噬脑怪(INTELLECT DEVOURER) 小型异怪 生命骰:6d8+12 (39 HP) 先攻权:+4 (敏捷) 速度:40呎 防御等级:17 (+1体型,+4敏捷,+2天生) 攻击:4爪抓+6近战 伤害:爪抓1d3+1 面宽/触及:5呎×5呎/5呎 特性:伤害减免20/+3,电击抗力15,火焰免疫,灵能,窃取身体,无法抵抗“防护邪恶” 豁免检定:强韧+4,反射+6,意志+6 属性:力量13,敏捷19,体质15,智力12,感知12,魅力10 技能:攀爬+10,跳跃+9,聆听+8,表演(act)+8*,侦查+9 专长:警觉,专攻技能(表演) 地形/气候:温和和炎热的丘陵, 山岳,及地底 组织:单独或pod (2--4) 挑战级数:6 宝藏:1/2钱币;双倍宝物;标准物品 阵营:偏向混乱邪恶 进化:7--8 HD (中型);9--12 HD (大型)
“一个长有四条腿的大脑”最能描述出噬脑怪。这种生物会悄悄的跟随活体猎物(有时是依照强大主人的命令)并在吞噬其大脑后占据他们的身体。 靠近观察将会发现噬脑怪的两英尺直径的大脑由一层密闭的透明外壳保护着,而它的腿连接着尖利的爪。它利用其窃取身体能力伪装成其最近的牺牲品,这使得它能够秘密的渗透进猎物丰富的地区或者为它的主人(通常是夺心魔)进行侦察。 噬脑怪能够听懂通用语,不过必须占据一个身体才能讲话。在身体中的噬脑怪同样懂得牺牲者生前所知的所有语言。
“A big brain on four legs” describes an intellect devourer. The creature stalks living prey, sometimes at the behest of powerful masters, and co-opts their bodies after devouring the brain. A closer look reveals that the intellect devourer’s 2-footdIameter brain is protected by a impervious, transparent crust, and its legs are bestially jointed with cruel claws. It uses its body-thief ability to masquerade as its latest victim, allowing it to secretly penetrate areas rich in prey or to spy for its masters (usually mind flayers). Intellect devourers understand Common but must be in possession of a body to speak. An intellect devourer in a body also knows the languages known by that most recent victim.
战斗 噬脑怪喜欢在展现“心智分裂”后冲进肉搏战中,这使它能够在每轮进行正常动作的同时进行一个额外部分动作。它必然会用这个部分动作来展现异能或是发动心灵攻击。 灵能(Sp):随意展现:缩身术、支配术、隐形术、次级身体调节、痛苦之触和心智分裂。这些能力如同16级心灵术士展现的同名异能。 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:自性鞭击、本我暗示/精神空白、智力堡垒、思维之盾 窃取身体(Sp):当噬脑怪击败一个单独的受害者,它将吃掉其大脑然后进入脑颅(如果需要,使用“缩身术”把自己变小)。一旦进入,它便能控制这个身体如同它便是原始的大脑一样,它也可以将其所有的异能用于占据的身体如同对自己展现(例如用“次级身体调节”治疗严重的脑颅损伤)。该身体有些僵硬,但是在该身体没有完全死去(生命值少于-10 )以前完全受噬脑怪控制。窃取身体最多能持续七天,在此之后噬脑怪必须爬出来去寻找更多食物。 被占据的身体的属性值变为控制它的噬脑怪的属性,不过其AC不变。它具有6 点生命值(即使在完全治疗后)并具有基础攻击加值+4。噬脑怪无法使用牺牲品生前的任何特殊能力,如果有的话。 无法抵抗“防护邪恶”(Ex):当衡量“防护邪恶”的效果时,噬脑怪被视为召唤生物。 技能:*当噬脑怪吃掉一个大脑后,它将吸取猎物的一部分记忆,使其在伪装成此猎物时表演(行动)检定得到+5能力加值。
An intellect devourer charges into melee combat after first manifesting schism, allowing the creature to make a he partial action each round in addition to its normal round of actions. It must use that partial action to manifest a psionic power or use a psionic attack mode. Psionics (Sp): At will--compression, domination, invisibility, lesser body adjustment, painful touch, and schism. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 16th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--ego whip, id insinuation/empty mind, intellect fortress, thought shield. Body-Thief (Sp): When an intellect devourer overcomes a lone victim, it consumes the brain and enters the skull (compacting itself if necessary with compression). Once in place, it organically animates the body as if it were the original brain and can use all its psionic powers on the possessed body as if its own (such as using lesser body adjustment to heal the grievous head wound). The body is a bit stiff, but as long as the victim was not truly dead (hit points reduced to -10), the intellect devourer controls it completely. The theft lasts a maximum of seven days, after which time the intellect devourer must burrow out and seek more nourishment. A possessed body’s ability scores become those of its controlling intellect devourer, although its AC is unchanged. It has a maximum of 6 hit points (even when fully healed) and a base attack bonus of +4. The intellect devourer cannot use any of the victim’s former special abilities, if any. Protection from Evil Vulnerability (Ex): An intellect devourer is treated as a summoned creature for purposes of a protection from evil spell. Skill: *When it consumes a brain, the intellect devourer absorbs some of the victim’s memories, gaining a +5 competence bonus on Perform (act) checks when trying to pass off the possessed body as the original