水晶元素 小型元素(土) 生命骰:6d8+6(33HP) 先攻权:+2(+2敏捷) 速度:20尺 防御等级:21(+1体型,+2敏捷,+8天生) 攻击:蛰刺+7近战 伤害:蛰刺1d3+3 面宽/触及:5x5/5 特性:元素特性,伤害减免15/+1,心灵异能,电抗15,火和冰免疫 豁免检定:强韧+3,反射+4,意志+2 属性:力量15,敏捷14,体质12,智力6,感知10,魅力10 专长:警觉,技能专攻(估价) 技能:估价+8,攀爬+11,跳跃+11,侦察+6 地形/气候:任何地底 组织:单独或Facet(2-5) 挑战级数:3 宝藏:双倍宝物(只有宝石) 阵营:总是守序 进化:7-9HD(中型);10-13HD(大型)
作为石头和水晶的结合体,水晶元素首先寻求其种族的永生。 水晶元素蝎子一般的外形完全由矿物构成,6或8片弧状水晶为它提供移动能力,还有一个尖利的锯齿型水晶片作为绝佳的尾刺 水晶元素可以把普通的矿物孵化成水晶元素幼体。宝石是完成此生殖周期最好的材料。每8-10个宝石会孵化出1d4个小体型版本(3HD)水晶元素(每个宝石价值25GP)。当水晶元素收集到足够的原料于它地下的巢穴时,它将会花费一星期来孵化。 水晶元素懂得土族语,但并不说话
A conglomerate of stone and crystal, a crysmal above all else seeks to perpetuate its kind. A crysmal’s scorpionlike shape is formed wholly of mineral. Six or eight curved crystalline shards provide locomotion, while a wicked point of jagged crystal forms a perfect stinger. Crysmals transform mundane minerals into juvenile crysmals. Gems are the perfect substrate for this reproductive cycle: eight to ten of them, each of 25 gp value or more. Once a crysmal has gathered sufficient raw material in its underground lair, it spends one week transforming the gems into 1d4 Tiny versions of itself (3 HD creatures). Crysmals understand Terran but do not speak.
战斗 水晶元素喜欢静静的生活,但是有时他们也因生殖冲动而猎取水晶。水晶元素并不害怕攻击双足生物,它们知道他们常常携带宝石。 元素生物特性: 对毒素、睡眠、麻痹和震慑效果免疫。不会受到重击。 灵能 (Sp): 随意展现:操控物体, 操控声音, 创造声音, 侦测灵能和相位门. 这些能力如同18级心灵术士所展现的同名异能 心灵攻击/防御模式(Su): 随意展现:自性鞭击,心灵穿刺/精神空白 技能:水晶元素在对宝石的估价检定中得到+8种族奖励 专长:水晶元素获得技能专攻(估价)作为奖励专长
Crysmals prefer to quietly reproduce, but sometimes they must hunt for crystals to carry out their reproductive imperative. They are not shy about attacking bipedal creatures, who crysmals have learned often carry gemstones. Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits. Psionics (Sp): At will--control object, control sound, create sound, detect psionics, and phase door. These abilities are as the powers manifested by an 18th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will--ego whip, mind thrust/empty mind. Skill:Crysmals receive a +8 racial bonus on Appraise checks when examining gems. Feat:Crysmals gain Skill Focus (Appraise) as a bonus feat. |