傀儡虫(PUPPETEER) 超微型虫类生物 生命骰:1/16 d8 (1 HP) 先攻权:+4 (敏捷) 速度:5呎 防御等级:22 (+8体型,+4敏捷) 攻击:啮咬+3近战 伤害:啮咬1d2-5 面宽/触及:1/2呎×1/2呎/0呎 特殊攻击:灵能,奴役(thrall) 特性:盲感,灵能,宿主保护(host protection) 豁免检定:强韧+2,反射+4,意志+3 属性:力量1,敏捷19,体质11,智力18,感知16,魅力14 技能:躲藏+24,聆听+7,侦查+7 专长:心力堡垒 地形/气候:任何陆地及地底 组织:单独或pack (2--8) 挑战级数:1 宝藏:无 阵营:通常守序邪恶 进化:--
傀儡虫是一种以控制受害者的心智为手段,来替代受害者生活的灵能寄生虫。 傀儡虫看上去像是4 英寸长的深褐色水蛭,它没有解剖学意义上的器官,也没有感觉器官。当一只傀儡虫控制了一个受害者(这时称为宿主),它将攀附在宿主的皮肤上的某一位置,并以体毛、头发或衣物隐藏自己。它从宿主的血液中摄取养分,不过因为它是如此之小,它的需求也极小。只有当20只以上的傀儡虫都攀附于同一宿主——这是非常罕见的情况——时才有可能直接威胁到宿主的健康状况。 傀儡虫总会试图感染具有社会结构的生物并控制之,以保证持续的营养供应。除非通过指挥宿主的身体,否则它们不会说话。
Puppeteers are psionic parasites that vicariously experience the lives of their victims by taking control of their minds. A puppeteer resembles a 4-inch-long, dark brown leech with no definable anatomy or sense organs. Once one establishes control over a victim (now called a host), it attaches to the host’s skin in a spot hidden by fur, hair, or clothing. It draws nutrients from the host’s blood, but since it is so small, its requirements are minimal. Only when twenty or more puppeteers ride a single host—a rare occurrence—is there direct risk to the host’s health. Puppeteers seek to secretly infect the societies of other creatures and take control of them so as to have a continuous supply of bodies. They do not speak except when directing a host body to do so.
战斗 傀儡虫使用其心灵异能来控制潜在的宿主。一旦控制成功,傀儡虫将几乎完全依靠宿主的精神和身体力量,虽然在十分危险的时候它也会用自己的心灵异能加强之。与傀儡虫遭遇的最普遍情况是它正秘密的附着在一个宿主上,因此对它的对手而言它的存在是难以察觉的 灵能(Sp):随意展现:脑力锁定、滑翔术和次级支配术。这些能力等同于16级心灵术士展现的同名异能 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:自性鞭击/精神障壁 奴役(Sp):如果一只傀儡虫成功的支配一个生物达七次,则最后一次的效果将永久持续,如同18级的心灵术士展现的奴役术一般将宿主与傀儡虫连接起来。 盲视(Ex):傀儡虫能以非视觉手段探知到周围60尺内的生物。 宿主保护(Ex):攀附中的傀儡虫可以使用它宿主的基本豁免加值,如果该加值好过它自身的。此外,只有能够影响宿主的生物类型的心灵异能、法术与效果才能影响到傀儡虫。因此,目标为寄生虫的效果不会影响到一个攀附于类人生物的寄生虫 专长:傀儡虫获得心里堡垒作为额外专长
Puppeteers use their psionic powers to dominate potential hosts. Once in control, a puppeteer almost exclusively relies on the host’s mental and physical abilities, although it may use its own psionic powers to enhance their effectiveness in a particularly dangerous situation. Puppeteers are most commonly encountered secretly riding a host, so their presence is not obvious to most opponents. Psionics (Sp): At will— brain lock, glide, and lesser domination. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 16th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will—ego whip/mental barrier. Thrall (Sp): If a puppeteer successfully dominates a victim seven times, the final effect is permanent, bonding the host to the puppeteer as thrall manifested by an 18th-level psion. Blindsight (Ex): A puppeteer can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means within 60 feet. Host Protection (Ex): An attached puppeteer uses its host’s base saving throw bonuses if they’re better than its own. Furthermore, only psionic powers, spells, and effects that specify the host’s type can affect the puppeteer; thus, effects that target vermin can’t affect a puppeteer riding a humanoid. Feat:Puppeteers gain Psychic Bastion as a bonus feat. |