吉斯瑟雷人(GITHZERAI) 中型外位面者 生命骰:1d8 (4 HP) 先攻权:+3 (敏捷) 速度:30呎 防御等级:17 (+3敏捷,+4惰性护甲) 攻击:匕首 +1近战;或 复合长弓 +4远程 伤害:匕首 1d4;或 复合长弓 1d8 面宽/触及:5呎×5呎/5呎 特性:灵能,PR variable (见说明) 豁免检定:强韧+2,反射+5,意志+3 属性:力量10,敏捷16,体质10,智力8,感知12,魅力11 技能:专注+4,搜索+2 专长:惰性护甲 地形/气候:任何陆地及地底 组织:团伙 (3到12个3级的学生)、宗派 (12到24个3级的学生,加上2个7级的教头和1个9级的导师),或战斗序列 (30到100个3级学生,每10个成人再加1个7级的教头,另有5个9级导师、2个13级大师、and 1个16级师父) 挑战级数:1 宝藏:标准 阵营:总是中立 进化:视人物职业而定
吉斯瑟雷人是一种铁石心肠的类人人种,他们居住在林勃混沌海,为他们神秘的修道院所保护。 他们比人类高瘦,有着精明的五官、瘦长的脸庞、绿色或是灰色的眼睛。严峻而且严肃,吉斯瑟雷人往往在衣着与性格方面都显得十分阴暗。 依照传统,吉斯瑟雷人沉默寡言,排外,并很少相信非其族类的生物。他们说他们自己的语言(与吉斯洋基语相近到能够互相听懂对方,如果他们选择交谈而非战斗的话),但也会说通用语。 许多吉斯瑟雷人是僧侣,不过,拥有心灵武士、心灵术士、术士、游荡者或兼职职业的吉斯洋基人(被称为瑟斯)同样是修道院不可或缺的成员。 Githzerai are a hard-hearted, humanlike people who dwell in the plane of Limbo, secure in the protection of their hidden monasteries. They are thinner and taller than humans, with sharp features, long faces, and eyes of gray or yellow. Severe and serious, the githzerai tend toward somberness both in dress and personality. As a rule, githzerai are closemouthed, keep their own counsel, and trust few outside their own kind. They speak their own language (similar enough to the tongue of the githyanki that either could understand the other if they chose to speak instead of fight), but many also speak Common. Many githzerai are monks; however, psychic warriors, psions, sorcerers, rogues, and mu1ticlass githzerai (called zerths) are also indispensable members of a monastery. 战斗 吉斯瑟雷人并不害怕无防备的遭遇,因为他们的家就是武器。吉斯瑟雷僧侣是极为致命的战士——即使他们没有武器与装甲——而且渴望给他们的敌人(吉斯洋基人与夺心魔)一场“漂亮的战斗”。在肉搏战中,吉斯瑟雷心灵术士与术士常常使用他们的能力来加强僧侣、心灵武士和游荡者。 灵能(Sp):随意展现:战斗远见、隔空之击和羽落术。当人物等级达到11级后,吉斯瑟雷人每天能够使用一次“位面传送”这些能力如同16级心灵术士所展现的同名异能。 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:自性鞭击/精神障壁 异能抗力(Ex):吉斯洋基人拥有等于5 + 人物等级数的异能抗力。 Githzerai do not fear being caught defenseless, because their homes are weapons. Githzerai monks are deadly combatants, even weaponless and armorless, and yearn to bring the “good fight” to their enemies, the githyanki and mind flayers. In melee, githzerai psions and sorcerers often use their powers to enhance me monks, psychic warriors, and rogues. Psionics (Sp): At will--combat prescience, far punch, and feather fall. Upon advancing to 11th character level, a githzerai can use plane shift once per day. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 16th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--ego whip/mental barrier. Power Resistance (Ex): A githzerai has power resistance equal to 5 + 1 per character level.
吉斯瑟雷人的社会结构 吉斯瑟雷人的先驱者们曾团结在反抗者吉斯(参见上文,吉斯洋基人条目)的命令之下,并逃出了夺心魔的跨位面帝国。获得自由后,曾经的奴隶在意识形态上产生了分裂并最终导致了人种的分化,诞生出吉斯瑟雷人和他们的死对头:吉斯洋基人。 吉斯瑟雷人的奴役史是他们修道院式生活方式的根源,这种生活方式从孩童时就开始教导所有的吉斯瑟雷人如何根除种族潜在的压迫者与敌人(任何非吉斯瑟雷人的生物)。 吉斯瑟雷人居住在隐藏于林勃异界翻滚的混沌深处的独立的堡垒状修道院中。虽然混乱主宰着外界,在它的内部却由稳定性占据着统治地位。每座修道院基本都由一位“师父”(至少16级的僧侣)控制,并遵循严格的时间表进行圣歌、用餐、武术训练以及祈祷活动,依照特定“师父”的修道哲学而确定。 修道院含有人数等于战斗人员15%的非战斗人员(需受训的儿童)。吉斯瑟雷人的男性与女性存在于几乎任何社会角色与阶层。 捕猎队:作为一种特别仪式,吉斯瑟雷人有时会组织猎杀夺心魔的小队,这被称作“捕猎队”。一支捕猎队由4-5个8级和1-2个11级吉斯瑟雷人组成,其中大多数是僧侣,但也包含至少一名心灵术士并很可能有一名游荡者。一支捕猎队在杀死至少等于其成员数的灵吸怪之前不会返回所属修道院。 The githzerai forerunners united under the command of the rebel Gith (see the Githyanki entry, above), and threw down the planespanning empire of the mind flayers. Once free, the former slaves split ideologically and eventually racially, becoming githzerai and their foes, the githyanki. The githzerai’s history of imprisonment was the foundation of their monastic lifestyle, in which all githzerai learn from childhood how to eradicate potential oppressors and enemies of the line (anyone not a githzerai). Githzerai live within self-contained, fortresslike monasteries hidden deep in therling chaos of Limbo. While disorder rules outside, stability holds sway inside. Each monastery is ultimately under the control of a sensei, a monk of at least 16th level, and follows a strict schedule of chants, meals, martial arts training, and devotions, according to a particular sensei’s monastic philosophy. A monastery contains noncombatants (musty children) equal to 15% of the fighting population. Githzerai males and females may be found in almost any role or class. Rrakkma: As a special devotion, githzerai sometimes organize mind flayer hunting parties called rrakkma. A rrakkma consists of 4--5 githzerai of 8th level and 1--2 of 11th level, mainly monks, but also containing at least one psion and possibly a rogue. A rrakkma does not return to its home monastery until it has slain at least as many illithids as its membership.
吉斯瑟雷人的人物 吉斯瑟雷人的天赋职业为僧侣(这样的人物属于守序中立阵营)。 A githzerai’s favored class is monk (such characters are of lawful neutral alignment). |