蓝地精 小型类人生物(类地精) 生命骰:1d8(4HP) 先攻权:+0 速度:30尺 防御等级:15(+1体型,+4惰性护甲) 攻击:半身矛+0近战,标枪+1远程 伤害:半身矛1d6-1或标枪1d6-1 面宽/触及:5x5/5 特性:黑暗视力60尺,心灵异能 豁免:强韧+0,反射+2,意志+2 属性:力量8,敏捷11,体质11,智力12,感知14,魅力8 地形/气候:温带平原和地底 组织:单独,成队(1-2个蓝色和4-8个地精),任务小队(2-4个4级蓝色心灵术士和4-8个3级地精武者),或地精部落(每一个4级蓝色心灵术士20个地精) 挑战级数:1/2 宝藏:标准 阵营:总是中立邪恶 进化:视人物等级而定(一般是心灵术士)
蓝地精——心灵地精——有着天生的不同。他们与生俱来的蓝色皮肤通常就足够为他们带来毁灭的命运。那些聪明的地精会保护他们的蓝地精,因为成年的蓝地精能够增强其部落。 蓝地精往往比普通地精矮小,有着一身引人注目的淡蓝皮肤、比较不倾斜的前额以及比普通地精更为呆滞的眼神。除此之外,他们类似与他们的血亲。他们通常穿着被染成黑色的短皮袍。 蓝地精说地精语和通用语
Blues --- psionic goblins --- are born different. Their bluish skin sets them apart immediately, which is generally enough to ensure their destruction. Enlightened goblin communities attempt to preserve their blues, since those that survive to adulthood augment the tribe. A blue is often smaller than an average goblin, with noticeably blue-tinged skin, unsloped forehead, and eyes less dull than usual. Otherwise they resemble their kin. They generally dress in short leather robes, dyed black. Blues speak Goblin and Common.
战斗 在战斗中蓝地精主要是为其他地精提供支援,他们通常是在队伍后面领导地精作战。当蓝地精拥有心灵术士等级的时候,这种情况在获得心灵术士等级的蓝地精身上体现尤为突出。 心灵异能(Sp):随意展现——魅惑人类,隔空之手和燃烧一指,这些能力如同8级心灵术士所展现的同名异能 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现——自我鞭击,心灵穿刺/心灵空白,精神障壁 {Jim Raynor注:原文Sp,但已被确认应为Su} 技能:蓝地精在潜行上获得+4种族加值
Blues support other normal goblins in combat and often, are called upon to lead a gang of goblins (from the rear) into battle. This is especially true when a blue, has, achieved a few class levels in psion. Psionics (Sp): At will--charm person, far hand, and finger of fire. These abilities are as the powers manifested by an 8th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--ego whip, mind thrust/empty mind, mental barrier. skill:Blues gain a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.
蓝地精的社会 蓝地精通常不会完全融入地精部落,因为一般的地精总是在蓝地精的背后说他的坏话。同时地精部落的领袖也不信任他们:被自己恐惧的亲属杀掉的蓝地精并不罕见。由于这样,蓝地精们通常都是极度偏执狂——因为要生存就必须变得狡猾、残忍和危险。蓝地精总是生活在和地精部落分离的洞穴里面,但是由于他需要部落的保护,所以也不会离得太远 一个部落可以容纳多个蓝地精,一个“蓝地精理事会”可以在背后精准的操控那个表面上的首领,这样的部落比那些杀掉自己蓝地精的部落要危险的多
Blues are often poorly integrated into a goblin tribe. Common goblins rail against them (but not in their presence) and leaders don’t trust them: It is not uncommon for blues to be killed by their own kin out of fear. As such, blues are often extremely paranoid --- those that survive do so because they have become cruel, cunning, and dangerous. Blues live apart in a cave of their own, but since they depend on the tribe for protection, they do not often stray too far. In a tribe containing more than one blue, a “Blue Council” may secretly gain control and thereafter manipulate the titular leader from behind the scenes. Such tribes are far more dangerous than those that slay their blues early on.
蓝地精角色 蓝地精的天赋职业是心灵术士 A blues favored class is psion. |