灵能NPC数据 PSIONIC NPC STATISTICS 本节提供了每种基本职业1到20级的灵能NPC的参考数据。 This section provides baseline statistics for psionic NPCs of every standard class at levels 1--20. 随机NPC RANDOM NPC 从NPC的等级(或通常与之相等的挑战等级)入手,你可以随机生成NPC,或者按你认为合适的方式拼凑出NPC。 Starring with just an NPC’s level (or Challenge Rating, which is usually the same thing), you can generate an NPC randomly, or you can put the pieces together as you see fit. 这些数据为你提供了未经雕琢的基本人物。你可以使用这里提供的资料的片断来打造你的NPC,如果你愿意,也可以跳过本章而自行制作NPC。 These statistics give you basic characters with minimum work. You can always just use the information provided here piecemeal to handcraft your NPCs, or if you prefer, ignore this chapter and do it all from scratch. 使用以下这些表格创造NPC时,你需要参考《地下城主指南》第二章。要随机创造灵能NPC,从NPC的等级或挑战等级入手,然後随机确定以下资料: When creating an NPC using the following tables, you will also need to refer to Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide. To create a psionic NPC randomly, start with the NPC’s level or Challenge Rating, then determine the following information randomly:
- 按表6-5“随机灵能NPC的阵营”掷得NPC的阵营。[/*]
- Roll the NPC’s alignment on Table 6-5: Random Psionic NPC Alignment.[/*]
- 按表6-6“随机灵能NPC的职业”掷得职业。[/*]
- Roll class randomly on Table 6-6: Random Psionic NPC Class.[/*]
- 按《地下城主指南》第二章中的表2-30、2-31或2-32掷得种族或生物种类。[/*]
- Roll race or kind randomly on the appropriate column on Table 2-30, 2-31, or 2-32 in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide.[/*]
- 按职业从下列相应的NPC表格(表6-7到6-13)中找出数据并与《地下城主指南》第二章中“根据种族或生物种类调整NPC”小节中的种族或生物种类的资料相结合。[/*]
- Combine the class-based statistics from the appropriate NPC table below (Tables 6-7 to 6-13) with the race or kind information from the NPC Adjustments by Race or Kind section in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide.[/*]
表6-5:随机灵能NPC的阵营 ───────────────────────── 百分骰 阵营 ───────────────────────── 01─20 善良(守序善良、中立善良或混乱善良) 21─50 中立(守序中立、绝对中立或混乱中立) 51─100 邪恶(守序邪恶、中立邪恶或混乱邪恶) ───────────────────────── TABLE 6-5: RANDOM PSIONIC NPC ALIGNMENT ──────────────── d% Alignment ──────────────── 01--20 Good (LG, NG, or GG) 21--50 Neutral (LN, N, or CN) 51--100 Evil (LE, NE, or CE) ──────────────── 表6-6:随机灵能NPC的职业 ───────────────────────── 善良 中立 邪恶 职业 ───────────────────────── 01─46 01─51 01─59 心灵术士 47─100 52─100 60─100 心灵武士 ───────────────────────── TABLE 6-6: RANDOM PSIONIC NPC CLASS ────────────────────── Good Neutral Evil Class ────────────────────── 01--46 01--51 01--59 Psion 47--100 52--100 60--100 Psychic warrior ────────────────────── ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 如何阅读NPC描述 READING THE NPC DESCRIPTIONS NPC描述中总结了关于NPC的许多资料。并非不言自明的那些材料将在下文中解释。 The NPC descriptions summarize a lot of information about the NPCs. The material that is not self-explanatory is explained below. 属性值增加:括号中为由魔法或灵能增强後的属性值。 Increased Ability Scores: Magically enhanced scores are in parentheses. 等级:职业等级。 Lvl: Class level. 先攻:先攻检定加值。该数值以及所有其他数值都是计算各种相关调整值後的最终结果。 Init: Bonus on initiative checks. This and all other numbers are totals, with relevant modifiers already added in. 速度:就是速度。 Spd: Speed. 武器:每个NPC都装备了近战和远程武器。武器列按职业和等级给出了总攻击加值和总伤害加值(在括号中)。如果NPC有不止一种弹药,计算攻击和伤害时以最高加值为准。 Weapons: Each NPC is equipped with a melee weapon and a ranged weapon. The weapons columns give the total attack bonuses due to class and level and total damage bonuses (in parentheses). If an NPC has more than one kind of ammunition, attack and damage figures use the ammunition with the best bonuses. 强韧/反射/意志:强韧、反射和意志豁免加值。 F/R/W: Bonuses to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves. 技能:技能已经计算了相应的防具检定减值。{Andor注:原文在表格中使用缩写,译文未使用,故未翻译缩写表。} Skills: Skill abbreviations are Auto (Autohypnosis), Cli (Climb), Con (Concentration), D Dev (Disable Device), Dipl (Diplomacy), Gath (Gather Information), Ju (Jump), Psic (Psicraft), Open (Open Lock), Rem V (Remote View), S Mot (Sense Motive), and S Sel (Stabilize Self). Skill totals include armor check penalties, where appropriate. NPC的智力值(由于种族或生物种类)每提升(或下降)2点,该生物便获得(或失去)一项技能。新技能的级数为 3 + 职业等级(跨职技能折半)。 For every 2 points by which an NPC’s Intelligence score goes up or down (because of race or creature kind), the creature gains or loses one skill. New skills have ranks of 3 + class level (or half that for cross-class skills). 灵能点:该NPC每日可用的灵能点数。 PP: The number of power points per day available to the NPC. 异能:显能者发掘的异能数按从低到高的能级顺序的列表。4级传心者的“4/3/1”表示4个零级异能、3个一级异能和1个二级异能。 Powers: The numbers of powers a manifester has discovered are listed in order of level, from lowest to highest. The 4th-level telepath’s “4/3/1” means four 0-level powers, three 1st-level powers, and one 2nd-level power. 装备:每个描述中都有几段提供了防具、武器和NPC拥有的多种类型的装备。插注标明了该人物在哪一级或哪几级时拥有该物品。 Gear: Several paragraphs in each description provide armor, weapons, and various types of equipment each NPC possesses. Parenthetical notations indicate at which level or levels the character has the item in question. 储有异能的物品都按能展现该异能的最低显能者等级储存异能(除非另外说明)。对于可充能物品的剩馀发数,如同随机产生充能物品那样掷随机发数。 Psionic power-storing items store powers at the minimum manifester level needed to manifest those powers (unless otherwise specified). Roll randomly for the number of charges in a charged item as you do for a randomly generated charged item. 所有带增强加值的防具、武器和弹药都假设是灵能物品。灵容、灵杖、灵能石和灵纹总是灵能物品。其他装备只要没有另外说明也都假设是灵能物品。 All armor, weapons, and ammunition with enhancement bonuses are assumed to be psionic items. Crystal capacitors, dories, power stones, and psionic tattoos are always psionic items. Other gear is assumed to be psionic unless otherwise noted. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 自行制作NPC HANDCRAFTED NPC 要自行创造NPC,只需参考《玩家手册》、《怪物图鉴》和《地下城主指南》第二章中的资料。 To create an NPC from scratch, simply use the Information from the Player’s Handbook, the Monster Manual, and Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide. 你需要的额外资料之一是NPC装备的价格。参考《地下城主指南》第二章中的表2-44以确定NPC装备的总价。 The one additional piece of information you need is the value of an NPC’s gear. See Table 2-44 in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide to find the total value of the NPC’s equipment. |