心灵武士的异能 PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 心灵武士的零级异能(天赋异能) 0-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS (TALENTS) 箭石术:创造出一支仅能持续很短时间的箭、矢或者弹丸。(智力) Bolt. You create a short-lived bolt, arrow, or bullet. (Int) 速度爆发:目标速度提高10呎,持续一轮。(敏捷) Burst. Subject speed improves by 10 ft. for 1 round. (Dex) 猫落术:你在跌落时能适当的平衡身体。(敏捷) Catfall. You recover well from a fall. (Dex) 操控阴影:你能像操纵木偶一般的操纵一个普通的影子。(体质) Control Shadow. You control a normal shadow like a puppet. (Con) 晕眩术:生物失去下一次的动作。(魅力) Daze. Creature loses next action. (Cha) 侦测灵能:你能侦测到灵能效果的存在。(感知) Detect Psionics. You detect the presence of psionic activity. (Wis) 分神术:目标神智不清,在做某些动作时受到-1减值。(魅力) Distract. Subject’s mind wanders, imparting a -1 penalty on some actions. (Cha) 精灵视觉:你获得昏暗视觉。(力量) Elfsight. You have low-light vision. (Str) 隔空之击:念动力的冲击造成1点伤害。(体质) Far Punch. Telekinetic punch deals 1 damage. (Con) 漂浮术:使一个物体漂浮在水或其他液体上。(敏捷) Float. You buoy a subject in water or other liquid. (Dex) 指北术:指出北方。(感知) Know Direction. You know which way is north. (Wis) 魔爪术:你的徒手攻击造成+1点额外伤害。(力量) Talons. Your unarmed attacks deal +1 damage. (Str) 英勇术:你的下一次豁免检定得到+1士气加值。(力量) Valor. You gain a +1 morale bonus on your saving throw. (Str) 魄力术:你得到1点暂时生命值。(力量) Verve. You gain 1 temporary hit point. (Str) 心灵武士的一级异能 1st LEVEl PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 生物反馈:自控力使你能够把一定伤害转化成淤伤。(力量) Biofeedback. Self-control allows you to take some damage as subdual damage. (Str) 狼牙术:你的啮咬攻击造成1d8伤害。(力量) Bite of the Wolf. Your bite attack deals 1d8 damage. (Str) 召唤武器:你不会缺少武器。(敏捷) Call Weaponry. Never lack for a weapon. (Dex) 战斗预感:你的AC得到+1洞察加值。(感知) Combat Precognition. You gain a + 1 insight bonus to AC. (Wis) 缩身术:你的体形缩小10%/等级(最多50%)。(力量) Compression. You shrink 10%/level (max 50%). (Str) 扩展视野:更宽广的视野让你看到更多东西。(感知) Expanded Vision. Wider vision allows you to see more. (Wis) 感光术:你的触觉具有视觉能力。(力量) Feel Light. You use tactile sensation to see. (Str) 感声术:你的触觉具有听觉能力。(力量) Feel Sound. You use tactile sensation to hear. (Str) 听光术:你的听觉具有视觉能力。(力量) Hear Light. You use auditory sensation to see. (Str) 急速术:得到一个额外的部分动作。(力量) Hustle. You gain one extra partial action. (Str) 次级强化武器:武器得到+1加值。(智力) Lesser Metaphysical Weapon. Weapon gains a +1 bonus. (Int) 次级造物术:创造出衣物或木质物品。(力量) Minor Creation. Creates one cloth or wood object. (Int) 观声术:你的视觉具有听觉能力。(力量) See Sound. You use visual sensation to hear. (Str) 滑行术:受术者(灵活的)在地面上滑动,如同在冰面上。(敏捷) Skate. Subject slides (skillfully) along the ground as if on ice. (Dex) 活力术:你得到每等级3点暂时生命值,最多18点。(力量) Vigor. You gain 3 temporary hit points. (Str) 心灵武士的二级异能 2nd-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 仿生术:你获得一种动物的一项属性。(力量) Animal Affinity. You possess one ability score of a chosen animal. (Str) 身体平衡:你能够在非固体的表面行走。(力量) Body Equilibrium. You can walk on nonsolid surfaces. (Str) 熊爪术:徒手攻击造成1d12点伤害。(力量) Claws of the Bear. Your unarmed attack deals 1d12 damage. (Str) 战斗远见:你的攻击掷骰得到+2洞察加值。(感知) Combat Prescience. You gain a +2 insight bonus on your attack roll. (Wis) 黑暗视觉:你能在黑暗中视物。(感知) Darkvision. You can see in the dark. (Wis) 膨胀术:你变大10%/等级(最多到100%)。(力量) Expansion. You grow 10%/level (max +100%). (Str) 浮空术:受术者按照你的指示上下移动。(敏捷) Levitate. Subject moves up and down at your direction. (Dex) 痛苦之触:你的徒手攻击多造成1d6淤伤。(力量) Painful Touch. Your unarmed attacks deal an extra 1d6 subdual damage. (Str) 次级瞬间造物术:快速的创造衣服或木质物品。(智力) Sudden Minor Creation. Quickly create cloth or wood object. (Int) 警惕术:看透迷雾术和黑暗术。(感知) Vigilance. See through mists, murk, and darkness. (Wis) 心灵武士的三级异能 3rd-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 虎牙术:你的啮咬攻击造成2d8伤害。(力量) Bite of the Tiger. Your bite attack deals 2d8 damage. (Str) 吸血鬼之爪:你的徒手攻击造成1d8伤害,同时你得到相同数量的医疗。(力量) Claws of the Vampire. Your unarmed attack deals 1d8 damage. You heal the same amount. (Str) 感知危险:对陷阱获得+4加值。(感知) Danger Sense. You gain a +4 bonus against traps. (Wis) 移位术:对你的攻击有50%的失手几率。(力量) Displacement. Attacks miss you 50% of the time. (Str) 高等生物反馈:你完全掌控着你身体所受的伤害类型。(力量) Improved Biofeedback. You take charge of your body’s damage. (Str) 强化武器:武器得到+3加值。(智力) Metaphysical Weapon. Weapon gains a +3 bonus. (Int) 卓越战技:你可以做一次额外的借机攻击。(感知) Prowess. You may take one extra attack of opportunity. (Wis) 全域视野:获得周围全域的视野。(感知) Ubiquitous Vision. You have all-around vision. (Wis) 心灵武士的四级异能 4th-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 任意门:将自己和最多500磅的物体传送一段距离。(敏捷) Dimension Door. Teleports you and up to 500 lb. short distances. (Dex) 腐蚀之触:你的接触造成7d6酸液伤害。(力量) Dissolving Touch. Your touch deals 7d6 acid damage. (Str) 固定术:你几乎不可能移动。(力量) Immovability. You are almost impossible to move. (Str) 惰性障壁:受术者得到伤害减免10/+5。(体质) Inertial Barrier. Subject gains damage reduction 10/+5. (Con) 变形自己:你得到一个新的外形。(力量) Polymorph Self. You assume a new form. (Str) 心力回馈:使用灵能点数来增强你肉体属性调整值。(力量) Psychofeedback. Use power points to boost your physical ability modifiers. (Str) 坚定感知:你在对抗幻象时获得+4加值,侦察和搜索技能获得+2加值。(感知) Steadfast Perception. You gain a +4 bonus against illusions,+2 bonus on Spot and Search checks. (Wis) 心灵遥控:远距离移动最多25磅/等级的物品。(体质) Telekinesis. Lift or move 25lb./level at long range. (Con) 心灵武士的五级异能 5th-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 龙爪手:你的擒抱检定获得+10加值。(力量) Adamant Grasp. You gain a +10 bonus on your grapple checks. (Str) 身体适应:你使自己的身体适应不利环境。(力量) Adapt Body. You adapt your body to hostile environments. (Str) 抑能术:心灵噪音阻碍异能的展现。(魅力) Catapsi. Psychic static is a drag on power manifestation. (Cha) 星质护甲:受术者的AC得到+10盔甲加值。(智力) Ectoplasmic Armor. Subject gains a +10 armor bonus. (Int) 能量障壁:你将能量攻击转变成无害的闪光。(力量) Energy Barrier. You convert energy attacks to harmless light. (Str) 武器嫁接:你将武器变为身体的一部分。(力量) Graft Weapon. A weapon becomes a natural part of you. (Str) 心力吸取:你的接触攻击从对手吸取2灵能点/等级加于自身。(体质) Psychic Vampire. Your touch attack drains 2 power points/level from foe, which you gain. (Con) 心灵武士的六级异能 6th-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS 消融术:受术者更难以被“消解灵能”影响。(体质) Ablating. Subject is buffered from one negate psionics effect. (Con) 龙息术:喷吐火焰造成11d4伤害。(力量) Breath of the Dragon. Breathe fire for 11d4 damage. (Str) 召唤部属:传送你的部属到你所在位置。(敏捷) Call Cohort. Teleport your cohort to your location. (Dex) 以太漫步:你在1轮/等级时间内变为灵体生物。(敏捷) Ethereal Jaunt. You become ethereal for 1 round/level (Dex) 高等活力术:你得到每等级3点暂时生命值,最多60点。(力量) Improved Vigor. You gain 13 temporary hit points. (Str) 谨慎之盾:你的AC得到+6洞察加值。(感知) Shield of Prudence. You gain a +6 insight bonus to AC. (Wis) 暂缓生命:你的生命活动非常缓慢以至于无法侦测。(力量) Suspend Life. Your life functions slow to imperceptibility. (Str) |