中型外界生物 生命骰:1d8(4 HP) 先攻值:+0 速度:30 英尺(鳞甲);基本 40 英尺 防御等级:15(+4 鳞甲,+1 小圆盾) 攻击:弯刀 +2 近战;或者 强力复合长弓(+1 力量加值)+2 远程 伤害:弯刀 1d6+1;强力复合长弓 1d8+1 面宽/触及:5英尺乘5英尺/5英尺 特殊攻击:冲刺 2d6+1 特性:法术抗力 可变(见后),半人羊特性 豁免:强韧 +2,反射 +2,意志 +2 属性:力量 13,敏捷 10,体格 10,智力 10,感知 10,魅力 8 技能:跳跃 -2,聆听 +4,侦察 +4,野外求生 +2 专长:猛力攻击 气候/地形:任意陆地 组织:单独,巡逻队(3-12外加一个3级的士官和一个3-6级的指挥官)或群落(10-40外加100%非战斗人员,每10名成人再加1名3级的士官,此外还有2名5级的尉官及2名7级的队长) 挑战等级:1/2 宝物:标凖 阵营:通常是混乱善良 进化:视人物职业而定 半人羊们旅行在约瑟园那高低起伏的丘岭与森林间,保护着这个他们称之为家园的位面。当邪恶在此处酝酿时,他们会查出它的源头,然后投入到光荣的战斗中。 半人羊看起来象是一个人首马身怪,但是在他身上人与羊混合的特点要比人与马混合的特点更加的明显一些。半人羊腰部以下的部分类似于一只强壮的公羊。而腰部以上的部分则看起来象人类,除了在他前额处突出的一对弯曲长角外。 半人羊使用通用语及天界语。
BARIAUR Medium-Size Outsider Hit Dice:1d8(4 hp) Initiative:+0 Speed:30 ft.(scale mail);base 40 ft. AC:15(+4 scale barding,+1 buckler) Attacks:Scimitar +2 melee;or mighty composite longbow(+1 Str bonus)+2 ranged Damage:Scimitar 1d6+1;mighty composite longbow 1d8+1 Face/Reach:5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks:Charge 2d6+1 Special Qualities:SR variable(see below),bariaur traits Saves:Fort +2,Ref +2,Will +2 Abilities:Str 13,Dex 10,Con 10,Int 10,Wis 10,Cha 8 Skills:Jump -2,Listen +4,Spot +4,Wilderness Lore +2 Feats:Power Attack Climate/Terrain:Any land Organization:Solitary,patrol(3-12 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level) or flock(10-40 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults,2 5th-level lieutenants,and 2 7th-level captains) Challenge Rating:1/2 Treasure:Standard Alignment:Often chaotic good Advancement:By character class Bariaurs travel Ysgard''''s rolling hills and woods,protecting all who call that plane home.When evil is afoot,they track it to its source,then charge into glorious battle. A bariaur looks a bit like a centaur,but it mixes the forms of human and ram rather than human and horse.From the waist down,a bariaur is indistinguishable from a powerful ram.From the waist up,it looks human, except for two curling horns emerging from the top of its forehead. Bariaurs speak Common and Celestial.
战斗 半人羊喜欢有效率的战斗——低下他们的头直接冲刺到战斗之中。每次当他们打击敌人时,会随着其他半人羊护卫的箭雨乱射进行推进突击。 冲刺(Ex):半人羊通常在战斗刚开始时向对手进行冲刺,籍由压低头部来让他们的一对尖角派上用场。除了冲刺本身具有的优势和破坏力之外,它还可以让半人羊做出一次抵撞攻击,造成2d6+1点的伤害。 半人羊特性(Ex):半人羊可以从他们的种族特性中获得一定优势: ·法术抗力 11+职业等级 ·对法术及类法术的意志豁免有+2的种族加值 ·四足生物:因为半人羊有四只动物的足,所以他们更难以被撞倒或是被绊倒(详情请看玩家手册第8章)。不管情况为何,半人羊的套装铠甲只能类似于吟游诗人,没有基本铠甲。半人羊不可以给自己的足穿上有人类特性的装备。 技能:半人羊在强烈感官上的特性使他在侦察与聆听的技能检定上有+2的种族加值
COMBAT Bariaurs relish a good fight,charging into battle with their heads lowered.Once they''''ve pounded their foes,they press the attack in melee while other bariaur archers pepper the defenders with a hail of arrows. Charge(Ex):A bariaur often begins a battle by charging at an opponent,lowering its head to smash its ram''''s horns against a foe.In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge,this allows the bariaur to make a single gore attack that deals 2d6+1 points of bludgeoning damage. Bariaur Traits(Ex):Bariaurs benefit from a number of racial traits: ·Spell resistance 11+class level. ·+2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities. ·Quadruped:Because they have four hooved feet,bariaurs are harder to bull rush and trip(see Chapter 8 of the Player''''s Handbook).However,armor must be purchased as barding,not standard armor.Bariaur cannot wear boots designed for humanoids. Skills:A bariaur''''s keen senses grant it a +2 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks.
半人羊的社会 作为一个热爱旅行的种族,半人羊们很少会在一个地方停留很长时间。半人羊的群落跟随着一个单独的首领,这个首领(他或她)必须是由在一种被称为“角突”(一种互相冲刺,有点类似于马上枪术比赛的竞技项目)由的相互战斗中的取胜者来担当。 半人羊喜爱所有种类的竞争,热心于在广为传颂的竞技比赛中互相较量,比如说在约瑟园的大草原上赛跑,或是跳过一个接一个的河床直到只剩下一个半人羊。他们喜欢用以上的运动来考验新来者或是访问者的勇气,这些运动的意义更倾向于这些善良的自然生物的友好交际,而不仅仅是严格的健身运动。有不少的半人羊对于竞争实在太过于认真;他或她会被半人羊尊长严肃的进行劝戒。 半人羊是食草生物,浆果、坚果及树叶都是他们主要的食物来源。他们会在沿途密切注意各种产浆果的地区和果树林。不过在半人羊射手中有一个例外,那便是他们可以吃肉——特别是他们为自己猎获的林地生物。 半人羊信仰森林女神艾罗娜。
BARIAUR SOCIETY Creatures of wanderlust,bariaurs rarely remain in one place for long.Their flocks follow a single leader who remains in charge as long as he or she can defeat opponents in a "clash of horns"(a sequence of charge attacks similar to a jousting competition). Bariaurs love contests of all kinds,eagerly matching wits in a tale-telling competition,racing across the great grasslands of Ysgard,or leaping from river rock to river rock until only one bariaur remains dry.They eager to try the mettle of newcomers and visitors in these events,which tend to be sources of good-natured amusement rather than rigorous tests of fitness.Rare is the bariaur who takes a contest too seriously;he or she is sure to be admonished to lighten up by the flock''''s elders. The bariaur dier is herbivorous,with berries,nuts,and leaves being staple foods.They''''re well aware of every berry patch and fruit tree for miles.An exception is bariaur rangers,who may eat meat--particularly from woodland creatures they''''ve hunted themsevles. Bariaurs revere Ehlonna,deity of the woodlands. 半人羊的人物 半人羊的天赋职业是游侠。为了均衡起见,半人羊的人物将会比玩家手册中的基本种族人物要低上一级。比如说,在一个5级的队伍中的半人羊游侠的等级将会是4。 BARIAUR CHARACTERS A bariaur''''s favored class is ranger.As a rule of thumb,bariaurs are balanced as player characters on level lower than those of the standard races in the Player''''s Handbook.For example,a 4th-level bariaur ranger would be right at home among a party of 5th-level adventurers.
新出现的译名 Bariaur 半人羊