夺心巨虫(NEOTHELID) 巨型异怪 生命骰:25d8+200 (312 HP) 先攻权:+2 (-2敏捷,+4精通先攻) 速度:20呎 防御等级:19 (-4体型,-2敏捷,+15天生) 攻击:4 触手 +24近战 伤害:触手 2d6+10 面宽/触及:30呎×30呎 (蜷曲)/25呎 特殊攻击:喷吐攻击,精通擒抱,囫囵活吞,灵能 特性:灵能,盲感,伤害减免15/+2,异能抗力25 豁免检定:强韧+16,反射+6,意志+16 属性:力量30,敏捷7,体质27,智力16,感知15,魅力9 技能:攀爬+26,灵能知识+21,聆听+20 专长:警觉,顺势斩,精通先攻,猛力攻击,心力堡垒 地形/气候:任何地底 组织:单独 挑战级数:15 宝藏:标准 阵营:总是守序邪恶 进化:26--45 HD (超巨型)
夺心巨虫是一种浑身沾满黏液的、有巨龙般体型的带触手的蠕虫。恐怕只有一件事情比被它喷吐的酸雾直接溶解掉要稍好一些,那就是被吞进它那永远饥饿的胃里。 成年的夺心巨虫一般有10英尺直径,长度达100英尺,重量为55000磅。四条25英尺长的触手长在无眼的头部,环绕着一张被放大了的七腮鳗状的嘴并不断的扭动。一条令人作呕的黏液会标示出这恐怖生物的尾迹。 夺心巨虫是夺心魔的生殖周期中出现严重错误的稀有产物。它们的存在在夺心魔社会中是个禁忌的话题。对它们而言,夺心巨虫在黑暗中繁衍,其心灵充满了极度疯狂以致无法记录的欲望。虽然夺心巨虫懂得地底通用语,但它们极少进行任何有意义的沟通。
A neothelid is a slime-covered, tentacled worm of dragonlike proportions. Only slightly less terrible than being dissolved by the creature’s acid breath is being pulled whole into its ravenous maw. A mature neothelid is 10 feet in diameter and 100 feet long, weighing about 55,000 pounds. Four 25-foot-long tentacles sprout from its eyeless head, writhing around a lampreylike mouth grown to nightmarish size. A revolting mucus trail marks the wake of the horror. Neothelids are a rare result of the mind flayer reproductive cycle gone horribly wrong. Their very existence is a taboo topic among illithids. For their part, neothelids brood in darkness, minds abubble with desires too insane to record. Although they understand Undercommon, they rarely communicate in a meaningful way.
战斗 战斗中,夺心巨虫会蜷曲成30英尺长的卷状。它最喜欢的战术是使用其喷吐攻击直接溶解对手。对更远的敌人它可能会使用心灵异能,而对接近者则用触手进行肉搏。 喷吐攻击(Su):50英尺锥状酸雾,喷吐间隔1d4轮,伤害14d10,反射豁免DC30,通过则减半。 灵能(Sp):随意展现:身体平衡、魅惑怪物、锐耳术/鹰眼术、侦测思想、浮空术、暗示术、传送术和真实遥控术。这些能力如同18级心灵术士所展现的同名异能。 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:全部/全部 精通擒抱(Ex):要使用本能力,夺心巨虫必须首先在同一次攻击中使用两条或更多触手命中一个生物。一旦将对手定身,它能够自动造成触手伤害并能试图囫囵活吞对手。 囫囵活吞(Ex):夺心巨虫能够尝试以一次成功的擒抱检定活吞一个被其擒抱的大体型或更小体型的生物。一旦被吞下,该生物将受到1d8+12点钝击伤害外加由巨虫的消化液造成的1d8 点酸液伤害。被活吞的生物可以通过成功的擒抱检定爬出肠区。这使逃脱者进入巨虫具有触毛的胃中,而再一次通过擒抱检定即可脱身。被活吞的生物也能够使用爪,或者一把超小型或小型的挥砍武器来破腹而出,只要对其腹部造成25点伤害(AC20)。在一个被囫吞的生物以这种方式逃离之后,肌肉将会马上将创口闭合;因此,其他被活吞的生物必须自己进行破腹才能逃离。 夺心巨虫的腹中可以容纳一个巨型、两个中型、四个小型、八个超小型、十六个微型或三十二个超微型或更小的生物。 盲视(Ex):夺心巨虫可以以非视觉手段探知500 英尺内的生物。在此范围之外,所有目标视为全隐蔽(隐蔽请参见《玩家手册》第八章)。
In battle, a neothelid forms into a coil 30 feet across. Its favored tactic is liquefying foes with its breath weapon. Against more distant opponents it may use psionics, while its tentacles make short work of closer ones. Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of acid 50 feet long, once every 1d4 rounds; damage 14d10, Reflex half DC 30. Psionics (Sp): At will--body equilibrium, charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect thoughts, levitate, suggestion, teleport, and true telekinesis. These abilities are as the powers manifested by an 18th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--all/all. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the neothelid must hit a creature with two tentacles during the same attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals tentacle damage and can attempt to swallow the foe. Swallow Whole (Ex): A neothelid can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of crushing damage plus 1d8 points of acid damage per round from the neothelid’s fleshdissolving secretions. A swallowed creature can climb out with a successful grapple check. This places the escapee in the neothelid’s tentacled maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the stomach (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The neothelid’s interior can hold one Large, two Mediumsize, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents. Blindsight (Ex): The neothelid can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means within 500 feet. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as having total concealment (see Concealment in Chapter 8 of the Player’s Handbook).