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最深的地下城 UNDERTOPIA / 地精学院 / 剑与魔法的传奇 / 龙枪系列 / 魏丝关于她所塑造的雷斯林的一些感想
日期:2004-08-20  作者:Darkmage  来自:龙骑士城堡  点击: 3045








Margaret Weis
I'm often asked, "Who's your favorite character?" This is tantamount to
asking a mother to name her favorite child! We love our children for
themselves, a love individual as each child.
It is true, however, that a writer comes to know and like some characters
better than others. Some I know better than I know my own friends and
family! The innermost recesses we hide from the world are clearly visible
to our Creator. Playing God with my characters, I see their weaknesses,
their strengths, their inner doubts and turmoil, and their dark and secret
parts. Raistlin Majere was such a character.
When I first met Raistlin, he was a name on a Character Sheet. I knew his
"stats," developed for the Dragonlance roleplaying game. I knew he was a
third-level mage in his early twenties. I knew he was slight in build,
wore red robes, and that he was known among his friends as "The Sly One."
I knew he had a strong, well-built, powerful twin brother named Caramon.
But he was just one of a number of characters-Tanis, Sturm, Flint,
Tasslehoff-until I read the passage that said Raistlin had "golden skin
and hourglass eyes."
"Why does he have golden skin and hourglass eyes?" I asked, puzzled.
"Because the artists think he would look cool!" was the reply.
This intrigued me. I had to know the reason Raistlin had golden skin and
hourglass eyes. In trying to solve this mystery, I was led to an
understanding of the true nature of Raistlin's character.
That he would be jealous of his good-looking, stronger twin brother was a
natural feeling to which every person who has ever grown up with a sibling
could relate. That he was not generally trusted or well liked by his peers
was obvious. If his friends called him "The Sly One," what would his
enemies term him? Naturally he would be the target of bullies, which would
lead his brother to protect him. It seemed to me that Raistlin would grow
dependent on his brother for such protection, but that he would, at the
same time, resent Caramon for it. Thus Raistlin would constantly struggle
against a love as smothering as it was nurturing.
The fact that Raistlin was of slight build and physically weaker than his
brother seemed to indicate a sickly youth, which might also be indicative
of an introspective nature, particularly if he was forced to spend time
cooped up in a sickbed. Such a childhood would have contributed to his
feeling of alienation from his peers but would later give him empathy for
others in like circumstances.
That Raistlin would turn to the study of magic was again obvious. Of
course, it would be his elder half-sister, the restless and ambitious
Kitiara, who would lead his thoughts in that direction. In a rough and
dangerous world her younger brother lacked physical strength to wield a
weapon. He needed some way to defend himself. Magic was the answer,
especially since he already showed some talent in that area. Raistlin soon
came to realize that magic was also the means by which he could gain power
and ascendancy over others.
All very intriguing, but it didn't explain the golden skin and hourglass
eyes. Certainly he wasn't born with them. His twin brother and his elder
half-sister were perfectly normal-looking humans. Perhaps his study of
magic had caused this transformation. He must have had to take a test to
prove his abilities to the wizards who lived in the Towers of High
What sort of magical test would they give young wizards? A difficult test,
probably extremely difficult. Otherwise anyone with a bit of talent could
declare himself a wizard. What if the Test required that a mage stake his
or her very life on the outcome? And what if something happened during the
Test that caused Raistlin's skin to acquire a golden tinge and to give him
eyes that would see the ravages of time upon all living things? Thus the
Test in the Tower of High Sorcery came into existence. It was during that
Test that Raistlin had the fateful meeting with the lich, Fistandantilus.
I became so fascinated with Raistlin that I wrote a short story about his
journey to the Tower to take the Test. I also came to know a lot about
Caramon on that trip. I saw Caramon's great inner goodness that to his
friends would seem a weakness but that in the end would be the rock on
which he would build a successful and happy life.
I'm still learning about Raistlin. With every book I write about him and
his twin and their adventures in the world, I discover something new.
Raistlin is, and continues to be, a favorite of all the many different
characters it has been my privilege and my joy to know.
Margaret Weis
August 1998

责任编辑: dexter_yy


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