巨型异界生物 生命骰:18d8+234(315 HP) 先攻值:+2(-2 敏捷,+4 精通先攻) 速度:飞行 180 英尺(不良) 防御等级:20(-4 体型,-2 敏捷,+16 天生) 攻击:两只爪子 +30 近战,咬 +28 近战 伤害:爪子 2d6+16,咬 2d8+8 面宽/触及:20英尺乘40英尺/10英尺 特殊攻击:切割银线,精通擒抱,囫囵活吞,撕扯 特性:法术抗力 28,防魔力场,气势凶猛 豁免:强韧 +5,反射 +8,意志 +13 属性:力量 42,敏捷 7,体格 37,智力 5,感知 14,魅力 18 技能:隐藏 +15,方向感 +23,潜行 +19,侦察 +23,野外求生 +8 专长:精通重击(咬),精通重击(爪),精通先攻,多重攻击,猛力攻击 气候/地形:任意陆地及地底 组织:单独 挑战等级:17 宝藏:无 阵营:总是中立 进化:19-32 HD(巨型);33-54 HD(超巨型)
ASTRAL DREADNOUGHT Gargantuan Outsider Hit Dice:18d8+234(315 hp) Inintiative:+2(-2 Dex,+4 Improved Initiative) Speed:Fly 180 ft.(poor) AC:20(-4 size,-2 Dex,+16 natural) Attacks:2 claws +30 melee,bite +28 melee Damage:Claw 2d6+16,bite 2d8+8 Face/Reach:20 ft.by 40 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks:Sever silver cord,improved grab,swallow whole,rend 4d6+24 Special Qualities:SR 28,antimagic cone,frightful presence Saves:Fort +24,Ref +8,Will +13 Abilities:Str 42,Dex 7,Con 37,Int 5,Wis 14,Cha 18 Skills:Hide +15,Intuit Direction +23,Move Silently +19,Spot +23,Wilderness Lore +8 Feats:Improved Critical(bite),Improved Critical(claw),Improved Initiative,Multiattack,Power Attack Climate/Terrain:Any land and underground Organization:Solitary Challenge Rating:17 Treasure:None Alignment:Always neutral Advancement:19-32 HD(Gargantuan);33-54 HD(Colossal) 它借助星界的薄雾静静的滑行,渴望着飘浮于此的灵魂。星界巨舰兽猎杀着星界的生物,撕裂他们的身体,然后将他们大口吞下。 一只星界巨舰兽看起来象是一个巨大的风暴巨人,它全身上下都覆盖着带有尖刺的厚实皮层。在那对多节臂膀的末端生有如同剃刀般锐利的爪子,在脑袋正中则是一只用来视物的独眼。在突岩般的身体后是一个披着鳞甲的蛇状尾部,它看起来好似无限般的伸展着。 星界巨舰兽不会说话或者与人沟通。它简单的将猎物消化后,便继续在星界位面继续它那无声的巡游。
It glides silently through the mists of the Astral Plane,craving the souls of all who wander there.The astral dreadnought hunts astral bodies,tearing them apart,then swallowing them whole. An astral dreadnought is as large as a strom giant,covered from head to tail in layers of thick,spiked plates.Two gnarled limbs end in razor-sharp claws,and its single eye reflects constellations in its depths.Below the torso is a serpentine armored tail that seems to stretch off into infinith. An astral dreadnought does not speak or otherwise communicate.It simply consumes its prey,then continues its silent patrol 0of the Astral Plane.
战斗 在战斗中,如果敌人没有什么想象力的话,星界巨舰兽对他们来说将会是惊天骇地的可怕。当注意到有非常危险的施法者存在时,它会保持自己象对付许多其它可以对付的对手那样,将自己包在反魔力场中向前突进。它会尝试潜伏在敌人的周围,然后在力场之中嘶咬敌人并将他们吞入肚中。如果有机会,它会切断星界施行者们的银线。 切割银线(Ex):如果星界巨舰兽可以攻击一个星界旅行者的背面(从侧翼攻击,抓住对方措手不及的机会,或者对方惊慌逃跑时进行追击),那么它就可以攻击目标那连接着星界位面和主物质位面的银线。通常,那根银线将视同有着与拥有者共同AC的可触目标,硬度为10,并有20点HP(请看玩家手册第八章中关于攻击物体的说明)。一根银线在它于星界介质中褪色前将会在星界施行者的后面留下长5英尺的明显痕迹。 攻击银钱将会引发星界旅行者的借机攻击。 当银线受到伤害,星界施行者必须通一次成功的强韧检定(DC 13)否则便立即被迫返回到他的身体。切断了银线就会破坏目标在物质界的身体与星界的联接。 精通擒抱(Ex):使用这项能力之前,星界巨舰兽必须用它的啮咬攻击击中目标。如果它将目标定身,它可以选择用利爪攻击目标或是试图将目标进行囫囵活吞。 星界巨舰兽若用单爪击中目标的场合将如前述般处理。如果它将目标定身,它将会用一个部分动作将目标捡起送入口中,余下的选择如同前述。 囫囵活吞(Ex):在成功通过擒抱检定将目标抓住后的下一轮中,星界巨舰兽可以试图将目标活吞下去。被活吞之后的生物,在肚里每轮都会受到由星界巨舰兽胃部所造成的2d8+16点碾压伤害及2d8点酸性伤害。被活吞的生物可以通过一次成功的擒抱检定抓住星界巨舰兽的食管。这将会使他回到星界巨舰兽的嗉囊处,然后需要通过再一次成功的擒抱检定才能使自己获得自由。被活吞的生物还可以用利爪、小型或超小型的劈砍系武器对其胃部造成35点伤害(AC 24),借此来杀出一条血路冲到外面。每当有一个生物脱出,星界巨舰兽的肌肉动作会使伤口合起来;其他被活吞的生物必须再度使用前述的方法来进行脱出。 星界巨舰兽的胃可以容纳两个超大型、四个大型、八个中型、十六个小型,或者三十二个超小型(含以下)数量的目标。 撕扯(Ex):如果星界巨舰兽的两次爪击都命中目标,它就可以抓住并撕裂对方的身体。这样的攻击必定会造成额外的4d6+24点伤害。 反魔力场(Su):星界巨舰兽的独眼会不断产生一道长150英尺的锥形防魔力场,在它的面前直线延伸出去。这项能力等同于18级的术士所施展的防魔力场法术。每当轮到星界巨舰兽行动时,它可以决定自己要面对哪个方向。这时星界巨舰兽只能用咬击来对付它面前的目标。 所有的魔法,类法术能力及超自然能力效果在这道防魔力场中都会受到抑制,但那些从出发位面带到星界位面的魔法效果不在此列(比如说星界防护术)。那些不受影响的法术效果将会被固定在一个地方,被自己的效果陷在星界位面之中。
气势凶猛(Ex):星界巨舰兽仅仅用气势就可以令对手感到不安。这个能力的效果将会在星界巨舰兽攻击或移动时,自动影响到周围200英尺距离内的敌人。在这个范围内必须要通过一次成功的意志极定(DC 23),否则就会被影响。HD在4或以下的生物将会惊恐4d6轮,而HD在5以上的生物则会颤栗4d6回合。成功通过该意志检定者将会在一天内对星界巨舰兽的气势凶猛特性免疫。 COMBAT In a fight,an astral dreadnought is a terrifying,if unimaginative,foe.Aware of how dangerous spellcasters can be,it maneuvers to keep as many opponents as possible whithin its antimagic cone while it rushes forward.It tries to swallow foes within the cone while clawing and rending foes lurking at its sides and rear.Given a chance,it severs the silver cords of astral travelers. Sever Silver Cord(Ex):If the astral dreadnought can attack an astral traveler''s back(by flanking it,catching if flat-footed,or pursuing it while panicked and fleeing),it can attack the silver cord that connects the astral form to its material counterpart.The normally insubstantial cord is treated as a tangible object with the owner''s AC,hardness 10,and 20 hit points(see Attack an Object in Chapter 8 of the Player''s Handbook).A silver cord visibly trails 5 feet behind an astral traveler before fading into the astal medium.Attacking it draws an attack of opportunity from the astral traveler. When the cord is damaged,the astral traveler must succeed at a Fortitude save(DC 13)or be immediately forced to return to its body.Severing the silver cord destroys both the astal form and the body on the Material Plane. Improved Grab(Ex):To use this ability,the astral dreadnought must hit with its bite attack.If it gets a hold,it automatically deals bits damage and can try to swallow the opponent. An astral dreadnought that hits with a claw attack grabs as above.If it gets a hold,it picks up the opponent and transfers it to the mouth as a partial action,automatically dealing bite damage as above. Swallow Whole(Ex):The round after it grabs an opponent,an astral dreadnought can try to swallow it by making a successful grapple check.Once inside,the opponent takes 2d8+16 points of crushing damage plus 2d8 points of acid damage every round.A swallowed creature can claw out of the gullet by making a successful grapple check.This returns it to the astral dreadnought''s maw,where another successful grapple check is needed to get free.A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 35 points of damage to the gullet(AC 24).Once the creature exits,muscular action closes the hole;another swallowed creature must cut its own way out. The astral dreadnought''s gullet can hold two Huge,four Large,eight Medium-size,sixteen Small,or thirty-two Tiny or smaller opponents. Rend(Ex):If an astral dreadnought hits with both claw attacks,it latches onto the opponent''s body and tears the flesh.This attack automatically deals an additional 4d6+24 points of damage. Antimagic Cone(Su):An astral dreadnought''s single eye continually produces a 150-foot antimagic cone extending straight ahead from the creature''s front.This functions just like antimagic field cast by an 18th-level sorcerer,with the exception noted below.Once each round,during its turn,the astral dreadnought decides which way its eye faces.The astral dreadnought can only make bite attacks against creatures to its front. All magical,spell-like,and supernatural effects within the cone are suppressed,except for those that brought the subjects to the Astral Plane in the firest place(the astral projection spell,for example).Those effects are locked in place while the subjects are in the cone and cannot be dismissed,trapping the subjects on the Astral Plane while under its effect.
Frightful Presence(Ex):The mere sight of an astral dreadnought can unsettle or even panic opponents.The ability takes effect automatically whenever the astral dreadnought attacks or moves whithin 200 feet of a foe.Those within range must succeed at a Will save(DC 23)or be affected.Creatures with 4 HD or fewer become panicked for 4d6 rounds,and those with 5 HD or more become shaken for 4d6 rounds.Those who succeed at the Will save are immune to the astral dreadnought''s frightful presence for one day.
新出现的译名 Astral dreadnought 星界巨舰兽 Sever Silver Cord 切割银线