消耗者(PHTHISIC) 大型人形怪物 生命骰:6d8+30 (57 HP) 先攻权:+5 (+1敏捷,+4精通先攻) 速度:30呎 防御等级:18 (-1体型,+1敏捷,+8天生) 攻击:2爪抓+11近战,啮咬+6近战 伤害:爪抓1d6+6,啮咬1d6+3 以及 摄食心智(Mind Feed) (见说明) 面宽/触及:5呎×5呎/10呎 特殊攻击:摄食心智 特性:伤害减免10/+1,寒冷抗力20,灵能,再生5,灵敏嗅觉,90呎黑暗视觉 豁免检定:强韧 +7、反射 +6、意志 +8 属性:力量23,敏捷12,体质21,智力10,感知16,魅力6 技能:聆听+14,潜行+3,搜索+8,侦查+14 专长:警觉,精通先攻 地形/气候:任何陆地及地底 组织:单独或gang (2--4) 挑战级数:6 宝藏:标准 阵营:总是混乱邪恶 进化:视人物职业而定
消耗者是种被压抑的精神恶疾,由潜意识扭曲而成并以活生生的血肉之身行走于人间。消耗者以活物的精神能量为食,而使后者受到永久的伤害。 消耗者高约10英尺,重570 磅。它的外形近似的像它所脱出的心智的主人,但是却可怕的扭曲了:它匕首般的牙齿和爪,它的如同一层霜覆盖在身上的皮,使它很难被认做是那个人。{这句也不能保证正确} 消耗者最初是由一种未知的心灵异能(可能是“心灵手术”的某种错误版本)所造成的混乱心智中产生的。一旦被释放,它便成为一个完全独立的生物并很可能攻击其起源。 消耗者讲通用语。
A phthisic is a repressed neurosis wrenched from the subconscious mind to walk the world in living, breathing flesh. Phthisics feed on the mental energy of other beings, leaving them permanently damaged. A phthisic stands 10 feet tall and weighs 570 pounds. It vaguely resembles the person whose mind the phthisic escaped, but monstrously distorted: Its daggerlike teeth and claws, and its hide, which resembles hoarfrost coating the creature, make identification of the person difficult. A phthisic is initially drawn from a troubled psyche via an unknown psionic power, possibly a twisted version of psychic chirurgery. Once free, it is an independent creature and may very well attack its progenitor. Phthisics speak Common.
战斗 诞生于残破的心智中的消耗者总是渴望用心智健全者甜美的思维之露来缓解自己的精神痛苦,即使只是一小会。当它以活物的智力为食,受害者将体验到一种死一般的寒冷。 摄食心智(Ex):消耗者以啮咬攻击命中对手后,将造成1d4点暂时智力伤害。如果这使对手的智力值降为0则伤害变为永久的。 再生(Ex):火焰与强酸对消耗者造成一般伤害。 灵能(Sp):随意展现:脑力锁定、空间滑动和滑行术。这些能力如同15级心灵术士展现的同名异能。 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:自性鞭击、本我暗示/精神障壁、思维之盾。
Born of a damaged mind, a phthisic constantly craves the sweet nectar of sanity to sooth its mental torment, if only for a while. As it feeds on a living being’s Intelligence, the victim experiences a sensation of deadly chill. Mind Feed (Ex): A phthisic that hits with its bite attack deals 1d4 points of temporary Intelligence damage. If this reduces the opponent’s Intelligence score to 0, the damage becomes permanent. Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal damage to a phthisic. Psionics (Sp): At will—brain lock, dimension slide, and skate. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 15th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will—ego whip, id insinuation/ mental barrier, thought shield. |