杀戮者(SLAYER) |
杀戮者(SLAYER) SLAYER 只有最幼稚的家伙才会无视灵吸怪的威胁,那些献身于根除灵吸怪的灵能者们如是说。灵能者们知道真正危险的灵吸怪比那些非灵能生物的威胁更大。但即使这样,很多灵吸怪仍不情愿的成为了战利品以荣耀杀戮者的威名。 Only the naive dismiss the illithid threat. Or so say those who have dedicated their lives to the eradication of the mind flayer “infection.” Psionic beings know the real dangers illithids pose better than nonpsionic individuals, but even so, most are unwilling to honor the code of the slayer. 杀戮者的首要信条是“不战则死(Do or die)”,这里的“战”就是“找到并杀死灵吸怪”。杀戮者绝无犹豫之心(他们的另一信条——事实上,这种信条数以百计)。有一个公开的秘密,杀戮者虽然最擅长猎杀灵吸怪,但他们的能力使得他们对任何其他灵能生物同样致命。 A primary slayer credo is “Do or die,” where “do” means “find and slay illithids.” A faltering heart does not a slayer make (another of their credos—which, truth be told, number in the hundreds). It is a poorly kept secret that while slayers are best at hunting and slaying illithids, many of their abilities make them deadly to any psionic creature. 任何具有心灵能力的人物都可以成为杀戮者:只要他足够痛恨灵吸怪。选择这个进阶职业的矮人被称为“caradhaker”,意思是“捕念者”。事实上,据说杀戮者最初可能就是在矮人间出现的,尽管他们自己声称他们的知识来自于另一个神秘的来源。 Any character with some psionic ability can become a slayer: All it takes is hating illithids enough. Dwarves who take this prestige class are known as caradhaker, which loosely means “mindstalker.” In fact, it may be that the slayers first originated among the dwarves, though they say they received their lore from another, secret source. NPC杀戮者有时会三两成群地旅行并喜欢给团队起一个恐怖的名号。这类小队常被富有的旅行者雇佣为保镖以护送自己通过灵吸怪出没的地区。但在两次委托之间,他们更很喜欢自主出击,去搜寻灵吸怪的前哨甚至是阴暗城市。还有些故事传说某些游荡者杀戮者组织会出击猎杀任何灵能生物,而不仅仅是针对灵吸怪。 NPC slayers sometimes travel in bands of two or three and enjoy identifying their group with a grisly name. Such groups are often hired as mercenaries by wealthy folk who travel in illithid-infested areas. But between commissions, they are just as likely to strike out on their own, attempting to uncover the location of another mind flayer outpost, or better yet, a sunless city. Stories also exist of rogue slayers bands who have branched out and hunt any and all psionic creatures, not just illithids. 生命骰:d10。 Hit Die: d10. 先决条件 Requirements 要成为杀戮者,人物必须满足下列所有条件: To qualify to become a slayer, a character must fulfil all following criteria. 基本攻击加值:+3。 Base Attack Bonus: +3. 每日基本灵能点:3+ (不包括额外灵能点)。 Base Power Points/Day: 3+ (not including bonus power points). 灵吸怪知识(Knowledge [illithid lore]):1级。 Knowledge (illithid lore): 1 rank. 野外求生:4级。 Wilderness Lore: 4 ranks. 专长:追踪。 Feats: Track. 特殊:必须杀死过灵吸怪,无论是单独行动还是在不多于六名成员的队伍中做到这点。 Special: Must have killed an illithid, either individually or as part of a group comprising no more than six members. 本职技能 Class Skills 杀戮者的本职技能(及关键属性)是“唬骗”(魅力)、“专注”(体质)、“灵吸怪知识”(智力)、“聆听”(感知)、“辨识灵能”(智力)、“察言观色”(感知)、“侦察”(感知)以及“野外求生”(感知)。 The slayer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Knowledge (illithid lore) (Int), Listen (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and wilderness Lore (Wis). 每等级技能点数:4+智力调整值。 Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. 表6-3:杀戮者 ───────────────────────────────────────── 职业 基本攻击 强韧 反射 意志 每日 ──发掘的异能数── 等级 加值 豁免 豁免 豁免 特殊能力 灵能点 零级 一级 二级 三级 ───────────────────────────────────────── 1 +1 +0 +0 +2 宿敌(灵吸怪)、 +3 ─ ─ ─ ─ 灵吸怪感知 2 +2 +0 +0 +3 混沌护脑 +5 ─ ─ ─ ─ 3 +3 +1 +1 +3 额外专长 +5 ─ ─ ─ ─ 4 +4 +1 +1 +4 清醒防护 +5 1 ─ ─ ─ 5 +5 +1 +1 +4 额外专长 +7 2 ─ ─ ─ 6 +6 +2 +2 +5 头脑盲目 +7 2 1 ─ ─ 7 +7 +2 +2 +5 额外专长 +7 2 2 ─ ─ 8 +8 +2 +2 +6 破坏异能抗力 +9 2 2 1 ─ 9 +9 +3 +3 +6 额外专长 +9 2 2 2 ─ 10 +10 +3 +3 +7 回馈爆破 +9 2 2 2 1 ───────────────────────────────────────── TABLE 6-3: THE SLAYER ──────────────────────────────────────────── Base Class Attack Fort Ref Will Power Powers Discovered Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Points/Day 0 1 2 3 ──────────────────────────────────────────── 1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Favored enemy (illithid), +3 -- -- -- -- illithid sense 2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Brain nausea +5 -- -- -- -- 3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Bonus feat* +5 -- -- -- -- 4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Lucid buffer +5 1 -- -- -- 5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Bonus feat* +7 2 -- -- -- 6th +6 +2 +2 +5 Cerebral blind +7 2 1 -- -- 7th +7 +2 +2 +5 Bonus feat* +7 2 2 -- -- 8th +8 +2 +2 +6 Breach power resistance +9 2 2 1 -- 9th +9 +3 +3 +6 Bonus feat* +9 2 2 2 -- 10th +10 +3 +3 +7 Blast feedback +9 2 2 2 1 ──────────────────────────────────────────── 职业特性 Class Features 以下均为杀戮者的职业特性。 All of the following are class features of the slayer prestige class. 擅长武器与防具:杀戮者擅长所有简单武器和军用武器,以及所有盔甲和盾牌。 Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Slayers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and all armor and shields. 灵能点:杀戮者按照表6-3“杀戮者”获得每日灵能点。这些灵能点会添加到人物先前具有的灵能点上限中。杀戮者并不获得额外灵能点。 Power Points: Slayers gain power points per day as shown on Table 6-3: The Slayer. These power points are added to the character’s previous total. Slayers do not gain bonus power points. 发掘的异能数:杀戮者可根据表6-3“杀戮者”发掘异能,从心灵术士的异能列表中选择异能。这些异能会加入人物先前所知的异能中去。心灵攻击和防御模式的发掘等同于与进阶职业同级的心灵武士(人物不会忘记先前发掘的攻击和防御模式)。 Powers Discovered: Slayers discover powers as shown on Table 6-3: The Slayer. Powers are chosen from the psion power list. The powers are added to the character’s previous total powers known. Psionic attack and defense modes are discovered as though the character were a psychic warrior of the same level as the prestige class (characters do not forget previously discovered attack and defense modes). 宿敌(灵吸怪)(Favored Enemy [Illithid]):从第1级开始,杀戮者可以选择灵吸怪(或灵吸怪类)作为宿敌。由于在长期对这种敌人的研究以及为对抗这种敌人而进行的特殊训练,杀戮者对抗灵吸怪时在“唬骗”、“聆听”、“察言观色”、“侦察”、以及“野外求生”技能检定上有+1加值。同时他在武器伤害骰上有同样的加值,包括使用远程武器攻击30呎内的目标。 Favored Enemy (Illithid): At 1st level, the slayer selects illithids (and illithidkin) as her favored enemy. Due to her extensive study of her foes and training with the proper techniques for combating them, the slayer gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills against illithids. Likewise, she gets the same bonus on weapon damage rolls against illithids, including ranged weapons against targets within 30 feet. 灵吸怪感知(Illithid Sense):杀戮者可以感应到他周围60呎内的灵吸怪的存在,即使後者躲在墙後或黑暗中,但这种能力无法确定灵吸怪的位置。只要杀戮者的灵能点馀量不少于3,这种超自然能力就会持续起效。 Illithid Sense: The slayer senses the presence of illithids within 60 feet of herself, even if hidden by darkness or walls, but not their exact location. This supernatural ability is active as long as the slayer’s power point reserve is 3 or more. 混沌护脑(Brain Nausea):从第2级开始,杀戮者会获得这种持续的防御性超自然能力,作用效果类似“厌恶术”异能。任何试图吃掉杀戮者的大脑的生物都必须通过意志检定(DC=17),否则会不愿这么做。灵吸怪会进行其他任何可能的行动,但不会想到吃掉杀戮者的脑子(而且不会意识到自己受到了影响)。只要杀戮者的灵能点馀量不少于1,这种能力就会持续起效(哪怕杀戮者失去意识、被震慑或是陷入其他无助状态)。 Brain Nausea: At 2nd level, the slayer gains this constant defense, a supernatural ability somewhat similar to the aversion power. Any creature that attempts to eat the slayer’s brain must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or become disinclined to do so. Illithids in particular are free to take any action except extracting the slayer’s brain (but do not realize they are being so affected). This ability is active as long as the slayer’s power point reserve is 1 or more (even if she is unconscious, stunned, or otherwise helpless). 额外专长(Bonus Feats):在第3、5、7、9级,杀戮者各可以获得一个额外专长,该专长可以是普通专长、灵能专长或超能专长。一般来说,杀戮者喜欢那些可以增强他们对抗灵吸怪能力的专长,但这些专长对抗任何敌人都有效——无论是灵吸怪还是别的。 Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, a slayer gains a bonus general, psionic, or metapsionic feat. Generally, slayers favor feats that augment their ability to dispatch illithids, although they are effective against any foe—illithid or otherwise. 清醒防护(Lucid Buffer):从第4级开始,杀戮者变的特别精于对抗精神攻击。他在对抗任何胁迫和影响心灵效果的豁免上有+4能力加值。他同时在对抗心灵攻击模式的豁免上有+2能力加值,这个加值可以和心灵防御模式带来的加值累计。只要杀戮者的灵能点馀量不少于9,这种超自然能力就会持续起效。 Lucid Buffer: At 4th level the slayer becomes especially skilled at resisting mental attacks. She receives a +4 competence bonus on saving throws against all compulsions and mind-affecting effects. She also receives a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against psionic attack modes, which stacks with any bonus granted by raising a psionic defense mode, if any. This supernatural ability is active as long as the slayer’s power point reserve is 9 or more. 头脑盲目(Cerebral Blind):从第6级,杀戮者可以还击心灵攻击。只要他成功豁免某道心灵异能或攻击模式,攻击者就必须立刻进行一次意志豁免检定,使用刚刚攻击中使用的 DC。如果豁免失败,攻击者将会因灵能反冲而晕眩一轮。只要杀戮者的灵能点馀量不少于15,这种类法术能力就会持续起效。 Cerebral Blind: On reaching 6th level, a slayer can “riposte” a psionic attack. Whenever she succeeds at a saving throw against a psionic power or attack mode, the attacker must immediately make a Will save, using the DC of the original attack. On a failure, the attacker stands dazed for 1 round from the psionic backlash. This spell-like ability is active as long as the slayer’s power point reserve is 15 or more. 破坏异能抗力(Breach Power Resistance):到达8级的杀戮者,其手中的武器都将因他的心灵力量和意志而被附能化。每对具有异能抗力的目标进行一次成功的近战攻击(或对30 呎内目标的远程攻击)会令其异能抗力暂时性下降1。如果该生物未被杀死,则失去的异能抗力会以每12小时1点的速度恢复。只要杀戮者的灵能点馀量不少于 17,这种超自然能力就会持续起效。 Breach Power Resistance: In the hands of a slayer who has reached 8th level, a weapon is enhanced by her psionic might and desire. Each successful melee attack (or ranged attack within 30 feet) against a creature with power resistance temporarily reduces its power resistance by 1. Unless the creature is slain, lost power resistance returns at a rate of 1 point per 12 hours. This supernatural ability is active as long as the slayer’s power point reserve is 17 or more. 回馈爆破(Blast Feedback):对杀戮者使用“心灵爆破”需要小心谨慎——在第10级,杀戮者可以将这种灵吸怪最喜欢的攻击反弹回攻击者。杀戮者被“心灵爆破”攻击时,可以放弃心灵防御和豁免。他会受到暂时魅力伤害,但同时也会立刻发动“回馈爆破”(这是超自然能力)。攻击者必须按自己发动的“心灵爆破”的DC进行意志豁免,而且无法启用心灵防御模式。如果豁免失败,攻击者的灵能点将立刻降至0,同时被震慑一轮。 Blast Feedback: Beware using mind blast against a slayer: At 10th level, she can turn an illithids favored attack against itself. When she is attacked with mind blast, the slayer can forgo attempting a psionic defense and also forgo a saving throw. She suffers the temporary Charisma damage but automatically sets up a blast feedback attack (a supernatural ability). The attacker must simultaneously make a Will save against the original mind blast DC and can use no defense modes. On a failure, the attacker’s power point reserve is instantly reduced to 0, and the attacker is stunned for 1 round. |
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