心灵术士杀手(PSION-KILLER) 大型构装生物 生命骰:15d10 (82 HP) 先攻权:+0 速度:20呎 (无法奔跑) 防御等级:27 (-1体型,+18天生) 攻击:2挥击+20近战 伤害:挥击2d10+10 面宽/触及:5呎×5呎/10呎 特殊攻击:消解灵能 特性:紧勒,灵能免疫,伤害减免30/+2 豁免检定:强韧+5,反射+5,意志+5 属性:力量31,敏捷10,体质--,智力--,感知11,魅力1 地形/气候:任何陆地及地底 组织:单独或gang (2--4) 挑战级数:12 宝藏:无 阵营:总是中立 进化:16--21 HD (大型);22--42 (超大型)
心灵术士杀手(又名水晶魔像)通常高9又1/2英尺,重2500磅,其身体完全由有尖锐刻面的水晶构成。 这种魔像被制造来对付一切灵能生物与人物,以其名称标示。它们的水晶身体上可能刻着承诺为灵能生物带去死亡的符号或简单的带着更为实用的灵皮。 A psion-killer (also called a crystal golem) is 9 1/2 feet tall and weighs around 2,500 pounds. Its body is composed of sharply faceted crystal. These golems are created to be the bane of all psionic creatures and characters, despite the name. Their crystal bodies may be carved with symbols promising death to psionic beings or simply, bear utilitarian psionic tattoos.
战斗 心灵术士杀手在其制造者给出的清楚的命令之外不会做任何事。它们照字面意思遵从指示并不会采取任何战略战术。即使收到命令,它们也不会使用武器,而是总使用拳头攻击。 心灵术士杀手的制造者能够对它下达命令,只要它在60英尺以内并能看到制造者。 如果没有命令,心灵术士杀手通常会执行最后一个命令并在其能力范围内尽可能的做好,虽然在受到攻击时它仍会反击。制造者能给魔像设置一个简单的程序在自己不在时指导它的行动,例如:“留在这个地区并攻击所有进入的灵能生物”。 构装体:免疫所有影响心灵、毒素、疾病以及类似的效果。不会受重击、淤伤、属性伤害、属性吸取,也不会因巨创而死亡。 灵能免疫(Ex):心灵术士杀手完全免疫心灵异能效果,包括心灵攻击模式。 消解异能(Su):心灵术士杀手可以以一个自由动作使用“消解异能”,每轮一次。其效果为30英尺半径爆发的区域消解。
Psion-killers do nothing without explicit orders from their creator. They follow instructions literally and are incapable of any strategy or tactics. They don’t use weapons, even if ordered to, but always strike with their fists. A psion-killer’s creator can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If uncommanded, the psion-killer usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple program to govern its actions in his or her absence, such as “Remain in this area and attack all psionic creatures that enter.” Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Psionic Immunity (Ex): Psion-killers completely resist psionic effects, including psionic attack modes. Negate Psionics (Su): A psion-killer can use negate psionics as a free action once per round. The effect is as an area negation in a 30-foot-radius burst.
构造过程 心灵术士杀手的身体由大块的水晶构成,其总重量至少要4000磅。 制造一个魔像需要花费90000 gp,其中包括10000 gp的身体开销。装配身体需要一个成功的“手艺(雕刻)”或“专业(石匠)”检定(DC17)。 制造者必须达到18级并能够展现心灵异能。完成制造将从制造者身上吸取1600XP,并需要“异能仿效”、“物质重塑”、“消解灵能”以及“心灵手术”。
A psion-killer’s body is constructed from massive blocks of quartz crystal, with a total weight of at least 4,000 pounds. The golem costs 90,000 gp to create, which includes 10,000 gp for the body. Assembling the body requires a successful Craft (sculpting) or profession (masonry) check (DC 17). The creator must be 18th level and able to manifest psionic powers. Completing the construction drains 1,600 XP from the creator and requires emulate power, matter manipulation, negate psionics, and psychic chirurgery. |