魂刃者(SOULKNIFE) SOULKNIFE 魂刃者认为自己的思维是万物中最美的,也是最致命的。依据这种想法,再经过专门的锻炼,魂刃者学会了利用自己的精神力量铸造发光的半固态心灵能量剑。 A soulknife recognizes his own mind as the most beautiful— and the most deadly—thing in all creation. With this understanding and through extended practice, a soulknife learns to forge his mental strength into a shimmering blade of semisolid psychic energy. 每一名魂刃者都拥有自己的被称为“念刃(mindblade)”的剑,其形态和颜色依据魂刃者的人格、精神力量甚至心情的不同而各异。尽管没有两名魂刃者的念刃外观相同,但它们都同样致命。由于魂刃者用他们的精神造出这种武器,因此他们的暴力性也是出了名的。 Each soulknife’s personal blade, referred to as a “mindblade,” differs in color and shape according to his personality, mental strength, and even mood. Although no two mind-blades look alike, all share the same lethal qualities. Because soulknives rum the power of their minds to such weaponry, they are notorious for their violence. 任何拥有心灵能力的人物都可以成为魂刃者。 Any character with some psionic ability can become a soulknife. NPC魂刃者常常被雇为佣兵和更常成为的刺客。即使完全徒手,魂刃者也可以仅仅靠一个动念将自己的精神力量化为锐利的刀剑发出致命一击。 NPC soulknives are often employed as freelance guards and, more often, assassins. Even when completely unarmed, a soulknife is only a thought away from a deadly strike with his own mind’s most violent instincts solidified. 生命骰:d6。 Hit Die: d6. 先决条件 Requirements 要成为魂刃者,人物必须满足下列所有条件: To qualify to become a soulknife, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. 基本攻击加值:+3。 Base Attack Bonus: +3. 潜行:3级。 Move Silently: 3 ranks. 每日基本灵能点:9+ (不包括额外灵能点数)。 Base Power Points/Day: 9+ (not including bonus power points). 灵能知识:3级。 Knowledge (psionics): 3 ranks. 本职技能 Class Skills 魂刃者的本职技能(及关键属性)是“专注”(体质)、“躲藏”(敏捷)、“灵能知识”(智力)、“潜行”(敏捷)、“察言观色”(感知)以及“滚翻”(敏捷)。 The soulknife’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Tumble (Dex). 每等级技能点数:4+智力调整值。 Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. 表6-4:魂刃者 ────────────────────────────────────────── 职业 基本攻击 强韧 反射 意志 每日 ──发掘的异能数── 等级 加值 豁免 豁免 豁免 特殊能力 灵能点 零级 一级 二级 三级 ────────────────────────────────────────── 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 念刃、偷袭+1d6 +3 ─ ─ ─ ─ 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 埋藏异能、投掷念刃 +5 ─ ─ ─ ─ 3 +2 +1 +3 +1 偷袭+2d6 +5 ─ ─ ─ ─ 4 +3 +1 +4 +1 埋藏心灵攻击 +5 1 ─ ─ ─ 5 +3 +1 +4 +1 偷袭+3d6 +7 2 ─ ─ ─ 6 +4 +2 +5 +2 念刃蚀命、即时备战 +7 2 1 ─ ─ 7 +5 +3 +5 +2 偷袭+4d6 +7 2 2 ─ ─ 8 +6 +3 +6 +2 念刃提升 +9 2 2 1 ─ 9 +6 +3 +6 +3 偷袭+5d6 +9 2 2 2 ─ 10 +7 +3 +7 +3 念刃蚀魂 +9 2 2 2 1 ────────────────────────────────────────── TABLE 6-4: THE SOULKNIFE ────────────────────────────────────────────── Base Class Attack Fort Ref Will Power Powers Discovered Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Points/Day 0 1 2 3 ────────────────────────────────────────────── 1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Mind-blade, sneak attack +1d6 +3 -- -- -- -- 2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Imbed power, throw mind-blade +5 -- -- -- -- 3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Sneak attack +2d6 +5 -- -- -- -- 4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Imbed psionic attack +5 1 -- -- -- 5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Sneak attack +3d6 +7 2 -- -- -- 6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Sever life, free draw +7 2 1 -- -- 7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Sneak attack +4d6 +7 2 2 -- -- 8th +6 +2 +6 +2 Upgrade +9 2 2 1 -- 9th +6 +3 +6 +3 Sneak attack +5d6 +9 2 2 2 -- 10th +7 +3 +7 +3 Knife to the soul +9 2 2 2 1 ────────────────────────────────────────────── 职业特性 Class Features 以下均为魂刃者的职业特性。 All of the following are class features of the soulknife prestige class. 擅长武器与防具:杀戮者擅长轻型盔甲,但不擅长盾牌。 Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Soulknives are proficient with light armor but not with shields. 灵能点:魂刃者按照表6-4“魂刃者”获得每日灵能点。这些灵能点会添加到人物先前具有的灵能点上限中。魂刃者可依靠其基本能系的关键属性获得额外灵能点。如果人物之前无法从高属性值中获得额外灵能点(比如心灵武士),他现在可以选择一个基本能系,并获得基于该能系相关属性的额外灵能点(见表1-2“心灵术士的额外灵能点”)。 Power Points: Soulknives gain power points per day as shown on Table 6-4: The Soulknife. These power points are added to the character’s previous total. Soulknives gain bonus power points based on the key ability score for their primary ability. If the character previously could not gain bonus power points for high ability scores (as is the case for psychic warriors), he now chooses a primary discipline and can gain bonus power points based on the related ability score (see Table 1-2: Psion Bonus Power Points). 发掘的异能数:魂刃者可根据表6-4“魂刃者”发掘异能,从心灵术士的异能列表中选择异能。这些异能会加入人物先前所知的异能中去。心灵攻击和防御模式的发掘等同于与进阶职业同级的心灵武士(人物不会忘记先前发掘的攻击和防御模式)。 Powers Discovered: Soulknives discover powers as shown on Table 6-4: The Soulknife. Powers are chosen from the psion power list. The powers are added to the character’s previous total powers known. Psionic attack and defense modes are discovered as though the character were a psychic warrior of the same level as the prestige class (characters do not forget previously discovered attack and defense modes). 念刃(Mind -Blade):魂刃者可以以移动等效动作创造出一把由(从他的意志中提取出的)心灵能量组成的长约1呎的半固态念刃。只要他握着念刃,这把剑在各方面(除了外观)都相当于短剑,并能造成1d6点穿刺伤害。这把剑可以被打断,但魂刃者可以用他的下一个移动等效动作重造一把。如果魂刃者松开握剑的手,剑就会自动消解。魂刃者可以对念刃应用“专攻武器”、“武器专精”(通过适当的职业)或“武器娴熟”专长。灵能点馀量不少于11的魂刃者可以随意使用念刃。 Mind-Blade: As a move-equivalent action, the soulknife creates a semisolid blade 1 foot in length composed of psychic energy (distilled from his own mind). As long as he holds the blade, it is identical in all ways (except visually) to a short sword and deals 1d6 piercing damage. The blade can be broken; however, the soulknife can simply create another on his next move-equivalent action. The moment he relinquishes his grip on the blade, it dissipates. The soulknife may take Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization (if of the appropriate class), or Weapon Finesse in conjunction with the mind-blade. The mind-blade can be used as long as the soulknife’s power point reserve is 1 or more. 当魂刃者到达第2级,念刃就会获得+1增强加值,第4级时+2,第6级时+3,第8级时+4,第10级时+5。这些增强加值应用于每把念刃上,包括投掷的、提升的和埋藏异能的(见下文)。 When the soulknife reaches 2nd level, his mind-blade gains a +1 enhancement bonus; at 4th level, +2; at 6th level, +3; at 8th level, +4; and at 10th level, +5. The enhancement bonus applies to each mind-blade created, including those that are thrown, upgraded, and imbedded (see below). 即使在灵能无法正常作用的地方(比如位于“反灵能力场”内),魂刃者仍可以通过成功的强韧豁免(对抗该效果来源相应的DC)而制造并维持念刃,下一轮魂刃者还要继续通过豁免以确保念刃能继续存在。创造念刃是超自然能力。 Even where psionics does not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), the soulknife can try to sustain the mind-blade by making a Fortitude save against the DC set by the creator of the effect. Even on a successful save, the soulknife must roll again next round to keep the mind-blade in existence. Creating a mind-blade is a supernatural ability. 偷袭(Sneak Attack):魂刃者可以如同游荡者一样进行偷袭,但只能用念刃进行偷袭。只要魂刃者的目标失去对AC的敏捷加值,念刃的攻击就可以造成+1d6伤害。这个额外伤害每两等级再多+1d6(3级时+2d6,5级时+3d6,7级时+4d6,9级时+5d6,以此类推)。参见《玩家手册》第三章关于游荡者偷袭的说明。灵能点馀量不少于1的魂刃者可以使用这种特异能力。 Sneak Attack: A soulknife can make sneak attacks exactly like a rogue, but only with his mind-blade. Any time the soulknife’s target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, the mind-blade attack deals +1d6 points of damage. This extra damage increases by +1d6 every other level (+2d6 at 3rd level, +3d6 at 5th level, and so on). See the rogue description in Chapter 3 of the Player’s Handbook for more information on sneak attacks. The soulknife benefits from this extraordinary ability as long as his power point reserve is 1 or more. 埋藏异能(Imbed Power):从第2级开始,魂刃者可以将一道不超过三级的异能(但不是心灵攻击模式)埋藏于念刃中。需要用一个移动等效动作使用这个类法术能力,而且魂刃者必须支付该异能的费用。当魂刃者下一次使用这把念刃成功击中某个目标时,埋藏的异能就会立刻生效,而且不允许豁免。即使埋藏的异能通常是射线或作用于区域,它也只会影响被击中的目标。储存在念刃上的异能可以被去除,使得念刃可充入另一道异能。一把念刃上同时只能埋入一道异能。 Imbed Power: At 2nd level, the soulknife can imbed one psionic power (but no psionic attack modes) of 3rd level or lower that he knows in his mind-blade. This spell-like ability requires a move-equivalent action, and the soulknife must pay the cost of the power to imbed it. The imbedded power automatically affects the next target that the soulknife successfully attacks with the mind-blade, with no saving throw allowed. Even if the power normally affects an area or is a ray, it affects only the target. The power is discharged and “flushes” the mind-blade, which can then hold another power. A mind-blade can never have more than one power imbedded at a time. 投掷念刃(Throw Mind-Blade):从第2级开始,魂刃者可以将他的念刃作为远程武器掷出,射程单位按30呎计算。无论是否命中,投出的念刃都会消解。魂刃者可以用投掷念刃的方法偷袭(30呎以内),念刃上也可附带有其他特殊效果(比如埋入异能)。灵能点馀量不少于1的魂刃者可以使用这种超自然能力。 Throw Mind-Blade: At 2nd level, the soulknife can throw his mind-blade as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 30 feet. Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind-blade then dissipates. The soulknife can make a sneak attack with a thrown mind-blade (within 30 feet) and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities (such as imbedding a power in it). The soulknife can use this supernatural ability as long as his power point reserve is 1 or more. 埋藏心灵攻击(Imbed Psionic Attack):从第4级开始,魂刃者可以将他所知的一种心灵攻击模式埋藏于念刃中。需要用一个移动等效动作使用这个类法术能力,而且魂刃者必须支付该攻击模式的费用。当魂刃者下一次使用这把念刃成功击中某个目标时,埋藏的攻击就会立刻生效,而且被击中者无法启用心灵防御模式而且要如同措手不及一般地进行意志豁免(非灵能人物视为启用“思维之盾”替代普通“非灵能缓冲”)。埋入的“心灵爆破”只影响目标。储存在念刃上的攻击模式可以被去除,使得念刃可充入另一种攻击模式。一把念刃上同时只能埋入一种攻击模式。 Imbed Psionic Attack: At 4th level, the soulknife can imbed any one psionic attack mode that he knows in his mind-blade. This spell-like ability requires a move-equivalent action, and the soulknife must pay the cost of the attack mode to imbed it. The imbedded attack automatically affects the next target that the soulknife successfully attacks with the mind-blade. The target cannot raise a psionic defense mode and must make its Will save as if flat-footed (treat nonpsionic defenders as having raised thought shield instead of their standard nonpsionic buffer). An imbedded mind blast affects only the target. The attack is discharged and “flushes” the mind-blade, which can then hold another attack mode. A mind-blade can never have more than one attack mode or power imbedded at a time. 念刃蚀命(Sever Life):从第6级开始,魂刃者可以通过埋入的心灵攻击来打击目标的生命力。魂刃者如果用埋藏了这种能力的念刃成功命中目标,则不会造成特定的属性伤害而是造成暂时体质伤害。灵能点馀量不少于11的魂刃者可以随意使用这种超自然能力。 Sever Life: when a soulknife reaches 6th level, he can use imbedded psionic attacks to strike at the target’s life force. A successful attack with a mind-blade so imbedded overrides the specific ability damage normally dealt and instead deals temporary Constitution damage. The soulknife can use this supernatural ability at will as long as his power point reserve is 11 or more. 即时备战(Free Draw):从第6级开始,魂刃者可以用即时动作而不是移动等效动作塑造出他的念刃。灵能点馀量不少于13的魂刃者可以使用这种特异能力。 Free Draw: At 6th level, a soulknife can materialize his mind-blade as a free action instead of a move-equivalent action. He can use this extraordinary ability as long as his power point reserve is 13 or more. 念刃提升(Upgrade):从第8级开始,魂刃者控制自己精神的能力已经有了进一步的提升。他的念刃现在的形态已经可以表现为一把长剑了,所以可以造成1d8挥砍伤害。灵能点馀量不少于7的魂刃者可以使用这种提升了的念刃。 Upgrade: On reaching 8th level, the soulknife achieves greater control over his mind’s power. His mind-blade’s base characteristics are now those of a longsword, so that it deals 1d8 slashing damage. The soulknife can use the upgraded mind-blade as long as his power point reserve is 7 or more. 念刃蚀魂(Knife to the Soul):到第10级,魂刃者非常擅长攻击对手的生命能量。念刃蚀魂能力很像念刃蚀命能力(见上文),但是体质属性伤害的一半会变成永久性的。灵能点馀量不少于17的魂刃者可以随意使用这种超自然能力。 Knife to the Soul: At 10th level, the soulknife becomes expert at attacking an opponent’s life energy. The knife to the soul ability resembles the sever life ability (see above) except half of the Constitution ability damage he deals is permanent. The soulknife can use this supernatural ability at will as long as his power point reserve is 17 or more. |
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