时窃怪(TEMPORAL FILCHER) 大型异怪 生命骰:8d8+16 (52 HP) 先攻权:+7 (+3敏捷,+4精通先攻) 速度:40呎 防御等级:15 (-1体型,+3敏捷,+3天生) 攻击:4爪抓+6近战,啮咬+1近战 伤害:爪抓1d6+1,啮咬2d6 面宽/触及:5呎×5呎/10呎 特性:灵能,窃取时间(time filch) 豁免检定:强韧+5,反射+5,意志+7 属性:力量13,敏捷17,体质14,智力7,感知12,魅力10 技能:聆听+10,潜行+8,侦查+10,滚翻+10 专长:警觉,精通先攻 地形/气候:任何陆地及地底 组织:单独 挑战级数:3 宝藏:标准 阵营:通常邪恶(任一) 进化:9--15 HD (大型) 时窃怪是能够利用其心灵能力把它们的猎物“撞入”未来的猎手,它以此来使该生物迷惑并防止猎物的同伴(如果有)进行协助。 时窃怪就像灵窃怪的翻版,除了更好斗和更大以外。时窃怪一般有6 英尺高,有着像袋子的身体,有一根扭曲的角长在躯干上,脖子很粗而脑袋就像球根。它有四只细长的手臂,每只的前端都有着尖利的爪子,还有一条末端适合抓握的脚。它呈浅黄色,并有灰色与蓝色的花纹。 时窃怪不会说话。
Temporal filchers are hunters that use their psionic abilities to “bump” prey ahead in time, thereby disorienting the creature and preventing aid from its companions, if any. Temporal filchers are off shoots of ethereal filchers, though more aggressive and larger. A temporal filcher is 6 feet tall with a baglike body from which protrudes a twisted horn, a thick neck, and a bulbous head. It has four long arms ending with cruelly clawed hands, and a single leg that ends in a prehensile foot. It is yellowish with gray and blue markings. Temporal filchers do not speak.
战斗 时窃怪通常以躲藏形式(使用其“避役术”异能)潜伏着,等待可能的猎物。它喜欢偷袭走在队伍最后的生物,一旦抓住受害者它将获得一个额外的部分动作。之后它会尽快撤退到不久的未来,在那里它可以隐蔽的进行它的攻击。 受到重伤后,时窃怪通常会利用其窃取时间能力(只对自己)或“任意门”逃走。 灵能(Sp):随意展现:避役术、任意门、分神术。这些能力如同由15级心灵术士展现的同名异能。 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:本我暗示/智力堡垒、精神障壁 窃取时间(Su):当时窃怪以双爪抓(或更多)命中大型或更小体型的生物时,它将攀附在对手的身体上并在时间流中前进7 分钟。在旁观者看来就是时窃怪与其猎物消失于一片微光,而在7 分钟之后再次以消失前的状态出现在同一位置。而对时窃怪与其猎物来说,时间并没有流逝。如果其间该位置周围的环境被改变(例如,如果猎物的伙伴们离开),则受害者必须成功的通过感知检定(DC15),否则将因迷惑而失去一回合动作。本能力的其他方面都如同一个15级心灵术士所展现的“时间跳跃”异能。 专长:时窃怪获得精通先攻作为额外专长。
A temporal filcher lurks in hiding (using its chameleon power) waiting for likely prey. It prefers to ambush creatures bringing up the rear of a group and gain a free partial action if possible to snatch a victim. It then retreats quickly into the near future, where it can press its attack in privacy. When badly wounded, the filcher escapes using its time filch ability (on itself only), or dimension door. Psionics (Sp): At will—chameleon, dimension door, and distract. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 15thlevel psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will—id insinuation/intellect fortress, mental barrier. Time Filch (Su): If a temporal filcher hits a Large or smaller creature with two or more claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and shifts forward in time 7 minutes as a free action. To observers, the filcher and its prey disappear in a shimmer, then reappear 7 minutes later in exactly the orientation and condition they left. For the filcher and prey, no time passes at all. If conditions in the location have changed in the meantime (for instance, if the prey’s companions have left), the victim must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 15) or lose a round of action from disorientation. The ability is otherwise identical to time hop manifested by a 15th-level psion. Feat:Temporal filchers gain Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. |