NPC心灵术士(百变者) |
表6-7:NPC心灵术士(百变者) ────────────────────────────────────── 等级 HP AC 先攻 速度 钉头锤(1d8) 飞镖(1d4) ────────────────────────────────────── 1 7 16 +1 30呎 +2(+2伤害) +2(+2伤害) 2 10 16 +1 30呎 +3(+2) +3(+2) 3 14 16 +1 30呎 +3(+2) +3(+2) 4 17 16 +1 30呎 +5(+3) +4(+3) 5 21 16 +1 30呎 +5(+3) +4(+3) 6 24 16 +1 30呎 +6(+3) +5(+3) 7 28 16 +1 30呎 +6(+3) +5(+3) 8 31 16 +1 30呎 +7(+3) +6(+3) 9 35 16 +1 30呎 +7(+3) +6(+3) 10 38 16 +1 30呎 +8(+3) +7(+3) 11 42 17 +1 30呎 +9(+4) +7(+4) 12 45 17 +1 30呎 +10/+5(+4) +8/+3(+4) 13 49 17 +1 30呎 +11/+6(+5) +8/+3(+5) 14 52 17 +1 30呎 +12/+7(+5) +9/+4(+5) 15 56 17 +1 30呎 +12/+7(+5) +9/+4(+5) 16 59 18 +1 30呎 +13/+8(+5) +10/+5(+5) 17 63 18 +1 30呎 +14/+9(+6) +10/+5(+6) 18 65 18 +1 30呎 +15/+10(+6) +11/+6(+6) 19 70 21 +1 30呎 +17/+12(+8) +11/+6(+8) 20 73 21 +1 30呎 +19/+14(+9) +12/+7(+9) ────────────────────────────────────── 续表6-7:NPC心灵术士(百变者) ──────────────────────────────── 等级 强韧/反射/意志 辨识灵能 专注 自我催眠 跳跃 ──────────────────────────────── 1 +2/+1/+3 +4 +6 +5 +6 2 +2/+1/+4 +5 +7 +6 +7 3 +3/+2/+4 +6 +8 +7 +8 4 +3/+2/+5 +7 +9 +8 +10 5 +4/+3/+6 +8 +10 +9 +11 6 +5/+4/+7 +9 +11 +10 +12 7 +5/+4/+7 +10 +12 +11 +13 8 +5/+4/+8 +11 +13 +12 +14 9 +6/+5/+8 +12 +14 +13 +15 10 +6/+4/+9 +13 +15 +14 +16 11 +6/+5/+9 +14 +16 +15 +17 12 +9/+8/+12 +15 +17 +16 +19 13 +9/+8/+12 +16 +18 +17 +20 14 +9/+8/+13 +17 +19 +18 +21 15 +10/+9/+13 +18 +20 +19 +22 16 +10/+9/+14 +19 +21 +20 +23 17 +10/+9/+14 +20 +22 +21 +25 18 +12/+10/+16 +21 +23 +22 +26 19 +12/+10/+16 +22 +24 +23 +29 20 +12/+10/+16 +23 +25 +24 +31 ──────────────────────────────── 续表6-7:NPC心灵术士(百变者) ────────────────────────── 等级 灵能点 异能 ────────────────────────── 1 3 3/1 2 4 3/2 3 8 3/3 4 11 4/3/1 5 19 4/3/2 6 24 5/3/2/1 7 29 5/4/3/2 8 36 6/4/3/2/1 9 43 6/4/3/3/2 10 52 7/4/3/3/2/1 11 61 7/4/4/3/3/2 12 79 8/4/4/3/3/2/1 13 90 8/5/4/4/3/3/2 14 103 8/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 15 116 8/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 16 131 8/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 17 157 8/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 18 174 8/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 19 219 8/5/5/5/4/4/4/3/2/2 20 255 8/5/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2 ────────────────────────── TABLE 6-7: NPC PSION (EGOIST) ─────────────────────────────── Lvl hp AC Init Spd Morningstar (1d8) Darts (1d4) ─────────────────────────────── 1st 7 16 +1 30 ft. +2 (+2 damage) +2 (+2 damage) 2nd 10 16 +1 30 ft. +3 (+2) +3 (+2) 3rd 14 16 +1 30 ft. +3 (+2) +3 (+2) 4th 17 16 +1 30 ft. +5 (+3) +4 (+3) 5th 21 16 +1 30 ft. +5 (+3) +4 (+3) 6th 24 16 +1 30 ft. +6 (+3) +5 (+3) 7th 28 16 +1 30 ft. +6 (+3) +5 (+3) 8th 31 16 +1 30 ft. +7 (+3) +6 (+3) 9th 35 16 +1 30 ft. +7 (+3) +6 (+3) 10th 38 16 +1 30 ft. +8 (+3) +7 (+3) 11th 42 17 +1 30 ft. +9 (+4) +7 (+4) 12th 45 17 +1 30 ft. +10/+5 (+4) +8/+3 (+4) 13th 49 17 +1 30 ft. +11/+6 (+5) +8/+3 (+5) 14th 52 17 +1 30 ft. +12/+7 (+5) +9/+4 (+5) 15th 56 17 +1 30 ft. +12/+7 (+5) +9/+4 (+5) 16th 59 18 +1 30 ft. +13/+8 (+5) +10/+5 (+5) 17th 63 18 +1 30 ft. +14/+9 (+6) +10/+5 (+6) 18th 65 18 +1 30 ft. +15/+10 (+6) +11/+6 (+6) 19th 70 21 +1 30 ft. +17/+12 (+8) +11/+6 (+8) 20th 73 21 +1 30 ft. +19/+14 (+9) +12/+7 (+9) ─────────────────────────────── CONTINUED TABLE 6-7: NPC PSION (EGOIST) ───────────────────────────────── Lvl F/R/W Psic Con Auto Ju PP Powers ───────────────────────────────── 1st +2/+1/+3 +4 +6 +5 +6 3 3/1 2nd +2/+1/+4 +5 +7 +6 +7 4 3/2 3rd +3/+2/+4 +6 +8 +7 +8 8 3/3 4th +3/+2/+5 +7 +9 +8 +10 11 4/3/1 5th +4/+3/+6 +8 +10 +9 +11 19 4/3/2 6th +5/+4/+7 +9 +11 +10 +12 24 5/3/2/1 7th +5/+4/+7 +10 +12 +11 +13 29 5/4/3/2 8th +5/+4/+8 +11 +13 +12 +14 36 6/4/3/2/1 9th +6/+5/+8 +12 +14 +13 +15 43 6/4/3/3/2 10th +6/+4/+9 +13 +15 +14 +16 52 7/4/3/3/2/1 11th +6/+5/+9 +14 +16 +15 +17 61 7/4/4/3/3/2 12th +9/+8/+12 +15 +17 +16 +19 79 8/4/4/3/3/2/1 13th +9/+8/+12 +16 +18 +17 +20 90 8/5/4/4/3/3/2 14th +9/+8/+13 +17 +19 +18 +21 103 8/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 15th +10/+9/+13 +18 +20 +19 +22 116 8/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 16th +10/+9/+14 +19 +21 +20 +23 131 8/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 17th +10/+9/+14 +20 +22 +21 +25 157 8/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 18th +12/+10/+16 +21 +23 +22 +26 174 8/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 19th +12/+10/+16 +22 +24 +23 +29 219 8/5/5/5/4/4/4/3/2/2 20th +12/+10/+16 +23 +25 +24 +31 255 8/5/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2 ───────────────────────────────── NPC心灵术士(百变者) NPC Psion (Egoist) 初始属性值:力量 15、敏捷 13、体质 14、智力 10、感知 12、魅力 8。 Starting Ability Scores: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8. 属性值增加:4级:力量 16,8级:力量 17,12级:力量 18,16级:力量 19,17级:力量 19(21),19级:力量 19(25),20级:力量 20(26)。 Increased Ability Scores: 4th, Str 16; 8th, Str 17; 12th, Str 18; 16th, Str 19; 17th. Str 19 (21); 19th, Str 19 (25); 20th, Str 20 (26). 专长:1级:“惰性护甲”,3级:“灵能之拳”,6级:“战斗显能”,9级:“借机显能”,12级:“精神助跳”,15级:“专攻武器(接触)”,18级:“劲贯拳脚”。 Feats: 1st, Inertial Armor, 3rd. Psionic Fist; 6th, Combat Manifestation; 9th, Power Touch; 12th, Mental Leap; 15th, Weapon Focus (touch); 18th, Unavoidable Strike. 职业特性:1级:“英雄灵晶仆”、“自性鞭击”、“心灵空白”、“心灵穿刺”、“思维之盾”、“坚固意志”,3级:“精神障壁”,5级:“智力堡垒”,7级:“心灵爆破”,9级:“本我暗示”,11级:“心力榨取”。 Class Features: 1st, Psicrystal (hero), ego whip, empty mind, mind thrust, thought shield, tower of iron will; 3rd, mental barrier, 5th, intellect fortress; 7th, mind blast; 9th, id insinuation; 11th, psychic crush. 钉头锤(近战):普通(1至12级),+1(13至17级),+1“吸命”(18至20级)。 Morningstar (Melee): Normal (1st-12th). +1 (13th-17th), +1, body feeder (18-20th). 飞镖(远程):精制品(1至20级)。 Darts (Ranged): Masterwork (1st-20th). 灵纹:“魄力术”(1至2级),“隐形术”(1至3级),“浮空术”(2至4级),“身体调节”(3至6级、9至20级),“仿生术”(5级、8级),“飞行术”(11级)。 Psionic Tattoos: Vigor (1st-2nd), invisibility (1st-3rd), levitate (2nd-4th), body adjustment (3rd-6th, 9th-20th), animal affinity (5th, 8th), fly (11th). 灵能石:“次级冲击波”×2(1至2级),“狼牙术”×2(1至3级),“锤击术”×2(1级),“生物反馈”×2(2至3级),“隐形术”(4级),“隐形术”×2 (5级),“冲击波”(5级),“熊爪术”×2(5级),“痛苦之触”(6至7级),“星质形态”(8级),“虎牙术”(9级),“传送术”(11级), “变形自己”(12级),“集体星质茧”(14级),“腐蚀之触”(15级),“龙息术”(15级),“龙息术”(17级),“极化认知”(17级), “形体变化”(18至20级)。 Power Stones: 2 lesser concussion (1st-2nd), 2 bite of the wolf (1st-3rd), 2 hammer (1st), 2 biofeedback (2nd-3rd), invisibility (4th), invisibility (5th), concussion (5th), 2 claws of the bear (5th), painful touch (6th-7th), ectoplasmic form (8th), bite of the tiger (9th), teleport (11th), polymorph self (12th), mass cocoon (14th), dissolving touch (15th), breath of the dragon (15th), breath of the dragon (17th), hypercognition (17th), shapechange (18th-20th). 其他灵能和魔法装备:“落炎术”灵杖(2级),敏捷灵皮(3级),灵容[1](4至8 级),“生物电流”灵杖(4级),+1抗力斗篷(魔法物品)(5至18级),“高等冲击波”蠕行灵纹(6至7级),灵容[3](7至11级),“隐形术” 灵杖[显能者等级9](8级),水晶心防面具(9至12级),夺能珍珠×3(10级、18至20级),“苍火”灵杖(10级),+1天生防御护符(魔法物品)(11至16级),避役灵皮(11级),心灵自塑灵锥(11级),+2抗力斗篷(魔法物品)(12至17级),稳定戒指(12级),灵容[5](13 至16级),“消除隐形”灵杖(14至15级、18级),自由意志项圈(15级),吸收镶额眼(魔法物品)(17至20级),+3抗力斗篷(魔法物品) (18至20级),+3天生防御护符(魔法物品)(19至20级),+6巨力腰带(魔法物品)(19至20级),+2防护戒指(魔法物品)(19至20 级),巨魔灵皮(20级)。 Other Psionic and Magic Gear: Dorje of firefall (2nd), skin of nimbleness (3rd), crystal capacitor [1] (4th-8th), dorje of biocurrent (4th), cloak of resistance +1 (magic item) (5th-18th), crawling tattoo of grater concussion (6th-7th), crystal capacitor [3] (7th-11th), dorje of invisibility [9th-level manifester] (8th), crystal crystal mask of mindarmor (9th-12th), 3 powerleech pearls (10th, 18th-20th), dorje of whitefire (10th), amulet of natural armor +1 (magic item) (11th-16th), skin of the chameleon (11th), psionatrix of Psychometabolism (11th), cloak of resistance +2 (magic item) (12th-17th), ring of stabilization (12th), crystal capacitor [5] (13th-16th), dorje of invisibility purge (14th-15th, 18th), torc of free will (15th), third eye assimilate (magic item) (17th-20th), cloak of resistance +3 (magic item) (18th-20th), amulet of natural armor +3 (magic item) (19th-20th), belt of giant strength +6 (magic item) (19th-20th), ring of protection +2 (magic item) (19th-20th), skin of the troll (20th). 其他装备:匕首(1至20级)。 Other Gear: Dagger (1st-20th). |
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