脑魔(CEREBRILITH) 恶魔 (塔纳里族) 大型外位面者 (混乱、邪恶) 生命骰:9d8+36 (76 HP) 先攻权:+1 (敏捷) 速度:30呎 防御等级:27 (-1体型,+1敏捷,+17天生) 攻击:啮咬+12近战,2爪抓+7近战 伤害:啮咬1d8+4,爪抓1d6+2 面宽/触及:5呎×5呎/10呎 特殊攻击:灵能,类法术能力,召唤塔纳里族 特性:伤害减免20/+2,异能抗力 23,毒素和电击免疫,寒冷,火焰,和强酸抗力20,心灵感应,伤害减半 豁免检定:强韧+10,反射+7,意志+10 属性:力量19,敏捷13,体质19,智力15,感知18,魅力14 技能:专注+16,躲藏+9,聆听+24,潜行+13,辨识灵能+14,搜索+14,察言观色+10,侦查+24 专长:心灵陷阱,心力堡垒,异能瞬发 地形/气候:任何陆地及地底 组织:单独或gang (2--4) 挑战级数:14 宝藏:标准 阵营:总是混乱邪恶 进化:10--13 HD (大型);14--27 HD (超大型)
脑魔是土生土长于深渊异界的恶魔,它们的心灵异能更加强了原有的可怕力量。 脑魔是只在需要击败某种特定威胁(例如凡物灵能生物与人物)时才会加入恶魔大军的专业人员。如果不在服役,它们会持续不断的开发与训练它们已经让人印象深刻的精神能力,无论独自进行还是组成小群——通常由于潜在的道德感。 脑魔看起来像一个魁梧的人类,约有8 英尺高,并有一个难以置信的肿胀着的大脑。它的肿胀的拉长的脑颅弯向后面,与其驼背平滑的接合起来。它的长牙的咽喉从其瘦骨嶙峋的面部下面突出来,就像一个独立的肢体一样。身体的其余部分细长并且润滑,就像涂上了一层持续漏泄出的流体层。这种恶魔用四肢行走但战斗时总会站立起来。 脑魔能讲深渊语、天界语和通用语。 Cerebriliths are demons, native to the Abyss, whose already, fearsome powers are augmented by psionics. Cerebriliths are specialists that join demonic armies only as necessary to overthrow a specified threat (such as mortal psionic creatures and characters). When not so occupied, they continually develop and train their already impressive mental abilities, whether on their own or in small groups --- usually by stalking morals. A cerebrilith appears as a massive humanoid about 8 feet tall, with an unbelievably swollen brain. Its bulging, elongated skull is swept back, fusing seamlessly with its hunched back. Its fanged maw protrudes from beneath a bony brow almost like a separate appendage. The rest of the body is spindly but slick, as if coated with constantly leaking fluid. The demon walks on all fours but always fights standing up. Cerebriliths speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Common.
战斗 没有任何事物能阻止脑魔杀死一个智能生物。它们乐于检查牺牲品的裸露在脑腔之外的大脑,希望能获得新的知识以增进其精神艺术。 灵能(Sp):随意展现:脑力锁定、战斗预感、操焰术、侦测灵能、群体支配术、心智探针、准确传送术(只能携带自己与50磅重的物品)和苍火。每日三次:星质形态。这些能力如同13级心灵术士所展现的同名异能 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su):随意展现:全部/全部 类法术能力:随意施展:渎神之语、深幽黑暗术、亵渎术、侦测善良、反制善良、反善良法阵、飞虫走兽和邪影击。这些能力如同13级术士施展的同名法术(豁免DC=12 + 法术等级) 召唤塔纳里族(Su):每日一次,脑魔能够尝试召唤3d10个怯魔(参见《怪物图鉴》“恶魔”条目)或另一个脑魔,成功率为35%。如果失败,将不会有生物回应此召唤。被召唤而来的塔纳里族将会在一小时后自动回到来处。被召唤来的塔纳里族在一小时内无法使用自己的召唤能力。 心灵感应(Su):脑魔能以心灵感应与100英尺内所有会使用语言的生物进行沟通。 伤害减半(Ex):脑魔受到的所有非魔法攻击,包括灵能武器的攻击,都只能造成一半伤害。这个效果不能与此生物的“伤害减免”相累加。“伤害减免”与“伤害减半”只能有一个起效,取受到的伤害较低者。 技能:脑魔的“聆听”和“侦察”检定获得+8种族奖励。 Cerebriliths stop at nothing to slay an intelligent foe. They delight in examining a victim’s mind free of its normal coverings, in hopes of prizing loose new insights into the mental arts. Psionics (Sp): At will--brain lock, combat precognition, control flame, detect psionics, mass domination, mind probe, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), and whitefire; 3/day --- ectoplasmic form. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 13th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--all/all. Spell-Like Abilities: At will--blasphemy, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, dispel good, magic circle against good, summon swarm, and unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): Once per day a cerebrilith can attempt to summon 3d10 dretches (see the Demon entry in the Monster Manual) or another cerebrilith with a 35% chance of success. On a failure, no creatures answer the summons. Summoned tanar’ti automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar’ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour. Telepathy (Su): Cerebriliths can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. Half Damage (Ex): Any nonmagical attack against a cerebrilith, including hits from psionic weapons, deals only half damage. This effect does not stack with the creature’s damage reduction; apply either the damage reduction or the half damage, whichever results in the least amount of damage suffered. Skill:Cerebriliths receive a +8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. |