestige classes in the Psionics Handbook use the psion power list.
《心灵异能手册》中的多数进阶职业的先决条件包括一定数量的每日基本灵能点,但不包括额外灵能点。从“内心强健”专长获得的灵能点是额外灵能点还是基本灵能点? “内心强健”专长提供额外灵能点,而不是基本灵能点。
Most of the prestige classes in the Psionics Handbook have a prerequisite of a certain number of base power points each day, which does not include bonus power points. Do power points from the Inner Strength feat count as bonus power points or base power points? The Inner Strength feat provides bonus power points, not base power points.
心灵术士或心灵武士可以放弃一道异能以换取新的么?例如,当人物接近升级时,他可以自愿地“忘掉”一道异能,在升级时用该槽位学习新异能么? 不能。你无法“忘掉”异能。 注:3.5规则在这点上可能有所不同。
Can a psion or psychic warrior ever drop a power in order to learn a new one? For example, when the character is nearing her next level, can she willingly “unlearn” a power, advance a level and now fill that vacant power slot with a new power? No, you can't “forget” powers.
被九级异能“抹除灵能”(永久失去1d4道心灵异能)影响的人物能学1d4道新异能么?换言之,“抹除灵能”到底做了什么?展现“心灵手术”者需要知道被抹除的异能才能恢复它们么? 被抹除的异能的异能位无法再被使用。(异能还在,但不能用了。)升级时被抹除的异能仍然计算在总可知异能术中。 “心灵手术”只是简单地恢复对被禁用的异能的使用权,显能者不必知道被抹除的具体异能便可修复之。
Is a character who has been affected by the 9th-level power apopsi (permanently lose 1d4 psionic powers) now able to learn 1d4 new psionic powers? In other words, does the use of apopsi erase a character's discovered power slots, free up those power slots, seal off the mind's access to those powers, or does something else happen? And how does psychic chirurgery restore these powers? Does it reimprint the mind with the erased powers? Does it unseal the mind's access to the erased powers? Would a psychic chirurgeon need to know the erased powers in order to restore them? The powers and their slots they once occupied become inaccessible to the character. (They're still there, but they're useless.) If the character gains a level, the erased powers still count against the total number of powers the character can know. Psychic chirurgery simply restores access to the inaccessible powers; the chirurgeon doesn't need to know the erased powers to make the repair.
《心灵异能手册》第140页说因为亡灵没有体质值,因此它们不能使用心灵自塑系异能。然而,第8页说心灵自塑系相关的属性是力量。这两者之一错了么?体质影响心灵转化系,亡灵生物是否被同时禁用这两个能系? 亡灵生物不能使用心灵自塑系异能,因为他们没有代谢。然而,尽管亡灵生物没有体质,但可以使用心灵转化系异能,他们展现心灵转化系异能时使用魅力值作为关键属性。
Page 140 of Psionics Handbook says that because undead have no Constitution scores, they cannot use psychometabolic powers. However, on page 8 it shows that the score tied to psychometabolism is Strength. Is one of these entries an error? Constitution does govern psychokinesis. Are undead creatures banned from both disciplines? Undead creatures cannot use psychometabolic powers; they don't have any metabolisms. However, an undead creature can use psychokinesis powers despite its lack of Constitution. It uses its Charisma score as the key ability score when manifesting psychokinesis powers.
有“灵力”性质的武器通常最高为+4增强加值。如果有一件有+1增强加值的灵力武器,它的最大增强加值是+5而不是+4么? 不对,两个增强加值不累计,只使用较高者。
Normally a weapon with the psychic property can go up to only a +4 enhancement bonus. If a psionic weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus was also a psychic weapon, would it have a maximum of +5 instead of +4? No, the enhancement bonus from the psychic property does not stack with the weapon's basic enhancement bonus. Note that the weapon has to have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to receive any special property at all. Although the description of the psychic property might seem to suggest otherwise, a psychic weapon always uses its basic enhancement bonus or the bonus from its psychic property, whichever is greater. If you actually enchant the weapon to +5 in the first place, the weapon has that +5 enhancement bonus no matter what the wielder's power reserves.